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Are you an Army.ca addict?

Well your right in the sense that you have to work your ass off, but if your a good student you can pull it off, get honors and manage to have a life.
Your forced to do volunteer work for your diploma.
It gets difficult but most people I now manage to do the IB thing volunteer, work and have a Hobby.
Then there's the other 50% of IB that get washed out, and in my division sent back to there catchment schools.
At my school its more like 80% attretion before start of grade 12. And IB math.......95% after grade 9!
Future Unknown said:
Your forced to do volunteer work for your diploma.

That happens anywhere.

Also,  I doubt its because I couldn't hack it.  I have other commitments which mean I don't have the time I would like to have.

-Moderate here
-Do cadets
-Work with schools in my area for Guidance sessions
-Help with Kids Help Phone awareness in my local schools

I'm sure I would never be able to "hack" it. ::)

Gee..for never having met me, and knowing nothing beyond my blue haired avatar and a staff badge, you sure seem to know a lot about what I do with my free time ::)

Also, I was advised against going for IB by 3 of my teachers for different reasons.  None of which being I couldn't hack it.

Hey, Kyle Burrows, you have 373 messages, 0 are new.
Total time logged in: 18 days, 13 hours and 32 minutes.
True....but IB requires something like an addditional 300 hours on top of the regular 40.

I think its more Creativity and Art hours or something.  You're expected to produce some amazing stuff I think.
Yes it is, CAS hours are what is required. Community, Active, Service hours. My buddies hate the mere idea of CAS now........
150 hours of CAS, 50-volunteer 50-sports and physical activity 50-arts and creativity...luckily for me planning my lessons for Cadets counts ;D
Defiantly hate physics 12 I.B. and math with honors, and I hate math! Anybody else in the I.B. and hating it?

P.S. I have a life and yet still manage 4's and 5's in most classes...(4=70-79, 5=80-89) except for stupid math... :p
So Mike goes off line around 1130 hrs and comes back on around 1539 hrs, after successfully installing a larger hard drive and the floodgates are open.  Over 90 members and new members laying in wait.  Now don't tell me any of you are not addicted to Army.ca!
Naw!.... I don't think so ?!?!
Am I?
Now you're making me worry!
I'm not an addict, I can quit any time I want. Other people are addicts, not me.....
Oh I totally know what you mean, whenever I get offline I come back because I want to not because I have to...

Although during the outage this afternoon I developed a twitch and attacked a group of school children with a piece of sheet metal and a cactus on a stick.

Time Logged In: 12 days, 1 hour, 49 minutes.....

Date Registered:  September 18, 2005, 07:44:44
Last Active:  Today at 19:53:11

An addict? Nope. Member for 64 days, only spent a total of 289 hours of them on here.  ;)
Want a really scary statistic?

Since June 2004, registered users have logged a total of 6133 days online. That's almost 17 years in about 18 months. This also doesn't include inactive accounts that are automatically culled.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Want a really scary statistic?

Since June 2004, registered users have logged a total of 6133 days online. That's almost 17 years in about 18 months. This also doesn't include inactive accounts that are automatically culled.

Just goes to show that I'm not the only un-addicted one then!!  ;D
I've only been here for two weeks and I am already up to 11 messages and 17 hours... hmm

The number of threads I am trying to read/follow is growing at an alarming rate :p
Um, i actually just registered for an account but i've been here a long time. I actually only signed up because i was reading things up on Signal ops, and i saw someone posting about how he thought coffee was the liquid of the gods. I laughed and was telling my friend Bruno that is addicted to the shit about it, he laughed and said it was him that posted it... lol small world :)
oh yeah, Pieman, that bike's a yamaha Vstar 650 in you sig right?? lol j/w :) More than just the army stuff can keep you addicted to army.ca... like... army crack for instance... better than the apples with your navarin ;) :warstory: :salute:

oh yeah, why is the salute all f***ed up?? it's the left hand saluting :p
The smiley suffers from mental retardation.  We're an equal oppourtunity employer.

20 Days, 7 hours and 8 minutes.
The Army.ca Monkey is too strong for some.  Their addiction to the site is so great that they just can't get enough and must come back time and time again, never happy to be lurkers, but have to be a member so that they can post, even if they have been BANNED, put on WARNING, or been outed.  They have become addicts and MUST come on and post....it just has to be......a post; their kingdom for a post.......Well, it does keep the site interesting and active.  Lots of interesting info to be found or discussed.  Lots of hours down range.  Greaat Isn't It!  Feel the Rush!