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Applications to join foreign forces (Britian and Australia)

Enfield said:
I wouldn't sell the CF so short Canuck_25. I too am interested in the oppurtunities available in the British Army, but I've done some time in the Canadian Reserves, worked with Cdn Reg Force, Brits, and a few others, and I think its dangerous to place the Brits on a pedestal and assume the CF is in the gutter, especially with no prior military experience.

Yes, many (most?) RMC cadets are there for the free education. Many (most?) of them will end up in non-combat positions, and if we need to bribe highly qualified people to serve, so what, as long as they do the job. I would say no one, anywhere, goes professional infantry just for the money or benefits. The US military, all branches, all trades, have troops and officers mostly there just for the benefits. If they do their job well, who cares why they're there?
I'm sure the Brits are full of similar candidates. Many Brit soldiers are there because they have few or no other options in their lives. Some would be there for the money, and I suspect they do have some sort of education/benefits reward scheme. You state they mostly recruit officers with degrees, but a fair percentage of their officers have no tertiary education. The Brits do get more money, but they have a retention problem just like the CF, only recently have their small arms reached a standard equivalent to the CF, and there are other issues and problems that are common to all militaries.

Don't stereotype all soldiers and officers and their motivations with one brush. Try out the CF, the Reserves are a fairly easy option and a good eye-opener.

Yes, there are scholarships the British army offer, but they dont come close to paying for 4 years of University.

  May i ask you Enfield, what university do you attend and what degree you are pursueing?
I have been exploring different regiments and corps here in the BA. One of the corps I contacted was the Intelligence branch here, and I asked if I could join being a commonwealth citizen. They wrote back and as I expected the short answer is 'no'. The offical word from the Intelligence branch is:

There are two key criteria for the high level of security clearance which all members of the Int Corps must have:

a.    At least 10 years recent UK residence.

b.    Parents of UK or Commonwealth origin.

However, the latter applies to those candidates who are now British nationals.

So it is not impossible, but you basically have to be here a long time and become a british national. Thought that some of you might be intersted in that info.

Canuck_25 said:
  May i ask you Enfield, what university do you attend and what degree you are pursueing?

UBC in Vancouver, Political Science - a fair chunk of which has been paid for with Militia money, an overseas tour, and education reimbursement.
Well, I got some rotten news. I don't know, I seem to be running into problems left right and center in trying to join the Military, it almost feels like some divine power is intervening and keeping me from doing it.

I was speaking to my Army careers adviser this morning and the security beefing up has a possible chance of effecting my application.

Word came down from the Ministry of Defence that all foreign commonwealth applicants will have to live in the UK for a period of two years before applying. It appears that it dropped from the original 5 year requirement and this will be enforced. So anyone going to apply to the British Forces had better plan on living here a while before you can join. Looks like the days of Commonwealth applicants serving with the Brits is drawing to a close. Special thanks goes out to Osama and his gang of idiots for causing all the security increases in the world.

The question is whether or not this will effect my application, and they are still deciding whether or not commonwealth people who are currently in the system will be allowed to continue with their application. The official word about this is expected in a few weeks.

I am to attend the RCB Briefing at the end of this month. My Army careers adviser feels that if I get selected to procede with my application, then I stand a good chance of being one of those considered to be allowed to continue. In fact, I have to make it through the entire selection process without any hang ups to get in.

Either way, there stands a chance that the order will come through that I cannot procede with my application because of this new requirement, and my dream of serving with the Brits will be over, and all this time, money, and effort I put into this application will be for nothing....If it does come down to that, I guess MOD will have to compensate me as they invited me out here and specified that they wanted me to live here during the application. Otherwise instead of joining the MOD I will be suing them for compensation. Isn't that a nice thought.  :-\ <sigh> Bit of a depressing day.

I have been speaking with a Canadian who used to serve over here, and when he fist came they enlisted him as a NCM for the first 6 months and then put him in Officer training. I believe they did that to make sure he would stick around.  I will be checking that possible option out today, as it does not look good all around right now. :(
Canuck_25 said:
Wow, that post was really terrific. its to bad that they do not make commonwealth applicants eligible anymore. what i plan to do now, is in my second year of uni, do a University transfer. This way i can go to a British UNI, and join the TA while im there. Im hoping that if they see that im in the TA, they might turn a blind eye at the citizenship.

Canuck25, transferring to a UK school for a couple years isn't a bad idea at all if nothing else, it settles the two year requirement right there. It'll be painfully expensive, but if you're really set on the British forces... :)

There is a better solution than joining the TA as an enlisted man, though: the University Officer Training Corps, which is basically the UK version of the ROTC. It won't pay your tuition, but it does pay better than the TA will. The training is on par with the TA's (I've been told), but actually does a better job of preparing you for the RCB / RMA Sandhurst. I've only been with the unit for a couple months now, but things have been good so far. You can find out more info at www.ulotc.co.uk - they present it as a lot of fun adventure training, but it's far more serious than that.

I'm in much the same situation as you guys, trying to join the UK army (or RM - we'll see :)) with no residency time under my belt. I've just put in my application, but I doubt anything will come of it. I might actually stay an extra year just to qualify.

Well, my situation is deteriorating further. After the announcement regarding currently serving commonwealth citizens being required to take on British citizenship, I contacted my ACA (Army Carrers Adviser) who is handling my file.

I requested that she bring the attention of my situation to the people who will be making a decision on whether or not current applicants are allowed to procede, or be turfed. Basically, she does not sounds hopeful about the situation and I had to basically beat it into her that it was her responsibility to help me out.

I pointed out that I was invited here, and was assured that everything was OK for me to go through the application process and as long as I did well, I would get into Sandhurst by May. Acting under those terms, I scraped and saved money, bought a plane ticket, went through the process of getting a work permit, flew here, set myself up in a shoddy apartment. Now they are basically planning on telling me to sod off, and too bad I spent all that money, time and effort to come here.They simply don't seem to care at all, and had offered absolutely nothing in terms of compensation.

Anyone else smelling a lawsuit?

Time for me to go to 'battle stations'. I won't go through the rest of this process quietly, as my instincts are telling me they are going to turf me unless I make a fuss. I am gathering all documents related to this, and trying to get in contact with a lawyer as soon as I can. I will be writing letters to the MOD, the MPs here, to let  them know what is going on.

I am also going to contact the BBC, and various news papers here in the hopes that someone will take an interest in my story. Everthing about the Army seems to be a hot button topic right now, so I have a feeling they might jump on this story.

I go to the two day selection board next week. Really, with the treatment I am getting right now, I think I should return the indifference.

Maybe while I am running through the obstacle course I will fall off one of the walls I have to climb over and sue them or making it too high.

Or maybe I will say the while I was sleeping in my bunk, a Major came and touched me in icky places. :D ;)
Gawd! At least I still got a sense of humor in this cruddy situation.

This really sucks, I didn't come all this way to get into a below the belt hitting legal battle with the MOD. I came to be a Officer in the Army and serve the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.
Pieman said:
Well, my situation is deteriorating further. After the announcement regarding currently serving commonwealth citizens being required to take on British citizenship, I contacted my ACA (Army Carrers Adviser) who is handling my file.

I requested that she bring the attention of my situation to the people who will be making a decision on whether or not current applicants are allowed to procede, or be turfed. Basically, she does not sounds hopeful about the situation and I had to basically beat it into her that it was her responsibility to help me out.

I pointed out that I was invited here, and was assured that everything was OK for me to go through the application process and as long as I did well, I would get into Sandhurst by May. Acting under those terms, I scraped and saved money, bought a plane ticket, went through the process of getting a work permit, flew here, set myself up in a shoddy apartment. Now they are basically planning on telling me to sod off, and too bad I spent all that money, time and effort to come here.They simply don't seem to care at all, and had offered absolutely nothing in terms of compensation.

Anyone else smelling a lawsuit?

Time for me to go to 'battle stations'. I won't go through the rest of this process quietly, as my instincts are telling me they are going to turf me unless I make a fuss. I am gathering all documents related to this, and trying to get in contact with a lawyer as soon as I can. I will be writing letters to the MOD, the MPs here, to let   them know what is going on.

I am also going to contact the BBC, and various news papers here in the hopes that someone will take an interest in my story. Everthing about the Army seems to be a hot button topic right now, so I have a feeling they might jump on this story.

I go to the two day selection board next week. Really, with the treatment I am getting right now, I think I should return the indifference.

Maybe while I am running through the obstacle course I will fall off one of the walls I have to climb over and sue them or making it too high.

Or maybe I will say the while I was sleeping in my bunk, a Major came and touched me in icky places. :D ;)
Gawd! At least I still got a sense of humor in this cruddy situation.

This really sucks, I didn't come all this way to get into a below the belt hitting legal battle with the MOD. I came to be a Officer in the Army and serve the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

Good for you. You could represent all of us back here seeking a future career. I must say, it must suck waste money. Well, good luck, and i hope to see on the news.
Does anyone know a good way to get in contact with a journalist? I have been looking on BBC webpage, and newspaper webpages but they don't make it easy to contact them with regards to possible news items. Anyone here had to contact the media before? Please PM me.
Can anyone clarify the 2 years residence in the UK requirement...I've lived in the UK before...for 1 year in 97-98 and for another year in 2002-2003...so thats 2 years...I'm just wondering if you have to live 2 years immediately before joining or if you just have to have lived in the UK for more then 2 years in the past...do you see what I'm getting at?
Can anyone clarify the 2 years residence in the UK requirement...I've lived in the UK before...for 1 year in 97-98 and for another year in 2002-2003...so thats 2 years...I'm just wondering if you have to live 2 years immediately before joining or if you just have to have lived in the UK for more then 2 years in the past...do you see what I'm getting at?
I suspect they want two consecutive years, but really you should check with the the recruiters just to make sure.
Well all, I am back in Canada, and I am afraid I had to return home disappointed.

I am all finished here, and my British army application is pretty much over. I gave it my best, but basically I am too old, and despite my best effort for fitness and preparing, it is still not enough.

What it boils down to is that the British Army is much more particular about the type of person they want, and the kind of skills you should have when you apply.

In all, I did ok in the selection process, but I ended up sharing the same fate as the older candidate I mentioned in one of me previous posts. They really are not looking to develop your skills at all, but expect you to have those skills at a very high level. If I was younger, then they would have taken me, but because I am old they felt that 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks'. Bottom line, they are not willing to help me develop these skills because they got plenty of applicants, so they don't have to.

Anyway, I tried my best. The odds were really stacked against me more than I thought. I did not realise that my age would be such an issue.

I always see things from a positive perspective, and I can walk away from this situation feeling OK about it.  I know that I did my best, I evaluated the situation over and over again in my head, and really there is not much I could have done different. I knew it was a risk to come over here. A person who takes risks will reap the rewards, but also will reap in disappointment once in a while.

I got to live in London for a month, and I met a lot of people, see all  the sights, and had a lot of fun. I met a lot of people, and I made some friends.

Most importantly, I did come away really understanding the kind of skills it takes to be an Officer. Because of this experience I really do understand what kind of skills a Officer needs, and I was able to identify areas where I need to develop and improve.  If I want to continue with my CF application, I know where I need to improve myself and I know how to fix it.

Anyway, I guess this is the end of my little adventure. I will keep pulling for my CF application, and drawing from this experience I think I will be a better officer than I ever could have been as a result.

I know that a lot of people at home here were pulling for me, and I do feel a little disappointed that I had to return with bad news. But I honestly did my best.

If anyone decides they want to go this route, please don't hesitate to contact me as I got lots of tips.

They said that at 26 that you were too old? That's mind-boggling, but it says more about British society than it does about your capabilities. Sorry to hear about your situation. Good luck over here. Cheers, mh
Well Pieman, at least you went through with it, and tried, while others will sit back and fantasise about doing it (or worse tell porky-pies about it). Good on ya for giving it a fair go.

There is always Australia. Try www.defencejobs.gov.au and have a look, or also try www.army.gov.au too. Youy won't ahve to worry about that crappy UK weather, here its always decent or wickedly hot (45C in at the School of Infantry in Singleton two days ago).

The only hurdle is getting a resident visa, and they do take of Canadians and other BCW nations for enlistment. Sure there is a security vetting, and thats standard.

Prior service is recognised in most cases from BCW nations.

However, as a serving member of the ADF, you must apply for citizenship within 90 days of being elegible, and if not your services will be terminated. It's a 2 yr wait to apply for citizenship, and you can keep your Canadian one to boot.

I have the best of both worlds and hold dual nationality. You can't go wrong there.

Good Luck!


Wesley H. Allen said:
There is always Australia. Try www.defencejobs.gov.au and have a look, or also try www.army.gov.au too. Youy won't ahve to worry about that crappy UK weather, here its always decent or wickedly hot (45C in at the School of Infantry in Singleton two days ago).

The only hurdle is getting a resident visa, and they do take of Canadians and other BCW nations for enlistment.

There's some damn good advice Pieman. Check it out. Good Luck.
Sorry to hear about your bad news. Maybe in the post 9/11 world things have changed just a little too much for dreams to become reality. Good luck in all your endeavours
The U.K. does haver a ager limit on recruiting with in the Army as in the R.E. you are out at the age of 38 if you have not gain rank our unless you get a deferral.
A freind of mine is going through the age thing now,he trying to remuster to Pecker Checker but stay with the R.E.
There is always Australia. Try www.defencejobs.gov.au and have a look, or also try www.army.gov.au too. Youy won't ahve to worry about that crappy UK weather, here its always decent or wickedly hot (45C in at the School of Infantry in Singleton two days ago).
Sizzle. Man that's hot! It is a tempting idea...I don't know, is age a big deal there too?   Maybe I can travel the world getting rejected from various armies.    :D ;)

Hmm...I am wondering if I did go to Australia, and picked up a hot Ozzie girl and married her, would that get my residence status faster?   ;D
Always thinking.

Also, someone was telling me that there is a division in the South African Army that operates something like the FFL and will take foreign BCW applicants, or used to anyway. Anyone here know anything about this?

I guess I am in the 'what the heck do I do now' phase. I am going to spend some time thinking about what I am going to do now, and try to figure out what my options are. Do I want to sit and wait for my Canadian application to go through, which really I wish it would soon. I want to serve. Or do I want to try something different? Not sure at the moment.

Pieman said:
There is always Australia. Try www.defencejobs.gov.au and have a look, or also try www.army.gov.au too. Youy won't ahve to worry about that crappy UK weather, here its always decent or wickedly hot (45C in at the School of Infantry in Singleton two days ago).
Sizzle. Man that's hot! It is a tempting idea...I don't know, is age a big deal there too?   Maybe I can travel the world getting rejected from various armies.    :D ;)

Hmm...I am wondering if I did go to Australia, and picked up a hot Ozzie girl and married her, would that get my residence status faster?   ;D
Always thinking.

Also, someone was telling me that there is a division in the South African Army that operates something like the FFL and will take foreign BCW applicants, or used to anyway. Anyone here know anything about this?

I guess your thinking of mercenaries then? Im not aware of south african division that is multinational.

Well, i called up the Canadian scottish brigade in Victoria. They are sending me an application. I hope to use the reserves as a stepping stone to RMC

I guess I am in the 'what the heck do I do now' phase. I am going to spend some time thinking about what I am going to do now, and try to figure out what my options are. Do I want to sit and wait for my Canadian application to go through, which really I wish it would soon. I want to serve. Or do I want to try something different? Not sure at the moment.

[Moderator note:  Edited only to provide clarity, i.e. what was a quote and what was a reply - no content was harmed in the making of this edit ...]

If you're interested in the CanScotts why not show up at the recruiting office at the Armoury on Bay Street rather than wait for an application via mail?  The office is open this Thursday at 7PM and there is a new recruit course in mid-January. They will be happy to talk to you and start the ball rolling, cheers, mdh
mdh said:

If you're interested in the CanScotts why not show up at the recruiting office at the Armoury on Bay Street rather than wait for an application via mail?   The office is open this Thursday at 7PM and there is a new recruit course in mid-January. They will be happy to talk to you and start the ball rolling, cheers, mdh

Well, ill give you my reasons.
1) Im applying for a Infantry Officer position
2) Im still a student in high school. I am applying for this summer/fall
3) I cant "stop by" because i live in Port McNeill,  800 km from victoria

  I was told that if i complete my application, when it is sent to me, it can be put on hold. Ive applied to University of Victoria, Thomsan River University and UNBC. Untill i register for one of them, i dont know my destination yet. 