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Army.ca Night (Toronto).... No Senators Fans allowed


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
That's right...  I hate the Ottawa Senators..  ;)


Army.ca Night of drinking. 

Time: 5:00 ish to start
Date: Saturday 22 April
Loc: 100 Bridgeland Ave  Unit B  (Sgt Bilko's store)

Dave (Bilko) a subscriber, is also providing some beer (Gotta love business expense deductions)
but I dont' know how much.

After Dave's, we could hit a sports bar and watch the playoffs?
Or I'm open to any suggestions. 

Map    from highway    http://www.sgtbilkos.ca/pdfs/highway.pdf
          from street        http://www.sgtbilkos.ca/pdfs/street.pdf

I've changed my mind, Senators fans can come, but we get to ridicule and beat them
with whatever objects we find amusing.  Dave's dog is also allowed to have her way with
any Senators fan also. 

(note... the street map has the store a little farther down bridgeland than it should be. The place
is beside bikini village, which, if we get drunk enough we can make Ottawa senators fans try on bikinis)

Don't forget to post a couple of photos here afterwards. ;)
Mike Bobbitt said:
Don't forget to post a couple of photos here afterwards. ;)

You KNOW you want to come Mike.  The free beers is calling your name.

Make it a business trip, you're visiting one of your advertisers and meeting with
other "clients/subscribers" of the site.  Thats almost plausable enough to claim
on your taxes...  ;)
Wish I could, but I'll be travelling so I can't make it.
I've changed my mind, Senators fans can come, but we get to ridicule and beat them
with whatever objects we find amusing.

Sens fans are too busy to have beers in a bar with Leafs fands. They're at the Arena having beers watching the game LIVE! :eek: ;D ;D ;D

Don't worry 2 Cdo when Tampa knocks you out, you'll have plenty of time to drink in bars.

And if Tampa doesn't then my Hab's will!  >:D
HitorMiss said:
And if Tampa doesn't then my Hab's will!  >:D

Whoohoo, go Habs! (HoM, want Sheldon's autograph? hehe)
I love you Pea more then the world itself (if you get my that Autograph that is)

As for the Party if my flight to Wainwarigth wasn't leaving at 0300hrs on sunday I would so be there!!!
Trinity said:
That's right...  I hate the Ottawa Senators..  ;)

See, I knew there was I reason I liked you!

I might just be insane enough to show up for this. Only problem is staying sober enough to drive back to the burbs. Any clue as to which bar you might hit?
Don't worry 2 Cdo when Tampa knocks you out, you'll have plenty of time to drink in bars.

And if Tampa doesn't then my Hab's will!

Ahh, you ASSUMED I was a Sens fan. You know what they say about the word ASSUME, don't you? :eek:

That's right, you make an a$$ out of you and me!

Personally, I don't like the Sens, but I f*cking hate the Leafs! :threat: Their fans are insufferable, every fall it's the same shyte out of them "This year, all the way!".  Well, guess what, it's been almost FORTY years since they won it! Longer than most of their fans have been alive. Most of their fans can't remember the Leafs winning a Cup, ever, because it hasn't happened in their life. And probably won't either! ;D

Other than my little tirade (Did I mention I hate the Leafs?), I really don't care for the playoffs this year as my team is also out golfing! :crybaby: I won't tell you who my team is, but I DO remember them carrying the Cup a few times in my life! 8)
2 Cdo said:
Ahh, you ASSUMED I was a Sens fan. You know what they say about the word ASSUME, don't you? :eek:

That's right, you make an a$$ out of you and me!

Well, if you must call yourself an as$, who am I to argue. 

With that being said, from now on PLEASE keep this thread to Toronto's
meeting, details, RSVP's, etc.

I know I brought up hockey, but it was as a joke, not as the main content of
the thread.  So please feel free to make a hockey thread and insult each other
somewhere else. 

Padre the way you do this is name a bar, preferably one with a good selection of booze, well known and/or easy to find, and a patio these days is a must (fricken Pitbull George and his smoking Nazis). Hot serving wenches would be nice too. Then tell us when to be there and like in the cruddy Kevin Costner flick we will come.

I dunno meeting a bunch of strangers in the back of a store in a North York shopping mall sounds kind of seedy and dangerous.... ok I'm in
Danjanou said:
I dunno meeting a bunch of strangers in the back of a store in a North York shopping mall sounds kind of seedy and dangerous.... ok I'm in


the only danger is if the dog (Chewy) decides she wants to mate with you and drags you back to her mat.  This has only happened
twice to me, but I turned the dog down both times to her disappointment. 

I was thinking Shoeless Joe's or any of the sports bars/pubs around Eglinton AFTER we get liquored up at Bilko's. 

Or if we get too drunk, we could always start dropping flares and smoke on the 401.  (yes Mike, we'll take pictures of that!)
TMM said:

Us women never get hot straight waiters...

Not in this city you won't 8)

Trinity said:
Or if we get too drunk, we could always start dropping flares and smoke on the 401.  (yes Mike, we'll take pictures of that!)

Yeah because it's been too long since a member of your esteemed unit illegally and improperly used pyrotchnics in an urban area while under the influence of alcohol.  And before some asks it wasn't me, but guess who got stuck with the paperwork on it. ::)
Danjanou said:
Yeah because it's been too long since a member of your esteemed unit illegally and improperly used pyrotchnics in an urban area while under the influence of alcohol.  And before some asks it wasn't me, but guess who got stuck with the paperwork on it. ::)

I dunno.. I've been in a few Units..

I bet it was tess!  ;)
HitorMiss said:
Don't worry 2 Cdo when Tampa knocks you out, you'll have plenty of time to drink in bars.

And if Tampa doesn't then my Hab's will!  >:D

Hmmmm... those are MY Habs, HoM.... hands off!
scoutfinch said:
Hmmmm... those are MY Habs, HoM.... hands off!

Sorry Trinity.. I have to post.

Have either of you actually had your hands on a Hab? If not, then I believe they are MY Habs, as I have! Have you hung out with one for a weekend and played sports with him? I have.  ;D hehehe.  (Fine, I admit he's my cousin.. but it still counts)

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled thread..