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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

Anyone else getting page load errors?  Since about 1600 hrs, I have had a couple of outages with the site saying that the internet connection was interrupted while loading but other net pages loaded fine.
I had the same problem until 3 minutes ago. Thankfully no need to experience those dreadful DTs.  ;D
We were down (both connections) for a couple hours starting at about 1600 ET yesterday. Our ISP gave out, so there wasn't anything to do but wait unfortunately...
Sorry folks, we were unexpectedly down for about 90 minutes this evening... I'm still investigating the cause, but it seems like it might be a bad stick of RAM. :(

I have the silly advertisements all over my army.ca desktop - the ones subscriber do have to see normally.

As some (but not all) subscribers become Mentors, their Subscriber group membership goes away. I've reinstated yours.

I had a hard time loading the website a couple of hours ago, about 23:00-23:30 hours EST 16 September.  It took 6 minutes to  load and didn't load completely.  I checked and there were no problems on my end.
I'm having a repeat of the old "one dropped connection" problem: Army.ca loads and runs quickly on my Linux/Firefox box but does not open at all on Vista/Firefox.

Milnet.ca loads, very, very slowly on Vista/Firefox. Army.ca opens, partially, on Vista/Chrome.
Can't be one dropped connection now, one [faster] connection is all we have. If we have one dropped connection it'll be pretty obvious from here on out. :) Is it still slow? Being night visitors, you may have come in when a backup was running, which can really slow things down...
Mike Bobbitt said:
Can't be one dropped connection now, one [faster] connection is all we have. If we have one dropped connection it'll be pretty obvious from here on out. :) Is it still slow? Being night visitors, you may have come in when a backup was running, which can really slow things down...

I thought that (one faster connection) was the case which is why I was surprised at the symptoms.

Things are still:

1. Normal on my Linux/Firefox box;

2. Slow on Vista/Firefox - the other box; and

3. No connection, at all, on Vista/IE8.

The rest of the net is fine on both boxes.

Those are almost exactly the same symptoms as the late, unlamented "one dropped connection" problem.
Page loading is sporadic; right now slooooooow to not at all on both Linux/Firefox and Vista/any browser. Army.ca forums comes up quickly but then dead slow to nothing at all most of the time. Now and again a page will load normally, quickly and then the crawl returns.

The rest of the web is fine for both machines.

It's been this way, for me, for a few hours.
I was the same way at home using Vista with Firefox, now at work using the DIN it seems to be running fine.
Interesting... might be a DNS problem. If you open a DOS/command prompt window and type:

nslookup army.ca

You should get something that looks like this:

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    army.ca

If you see a different address than, that's the problem.