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Aptitude test!

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George Wallace said:
Now I seriously want to ask you a question about the job you so desperately want, and are only good enough to do:  If you are piloting a jet fighter travelling at 600 mph, and you find there is another fighter travelling at 600 mph on a collision course with you, how much time do you have to study the problem you are facing?
Depends on how far away he is  :)
BrianBB said:
1) I'd have 4+ years to study to problem seeing as I wouldn't be in any situation like that any time soon.
You've had 17+ years to prepare already.  Why should the military take it on faith you'll use the four years to prepare yourself on their dime?

BrianBB said:
4) I'm sure some sort of Instinct/ logic would come into play without necessarly calculating anything.
That's called an aptitude.
BrianBB said:
Just curious.

My trade has no bearing on this thread. I've gone through the CFs selection process 3 times now and thus have a pretty good understanding of it.
CDN Aviator said:
No arrogance here. You are talking to people who were succesful where you were not and came here looking for help by saying that you are better than a test you did not complete to the required standard. CAPSS will come as a shock to you i am sure.

I will bake a special cookie tonight just fo you and your superior intellect.

Once again, never said I was better than the test.

However, I did give my  opinion on this type of "testing" to categorize people, and to be quite honest, I have the right to that opinion, and just because you don't agree you don't need to try and grill me about me. I logically and maturely discussed why I feel that way about it, however, that wasn't good enough for some people, which is fine. I'll agree to disagree on this one.

And again, Thumbs up on passing the test, I'm sure I've accomplish some things you haven't, I'm sure other people have too, and same for you to me. I see no reason why your( and some others ) initial posts were attacks and stand to seem superior to me, but then question me on "acting like I was superior". Hypocritical if you ask me.
This is over.


Take my previous advice. Go search and read for awhile. Come back later, when all including yourself have done some square breathing.

Milnet.ca Staff
You may be able to find out a person's trade or classification from their profile, if they've filled it in.

I am one of the pilots on this site. There are several others.

As I see it, you are setting yourself up for continued failure by your attitude and lack of understanding.

Aptitude testing has been used for decades to give a reasonable indication of applicants' abilities to successfully complete their training. They are not done purely for recruiters' recreational purposes or to antagonize BrianBB. They are not perfect, but they are a better indication than any given applicant's opinion of him/herself, you included. Regardless, nobody cares what you think about these tests; we only care that you pass it, and preferably without whining. The only thing that counts on this test or any other is passing.

Many people that pass this one go on to fail somewhere later down the path. Some people fail this first test who may have actually successfully completed the entire training programme eventually. A line has to be drawn somewhere, though, in order to save far more effort and expense by skipping this step.

It's also not about you or any other individual. The CF pilot training programme does not exist to train people to be pilots, it exists to train pilots for the CF. It serves the CF, not you. The CF does not care if BrianBB ever becomes a pilot, only that it has enough pilots trained to a given standard. This is an important distinction that you need to understand.

The people whose judgment and opinions that you are questioning here are the same people that you would have to work for or with, or be trained by, should you make it into the CF. You should listen to what is being said. Any heat that you are receiving is due to the way in which you have communicated. To be blunt, I am not impressed either.

Spelling and grammar are important in the CF. Clear communication is essential. Mission success and lives often depend upon it. You will find yourself judged by your ability to communicate, and a higher standard is expected of officers. Because most of us here are or were CF members, we therefore expect that from people here, too. Also, if you do not care to put the effort into communicating clearly and effectively, we would also not expect you to put the required effort into other important areas either.
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