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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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I was one of the lucky ones  :) :

Recruiting Centre: Toronto
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Artillery
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: May 2004
First Contact: May 2004
Aptitude Completed: May 2004
PT Completed: May 2004
Medical Completed: June 2004
Interview Completed: June 2004
Position Offered: Artillery
Basic Training Begins: July 2004
I'll update mine too: 

Recruiting Centre: Saskatoon
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: DEO
Trade Choice 1: CELE (Air)
Trade Choice 2: AERE
Trade Choice 3: Sig O
Application Date: Late Jan, 2004
First Contact: Feb 9, 2004
CFAT completed: Feb 11, 2004
Medical completed: Feb 11, 2004
Interview completed: Feb 11, 2004
PT Test completed: Feb 11, 2004
Position Offered: SIGS O - June 23, 2004
Basic Training Begins: Sept 13, 2004
Recruiting Centre:Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: DEO
Trade Choice 1: AERE
Trade Choice 2: NCS
Trade Choice 3: MS
Application Date: Nov 1st, 2003 (renewed)
First Contact: Nov 10, 2003
CFAT completed: Sep 18, 2002
Medical completed: Feb 22, 2004
Interview completed: Apr 5, 2004
PT Test completed: Oct 10, 2003, Apr 17, 2004
Position Offered: AERE - June 28, 2004
Basic Training Begins: Sept 13, 2004
Recruiting Centre: Sydney Garrison/Sydney
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: R23 Infantry Officer
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: June 30, 2004
First Contact: July 5th, 2004
CFAT completed: July 7th, 2004
Medical completed:
Interview completed:
PT Test completed:
Position Offered:
Basic Training Begins:

secondly been far too long for me to remember my   app date
cfrc: mississauga
trade choice 1: 031(infantry)
trade choice 2: 737 (med tech)
app date :sometime in 2002
fit test: completed(think may 6)
meds: completed(results came back clean from borden last month)
called up cfrc in mississauga, they told me they'd call me back in a month ..been far more than that now
trying to get into pats 1 or 3getting lazy now stopped my routine altogether ..got into the retarted habbit of smoking again..I HATE MYSELF for that one ...gonna get back in shape ...all 135 pounds of it!!!  
sorry for the incomplete post b4 ppl my dog went epileptic..
AS FOR CFRC MISSISSAUGA (they seems like good guys ..but im really starting to get annoyed{ yeah ppl no lectures on the wait makes better commitment bull$hit   coz im still commited ..only if i got the chance to live my commitment}


update: Canadian security check completed waiting on the 2nd Presec to clear and not being born here is a major hinderance.12-18 months to clear

Status: still in limbo  >:( and lovin it  parapapa  pa lol
Recruiting Centre: Thunder Bay
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3: Aircraft Structures Tech
Application Date: April 5, 2004
CFAT completed: April 13, 2004
PT Test completed: Apr 16, 2004
Interview completed: April 22, 2004
Medical completed: May 4, 2004

Letter Received: May 13, 2004

Dear Tom

This letter is in regards to your application for the Canadian Forces (regular). Your file is complete and you are being considered for selection in your chosen occupations of Infantry Soldier, Combat Engineer, and Aircraft Structures Technician.

If you are selected you will be contacted by our office staff with details and arrangements will be made for your enrolment into the Canadian forces. You are reminded that you are responsible for keeping your file current. If you have any changes to your personal situation, upgrade in education or medical issues you should report them to this office as soon as possible.   Please remember that this is a competitive process and an employment offer is not guaranteed, however your file is complete and in good standing.

Your interest in the Canadian Forces is appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact this office at _ _ _-_ _ _ _.

Yours Truly,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Acting Detachment Commander

Position Offered: August 16 2004 (Infantry RCR)
Basic Training Begins: September 7 2004
Recruiting Centre: Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO)
Trade Choice 1: PLT
Trade Choice 2: AERE
Trade Choice 3: CELE
Application Date: May 26, 2004
First Contact: July 2, 2004
CFAT completed: July 6, 2004
Medical completed: Aug 10, 2004
Interview completed: Aug 10, 2004
PT Test completed: July 14, 2004
Position Offered:
Basic Training Begins:
Recruiting Center: Kingston
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: AVS Tech
Trade Choice 2: Traffic Tech
Trade Choice 3: Airframe/Structures Tech
Application Date: Aug 13 2004
First Contact:          ?
Tests Completed:    ?
Physical:                  ?
Medical:                  ?
Interview:              ?
Position Offered:      ?
Basic Training Begins:?
Recruiting Centre:Thunder Bay
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: DEO
Trade Choice 1: Logistics Officer
Trade Choice 2: Infantry Officer
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: August 3, 2004
First Contact: August 3, 2004
CFAT completed: August 17, 2004
Medical completed: August 17, 2004
Interview completed: August 30, 2004
PT Test completed: August 17, 2004

Update August 18th
- Completed the aptitude test no problem and qualified for all officer and ncm positions
- Failed the physical testing.   Had no problems with pushups, situps, or grip test but failed the VO2 Max.   I think the reason for this is because I ate a huge McDonalds meal 30 minutes before the test.   Will be retaking the test beginning of Sept.
- Medical was good except my eyes were not overly strong for distance so I need to see an optomitrist and get a form filled out by him.   Appointment for an optomitrist is set for August 19th.

Update August 20th
-Eyes are fine and healthy, just not 20/20.   Gave the form to the medic that the optomitrist filled out and the medic said I would most likely be classified as a V2

Update August 30th
-Had my interview, the Captain said I am competitive but he noticed on my medical that went out some number that may cause problems in Borden.   A pretty big let down as I thought my medical was going to not have any problems.   So now all I can do is wait, he also mentioned there is no point redoing my physical until my medical comes back from Borden.   Hopefully it will be back in time for the Fall Selection.....only time will tell

Update Feb 2nd
-Ended up finding out why my medical was not cleared the end of November.   Went to go see my family doctor for the necessary tests and then handed in the forms.   About 3 weeks later recieved a letter saying my medical is now cleared.   So I went into the RC and they informed me everything was good and they said I will do my physical testing after I recieve my offer.   Apparently I was selected at the last selection board but becasue my medical was not cleared they could not offer me the position.   They informed me I may recieve an offer before year end (March 31).   If not my file will be complete for this selection board in May and they told me if I was selected at the last one there is no reason why I would not be selected again!!!!   So it more or less sounds like I am just waiting until Septembers BOTC!!!!!!!

Update Feb 14th
-Went in to redo my physical testing.....passed easily except the VO2Max, scored 41 and needed a 39 so I passed.  That test is complete bullshit for people over 250lbs, I can run 6 miles no problem at a fast pace.

Update Feb 16th
-Got a phone call and got my official offer for infantry officer.  Will be going in next week to sign the paperwork and basic officer training is Sept 12th.

Position Offered: Infantry Officer Feb. 16/2005
Basic Training Begins: Sept 12/2005
DrSize said:
Recruiting Centre:Thunder Bay
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: DEO
Trade Choice 1: Logistics Officer
Trade Choice 2: Signals Officer
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: August 3, 2004
First Contact: August 3, 2004
CFAT completed: August 17, 2004
Medical completed: August 17, 2004
Interview completed: August 17, 2004

?? Future dates I presume
Recruiting Centre: CFRC Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer - DEO
Trade Choice 1: Pilot (32)
Trade Choice 2: Health Care Admin (48)
Trade Choice 3: Air Nav (31)
Application Date: July 28, 2004
First Contact: July 30, 2004
CFAT completed: Back in 1996. Unknown if I have to write it again.
Medical completed: Waiting.
Interview completed: Waiting.
PT Test completed: Waiting.
Position Offered: Waiting.
Basic Training Begins: Waiting.

NOTE: Previous service from 1996. CFRC most likely trying to obtain my file currently.  :boring:
Recruting Center: Rimouski
Component: Regular
Trade Choice 1: Pilot (32)
Trade Choice 2: Infantry
Trade Choice 3: --
Application Date: Jan 10, 2004
First Contact: Feb 15, 2004
CFAT- completed, May 2001
Medical- partially completed Feb 2004
Physical- completed Feb 2004
Interview- completed and recommended for both trades
Position Offered: waiting
Basic Training Begins: waiting

Hi all, i'm presently in the reserve in 031 and i will transfer in the regular force. I finish my university in 1 month so I'm going in the EDO program. I'm gonna pass this week to have more accurate test for my eyes and other stuff. The selection board will be held around the end of march and I hope I will get positive answer for my first trade choice! In my case it went really fast and smoothly... maybe knowing the people help alot to faster the processus. I will keep updates on my situation.

Update march 8: Passed my eyes test at the ophtamologist and scored a 20/20 vision and having no eyes disfunction! One more step forward!

Update july 13 : Finally passed my medical. Got a rendez-vous at Trenton for passing the CAPS or something like that. Cant wait to go there!

Update july 31: Woot! I passed the aircrew selection test. I have to call my recruiting center to know what's happening now!

Update august 10: Finally got my official offer and i start my course september 13!
Offers are tied to the Strategic Intake Plan.  Each trade can only hire so many pers during a fiscal year.  Those positiopns are released for offers each quarter so that we hire people all year long.  LCIS and ATIS have a much lower number of positions than Infantry, so you may be number ten on the merit list but only 8 were selected during the 1st quarter board.  At the next board, after more files come in to compete with yours, you may be 17 on the merit list and again only 8 get selected.

Your file will only sit on the merit board for each trade for three boards, then you will be contacted as not selected in competition.  This could take two years.
As this is my final addition to my post in this thread, I am moving it to the end of the thread and editing my previous entries accordingly.

Recruiting Centre: Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: DEO
Trade Choice 1: AERE
Trade Choice 2: CELE (Air)
Trade Choice 3: Sig O
Application Date: Dec 17, 2003
First Contact: Jan 9, 2004
Date for CFAT: March 2, 2004 - Passed
Medical completed: March 29 - No problems, file sent to Borden; May 26 - Med back. All good.
Interview completed: March 29 - Recommended as very strong candidate
PT Test completed: June 24
Position Offered: June 18 - AERE
Swearing-in Ceremony: Aug 25
Basic Training Begins: Sept 13

This will likely be a very slow process. Have to wait on verification of former service to show up at the CFRC.   I'll probably do the medical and interview soon, and the PT test after the VFS shows up.

Update, March 4: Well, I just booked my medical and interview for March 29. Seems that they have already obtained my VFS!    It was in the computer system. How about that!    So this pushes my expected timeline ahead by about 1 year!   Better get moving on preparation for the PT test...

Update, March 29: Completed my interview and medical today. Interview was first. Took close to 2 hours and 45 minutes.   Went well and was told I am a very competitive candidate.   10 minutes after my interview completed I did the medical, Parts I & II.   No issues.   File sent off to Borden.   Now I'm just waiting for my medical to be approved by the docs in Borden and I'll do the PT test.   Hopefully this will all be completed for the next selection board, which is supposedly later this month (April) or sometime in May. So, one interesting thing I learned today is that when I enrolled into the Reserves in '91 my vision was V1.   Now it's V3.   Glad it isn't worse.

Update, April 21: Learned today that my file has been sent to the selection boards. My medical still hasn't returned from Borden, but I guess that isn't such a huge deal since they are expecting it back very soon. The deadline for officer candidate files to get to Borden for the selection committees is April 26. I'm very pleased mine has been sent. I was also instructed not to book my PT test until I receive an offer for employment from the selection boards. The offer would be pending successfully passing the PT test.

Update, May 26: Queried my file manager and got a response that my medical came back and I was found suitable for my selected trades.   Was also told that some DEO boards have sat, but no offers are issued to anyone until all the boards are done their selections.

Update, June 9: Received a phone call from an LT at the CFRC indicating that my name is on the list to receive an offer package for Sig O.   Now, this occupation was my 3rd choice, but it doesn't bother me because my education and experience are actually directly applicable to this position (right down to working on comms systems for the Army) and not at all applicable to the other two positions, especially AERE.   The only disapointment I have whatsoever is that I wanted Air Force, but that's minor.   I'll update again when I get more info.

Update, June 18: Contacted by my recruiting officer and offered AERE.   This is a change from my update on June 9, but I'm not complaining.   I was told a few particulars, asked a few other particulars, and was given 14 days to accept the offer.   I will accept it on Monday (June 21).   The offer is conditional on me passing the PT and I am supposed to make an attempt at it ASAP.   So, one last hurdle.   I'm on cloud 9 right now.   What a trip!

Update, June 24: Passed PT today, nothing is left outstanding.   Here's how I did on the PT, in the order they were completed:
  • Step Test - Needed a VO2 of at least 39, got 42.2 -- Did 3 stages
  • Pushups - 27
  • Situps - 25
  • Grip - 106 (left 51, right 55)

Update, August 9: A few weeks ago my swearing-in ceremony was changed from Sept 1 to Aug 25.   Just means I'll officially be a member of the CF that much sooner.   ;D

Update, August 25: My swearing-in ceremony was today.   My wife was there for it and seemed to get a better understanding of things just from that little session.   6 new DEO candidates (including myself) were sworn in today.
          - 2 Engineer (Army)
          - 1 Systems Engineer (Navy)
          - 1 Aerospace Engineer (Air Force, that would be me!)
          - 1 Military Police Officer (Army, the only female)
          - 1 Infantry (Army, obviously)
Not sure of everyones' ages.   Two were 25, one was 34 (me again!) and the other three looked to be mid- to late-20's.   An Air Force captain did the swearing-in.   He started out by just addressing everyone present and talking about the challenges that we were about to embark upon.   Hardships, rewards, the usual spiel.   It was a good speech and I think the family and friends present appreciated it.   They he swore everyone in, one at a time.   I went first (alphabetical, I think).   He just says a few words at a time and you repeat after him.   Then a little handshake (which he called our first CF test, the "grip test") with the certificate presentation as a photo op.  I took a pic of the Infantry guy, who was there by himself (had to travel a ways, I guess), doing his grip test. I'll give him a copy.   That was it.   Simple and straight forward.   Once our ceremony was done there were 6 OCdt Pilots that showed up for a meet and greet with us, as we'll all be on the same flight out of here.   The 6 pilots were all sworn in on March 29th in order to make the fiscal year.   They've all been working on OJT at the CFRC for the past couple of months and apparently have really been put through the paces by the various CF pers in Calgary.   Three of the pilots were CEOTP intake, with the other three DEO.   One of the CEOTP pilots is female.

All in all, pleased as punch to offically be a member of the CF!     :cdn:    :salute:
Awesome! Congratulations on AERE.

- 2 Engineer (Army)
          - 1 Systems Engineer (Navy)
          - 1 Aerospace Engineer (Air Force, that would be me!)
          - 1 Military Police Officer (Army, the only female)
          - 1 Infantry (Army, obviously)

Wow. That's quite the mix. I'm curious what mix I'll get if and when I get sworn in. I'm still waiting for my VFS. You were lucky to get yours so fast.

See you around the hangar sometime.  8)

Recruting Center: Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer
Trade Choice 1: Nurse (RNEP)

Application Date: May 20/04
First Contact: May 25/04
Med, aptitude completed : June 07/04
PT Test completed: Aug 20/04
Interview completed: Aug 04/04
Position Offered: Nurse
Enrollment: Sept 2/04
Basic Training Begins: IAP begins May, 24/2005
Recruting Center: Trois-Rivières, QC
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Sig Op, 215

Application Date: March 25/04
First Contact: March 25/04
Med, aptitude completed : April 07/04
PT Test completed: April 15/04
Interview completed: June 04/04
Position Offered: August 24/04
Enrollment: October 27/04
BMQ: November 9/04

Damn i can't wait for the swear-in ceremony and the Basic training to start !   :cdn:   :salute:
Here's mine just so people know how long things can take.

Recruting Center: Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: R031 (Infantry)
Trade Choice 2: n/a
Trade Choice 3: n/a
Application Date: June 05, 2003
First Contact: Sept 30, 2003 (I dropped in to the CFRC -they did not call me)
Med, aptitude completed : CFAT: October 15, 2003; Med pt. 1 Ocotber 23 2003
PT Test completed: June 30, 2004
Interview completed: October 23, 2003
Position Offered: n/a
Basic Training Begins: n/a

I failed my first PT test due to a minor injury to my wrists which affected my grip.  That was Nov. 5 2003.  I had it rescheduled for Jan 26. but they closed my file early January for a medical reason.  I dropped off the paperwork to re-open my file on April 19, and again (different paperwork) about three weeks after that.  My up-date interview and PT test were completed the 30th of June; supposedly my medical had been sent back to Borden at the end of May.

And I'm still waiting for it....
Recruiting Center: Kelowna, BC
Regular/Reserve: Reserve
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry R031
Trade Choice 2: Infantry R031
Trade Choice 3: Infantry R031
Application Date: February 3/04
First Contact: January/04
CFAT completed: March 23/04
Medical completed: May 25/04
PT Test completed: May 27/04
Interview completed: March 23/04
Position Offered: August 19/04
Enrolment: September 2/04
BMQ: ???
ChOppY said:
Recruting Center: Montreal
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry (PPCLI)
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: 1rst Week Feb/04
First Contact: 2nd Week Feb/04
Aptitude completed : 27th/April/04
PT   completed: 1rst Week March/04
Interview completed: Waiting...
Medical completed: Waiting...
Position Offered: Waiting...
Basic Training Begins: Waiting...

Updates -

Interview completed: August 25th, 2004 - 2 hrs 15 mins later: "Good to Go" for trade 031
Was told by Capt. that even if my file wasn't back from Borden before PPCLI Selection Board was convened, I'd be Merit Listed "Pending Medical File's Return" & "everything would be alright..."


Medical completed: September 9th, 2004 - According to Sr. Medic: "Everything A-OK" - File gone off to Borden
Spoke w/Cpl. @ Recruit Ctr to finalize file: was informed that regardless of what the Capt. had told me, according to the Cpl (who stated "She wouldn't really know anyway. She only does interviews..."), there would be NO WAY I'd be Merit Listed before proper reception of Med. file from Borden (?!). Was told such procedures used to be allowed through some kinda "higher-up's" authorization, but no more. Or not for me n-e-way... Was told next Selection Board for PPCLI was Sept. 15th, 2004 (Capt. had said Oct. 15th, 2004), negating any & all of chances of making that cut... Once again... Advised to be prepared to wait til next year (no specs. given as to exactly when).
Am now under the very distinct impression that somehow, someway all my appointments seem to be scheduled in order for me to keep missing Selection Board dates, however ridiculous that may be...
Took down all names & ranks this time: ready to raise a s**t storm if I don't get the straight facts for once, as all this "I'm right. He's wrong. He said, she said. I dunno. Can't discuss info of such nature..." crap is getting extremely redundant.

Called Capt. 3 times & left separate voicemails w/Qs & contact info. Still no word back from anyone to this day. Yup Yup...

From a professional stand-point this whole process has been amazingly ridiculous. Nothing short of it... From the actual recruiter's sales pitch to the vague and evasive aswers of the Recruitment staff, I still find myself confused.
Got me thinking that if it's so hard for these dudes to get the simplest facts straight & offer the smallest bit of help, what the hell must it be like in field, under stress, when in dire need of some real assistance (?!).

On the brighter side: Can't get a Pit to let go of the bone if he don't wanna =)
This is my career choice. My bone!
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