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Armour Corps Trg

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Originally posted by John Long:
[qb] Exvitae, you sound as if you are queer or something. That would probably explain your interest in the military. [/qb]
Now....John...You are starting to sound familiar.

You sound soo much like Ipsofacto/linear rosa that it isn‘t too hard to figure out what your game really is. You aren‘t by any chance trying to show off your secret tendancies? Your kinder, gentler inner Army self?

Where‘s the old 3/4ton when we needed them.
Originally posted by RECON-MAN:
[qb] Where‘s the old 3/4ton when we needed them. [/qb]
I think that Franko has been gone so long that he must be out looking for it as we speak.

The Regt is looking for a 3/4 ton now. I had a lead on a Stag. But I don‘t have 6ooo$. My wife would kill me. She‘s pissed about all my Militia and Army kit now. This summer I may buy a old Recce Harley.
if you have the funds, go to Goose Bay, Labrador- I left two behind at the auto hobby club...long story...... :(
2 x 3/4 tons. Good metal, and enough parts between the two of them to make a full vehicle +.

A Bud hauled them out of the bush. (amazing what you can find up there) Never had the time to get one running, and tough to drag them across Canada on posting.

Been awhile now, probably gone.
While I‘m remembering, a different Bud found an old Bren gun carrier stuck in a swamp. He recovered it, and got it running! It‘s part of his Military Museum. (and he has a darn fine little museum!) George, iirc I gave him your address a few years back- did he ever get in touch with you? Bruce, from Northern Lights?
Geesh George...if you know his org or address pass it to me so I can get some pointers for our restoration.....

Just a thought

Originally posted by Garry:
[qb] While I‘m remembering, a different Bud found an old Bren gun carrier stuck in a swamp. He recovered it, and got it running! It‘s part of his Military Museum. (and he has a darn fine little museum!) George, iirc I gave him your address a few years back- did he ever get in touch with you? Bruce, from Northern Lights? [/qb]
Franko and Garry...just got back in from the field for a shower and wash. Never heard from a Bruce from Northen Lights, but remember meeting with a former Army guy, now Reserve Traffic Tech up in Goose. He was down in Gagetown a couple of years back for the OMMC. He was a Newf who was working in the Museum up in Goose Bay. Name is on the tip of my tongue...but I can‘t recall it just now.

The Strathcona Restoration Troop in Edmonton has a working 3/4 ton that they restored.
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