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April 27th BMOQ

FullMetalJacket said:
I still haven't heard back on a date to swear in for myself yet. Unfortunately :(

Don't worry about it. It's in over a month before mine.
Does anyone know if they alternate between officers and NCMs for BMQ as far as platoons go?
Tralax said:
Does anyone know if they alternate between officers and NCMs for BMQ as far as platoons go?

Not sure exactly what you mean by your question - Officers complete BMOQ, NCMs do BMQ. Are you referring to selection, or in numbering at CFLRS? (the another for both is no - many platoons are run through simultaneously, and the numbering reflects the current number they have processed that particular year.

For everyone else - Congrats! I remember being in exactly your shoes a couple of years ago. If you had any questions you were unable to find via this site, feel free to send me a PM and I'll try to save you some unneeded grief.  Good luck!
I think he meant are there BMOQ's and BMQ's at the same time. Or graduating at same time. Answer is yes.

But there is no interaction between the two.
Yes Seawolf, that's what I meant.

Sorry for the confusion, I didn't word it properly.
minor interaction by way of eating together and yelling "make a hole" to either group as you march down the rat tunnel.

Outside of the walls of the Mega you can interact if you choose to.

This was my experience in 2009
got the call today, accepted as training development officer, bmoq starts april 27! excited to say the least
Navy LOG Officer here,

Flying in from Halifax. Excited to work with all of you

seawolf said:
platoons are usually 40-60 people. dunno how many platoons yet though

Only 1 English platoon and a small French platoon.  It might change but who knows.
The French Platoon seems to start a few days behind the English?

In any event, It'll be nice to be with people from all parts of Canada, who have all gone through the often long process of application.

Having spent a much time on the application as I have, I can say failure is not something I'd consider. Lets hope the whole group gets in line and supports one another as a team. :salute:
Having spent a much time on the application as I have, I can say failure is not something I'd consider. Lets hope the whole group gets in line and supports one another as a team. :salute:

From my understanding, as long as we know when to follow when one of us is in the "leader" position, it should all be fine. We'll all get some time to lead and plenty of time to be a team.

I've been revising my cadet training (drill, first aid, ranks, basic procedures) and exercising. I've been waking up at 5am and exercising every morning for a month now. I have a friend knowledgeable in topography and compass use that will be jogging my memory on that in a week or two. If you've got time to study, it never hurts to familiarize yourself with some basics, since it makes learning the tough bits easier :D 
I took a job at Canada Post, simply so I could spend my days doing 25km walks with 30lbs+ added weight.

I already can do the running, weights, sleep deprivation, OCD cleaning, and so forth. The toughest part for me will be missing my newborn.
For anyone that doesn't know already, here are 2 great shows done by the CF about BMQ.


They were done a few years ago and some things have changed since then but still amazing insight.
NavyWolfe said:
Navy LOG Officer here,

Flying in from Halifax. Excited to work with all of you


Yay! another Loggie! Thought I was going to be the only one. Cept you get a funny hat...lol
I've been doing fitness and such. But in terms of everything else why walk into this with preconceived notions?
I'm just gonna do what I'm told. Memorize whats needed. Participate and Lead.
seawolf said:
Yay! another Loggie! Thought I was going to be the only one. Cept you get a funny hat...lol

haha I am glad to see another LOG too and I can handle the funny hat haha
Just got the call I've been waiting for my whole life - DEO pilot, swear in April 24th, BMOQ with you fellows. It's my birthday April 28th and starting training is just about the best gift I could ask for haha
Reaper-1 said:
Just got the call I've been waiting for my whole life - DEO pilot, swear in April 24th, BMOQ with you fellows. It's my birthday April 28th and starting training is just about the best gift I could ask for haha

Congrats !!!!! hopefully everything will go as planned :) !!!!
NavyWolfe said:
haha I am glad to see another LOG too and I can handle the funny hat haha

You'll get to wear a black berret 90% of your time spent at BMOQ.  Prepare yourself to take some good jokes at the expense of your element.


I'll see you all on the other side some day I'm sure.