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Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

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paufler said:

Recruiting Centre: Calgary
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Armour
Trade Choice 3: Signal Operator
Application Date: December 6th, 2009
First Contacted:  December 8th, 2009
CFAT completed :January 27th, 2010
References Contacted: Pending
BackCheck Completed: Unsure
Medical Completed: January 28th, 2010
Interview completed: January 27th, 2010
Medical Received: pending - Had to get additional forms completed from my doctor.
Position Offered: pending
Sworn in: pending
Basic Training Begins: pending
Recruiting Center: CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 2:Armoured Soldier
Trade Choice 3:MSE Ops
Application Date: Febuary 11, 2010
CFAT:Completed- Febuary 18, 2010
Interview:Completed- Febuary 18, 2010
Medical:Completed- Febuary 22, 2010
References Contacted: pending/ now March 11th /called in for a follow up and found out that my forms were missing one signature, unfortunately that cost me 3 weeks but now it's back in process/ I will call in 2 weeks if i don't hear anything by then        ****Note****  make sure you do follow ups !!!
Backcheck: pending
Position offered: pending
Sworn in: pending
Basic Training Begins: pending
Recuiting Centre: Pembroke
Regular/Reserve:  Regular
Officer/NCM:  NCM
Trade Choice 1:  RMS Clerk
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date:  November 17, 2009
First Contact Date:  November 17, 2009
CFAT Completed:  December 7, 2009
References Contact:  November 18, 2009
Medical & Interview:  January 26th, 2010
Merit Listed:  February 2010
Position Offered:  March 9, 2010
Sworn In:  June 4, 2010
Basic Training Begins:  July 10, 2010

Totally excited!!  ;D

(First post, hope I did it correctly!)
Recruiting Centre: Victoria, BC
Regular/Reserve:  Regular
Officer/NCM:  NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Field Artillery
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date:  September 25th, 2009
First Contact Date:  November, 2009
CFAT Completed: TBA
References Contact: January, 2010
Medical & Interview: TBA
Merit Listed: TBA
Position Offered: TBA
Sworn In:  TBA
Basic Training Begins: TBA

I'm a little pissed because I've seen people that applied 10 days before me and there heading off to BMQ right now and all I've been notified of is that my back check is done... Oh well. I just want to get on my way already.
DavieRocket77 said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 2:Armoured Soldier
Trade Choice 3:MSE Ops
Application Date: Febuary 11, 2010
CFAT:Completed- Febuary 18, 2010
Interview:Completed- Febuary 18, 2010
Medical:Completed- Febuary 22, 2010
References Contacted: pending/ now March 11th /called in for a follow up and found out that my forms were missing one signature, unfortunately that cost me 3 weeks but now it's back in process/ I will call in 2 weeks if i don't hear anything by then        ****Note****  make sure you do follow ups !!!
Backcheck: March 16, 2010
Position offered: pending
Sworn in: pending
Basic Training Begins: pending
Recruiting Centre: Windsor, ON
Regular/Reserve:  Regular
Officer/NCM:  NCM
Trade Choice 1: cmb Engineer
Trade Choice 2: Armoured Soldier
Trade Choice 3: Infintry
Application Date:  January , 20010
First Contact Date:  Febuary, 2009
CFAT Completed: Febuary 23
References Contact: Febuary, 2010
Medical & Interview: Medical March 5th Interview March 23rd
Merit Listed: TBA
Position Offered: TBA
Sworn In:  TBA
Basic Training Begins: TBA

Was hopeing to leave for bmq sometime in April but that doesn't look like its going to happen probably July?... what to do in the mean time...takes forever
Recruiting Center: CFRC Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: N/A
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date: TBA
First Contacted: TBA
References contacted: TBA
CFAT completed : TBA
Medical completed: TBA
Interview completed: TBA
Physical completed: TBA
Position Offered: TBA
Basic Training Begins: TBA

I can't send in my application until I get my BCID and I can't get that until I turn 19 in April so hoping when all is said and done by about the beginning of June, I'll be contacted for an infantry position, although kind of weary as so many people apply to that one. I've wanted to join the army since I was 8 and now finally following my dream, I'm so pumped for this and want to be the best I can be! Also weary about the CFAT as I've been outta school for a bit while I work right now.

I am so pumped to be the best soldier I can be though, and that's just not a young man's testosterone talking either.

Dalias said:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Victoria
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: N/A
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date: TBA
First Contacted: TBA
References contacted: TBA
CFAT completed : TBA
Medical completed: TBA
Interview completed: TBA
Physical completed: TBA
Position Offered: TBA
Basic Training Begins: TBA

I can't send in my application until I get my BCID and I can't get that until I turn 19 in April so hoping when all is said and done by about the beginning of June, I'll be contacted for an infantry position, although kind of weary as so many people apply to that one. I've wanted to join the army since I was 8 and now finally following my dream, I'm so pumped for this and want to be the best I can be! Also weary about the CFAT as I've been outta school for a bit while I work right now.

I am so pumped to be the best soldier I can be though, and that's just not a young man's testosterone talking either.


Not trying to rain on your parade but if you only applied for the infantry you'll probably be contacted closer to 2011. To put things in perspective I've been waiting for the infantry since September and all they have processed on my application is my back check. And I applied at the same recruiting center as you. My suggestion is to put maybe 1 or 2 more trades on your application that interest you. Might speed things up. Best of luck man.
No worries. I assumed it'd be around that time as well and I'm down for waiting that long. Infantry is what I want to do the most, I don't want any other position in the army. In the mean time, I'll keep on training so I can perfect each and every part of the application rather then getting any other number. I'm very passionate about this and if it takes that long, so be it. :P Either way I am very pumped and will perform and train my best until then and if I get accepted, I'll keep at it as I plan to do it as a career. I've waited 11 years to join. I can wait another year or two.  :salute:

Plus, all good things do take time! I've learnt that much within my life and I'm not about to give up just because I have to wait a measly few years. I want to build character as in taking colder and colder showers until it's the coldest it can go, sleeping as cold as you can, making myself uncomfortable  for the sole fact of building character.

A few years ain't gonna keep me from joining what I want to do the most. You'd have to cut me apart to stop me, but even that's questionable.  :cdn:
MynerC said:
Recruiting Centre: Sherbrooke, Quebec.
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Fire Fighter
Trade Choice 3: Sig Op
Application Date: January 9th 2010
First Contacted:  January 9th 2010
CFAT, completed : Feb 2nd 2010
References Contacted: Jan 19 2010
BackCheck Completed: Jan 11 2010
Medical Completed: Feb 2nd 2010
Medical Received: Feb 3rd 2010
Interview completed: Feb 2nd 2010
Position Offered: Feb 4th 2010 (Sig Op)
Sworn in: Feb 25th 2010
Basic Training Begins: March 8th 2010

Everything went SUPER fast for me.. the only set back I had was that I had to delay my interview, CFAT, and medical for a week since I could not make it for my original date. & I had to get my corrected vision re checked the day of my medical, but they recieved my new vision test the following morning. My file got sent away the next day, and the day after that I had a job offer  ;D (my dates above could be off a day or two, couldnt see my app process online)

Just a little update for you guys,

So my original job offer above got revoked since my blood pressure was high.. then I went and got it re checked and its all back to normal. So I did not make my BMQ for SigOp, and they said I would be recieving a job offer soon. I got the call on Monday again, and I have now recieved my original trade choice of Infantry!  My BMQ is supposedly August 16th, and I will be getting sworn in at the Vancouver CFRC.. my enrollment date is unclear at the moment because I have since moved back to BC from Quebec. So now my file is being sent to Vancouver and they will be contacting me next week with my swearing in date. So everything has worked out and all I need to do now is wait till August. The best part was I wanted infantry to begin with but got Sigop instead, but now I am back on track with the infantry. Pretty stoked. See you guys around.
Recruiting Center: CFRC Edmonton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:Artillery
Trade Choice 2:Armoured Soldier
Trade Choice 3:Mechanic
Application Date: March 8, 2010
Interview: TBA
Medical: TBA
References Contacted: TBA
Backcheck: TBA
Position offered: TBA
Sworn in: TBA
Basic Training Begins:TBA

I'm hoping to only have to wait a few months as I selected an 'in-demand' trade, but I know the wait is worth it.
ozn0g said:
Recruiting Centre: Victoria, BC
Regular/Reserve:  Regular
Officer/NCM:  NCM
Trade Choice 1: Infantry
Trade Choice 2: Field Artillery
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date:  September 25th, 2009
First Contact Date:  November, 2009
CFAT Completed: TBA
References Contact: January, 2010
Medical & Interview: TBA
Merit Listed: TBA
Position Offered: TBA
Sworn In:  TBA
Basic Training Begins: TBA
Just an update I got a call yesterday for my medical, interview, and aptitude. Its set for April 19th! Pretty stoked.
Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:Medical Technician
Trade Choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Application Date: Original App Oct 17/09 - unable to attend testing when offered.  New App March 17/10
Interview: TBA
Medical: TBA
References Contacted: TBA
Backcheck: TBA
Position offered: TBA
Sworn in: TBA
Basic Training Begins:TBA

Recruiting Centre: Halifax
Regular/Reserve:  Regular
Officer/NCM:  NCM
Trade Choice 1: AEC OP
Trade Choice 2: Med Tech
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date:  September 2, 2009
First Contact Date:  Oct, 2009
CFAT Completed: April 8, 2010
References Contact: ?
Medical & Interview: April 8, 2010
Merit Listed: TBA
Position Offered: TBA
Sworn In:  TBA
Basic Training Begins: TBA

Recruiting Centre: CFRC Halifax
Regular/Reserve:  Reserve
Officer/NCM:  NCM
Trade Choice 1: PH Tech
Trade Choice 2: N/A
Trade Choice 3: N/A
Application Date:  November 14, 2009
CFAT Completed: February 24, 2010
Medical & Interview: February 24, 2010
References Contacted: March 16, 2010
Back Check: ?
Merit Listed: ?
Position Offered: ?
Sworn In:  ?
Basic Training Begins: ?

As a side note, I prefer the question mark to TBA because the question mark doesn't assume, but that's just me. :)
I called in today, my CRNC is completed and I believe I've been merit listed. I was told to expect a call by April 1st , I'll be calling if I don't !!! LOL ...so excited  ;D
Recruiting Center: Winnipeg
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Signal Operator - 215
Application Date: September 14, 2009
First Contact: September 22, 2009
References Contacted: September 22, 2009
Fingerprints Submitted: October 1, 2009
CFAT Completed: September 30, 2009
First Interview: September 17, 2009
Second Interview: December 7th, 2009 - Trade choice change (Vision is V4)
Medical Part 1: November 24, 2009
Medical Part 2: November 24, 2009
Enhanced Reliability Granted: January 2010
Merit Listed: March 2010
Swear In: TBD
BMQ Start Date: TBD

Wow it's been a while since I have been able to update this, but everything is good news at least.  My ERC was granted back in January, talked to MCC and was informed this March that I had been merit listed and my file is with job offers - I'm apparently now just waiting for a BMQ date to be available!  Worth every minute of the application, and definitely looking forward to starting my new career!
Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1:Sig Op
Trade Choice 2:Artillery Field
Trade Choice 3:Infantry
Application Date: Nov. 25, 2009
CFAT:March 9, 2010
Interview: March 29, 2010
Medical: March 23, 2010
References Contacted: March 9, 2010
Backcheck: March 19, 2010
Position offered: TBA
Sworn in: TBA
Basic Training Begins:TBA
HavocSteve said:
Recruiting Centre: Oshawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Artillery Soldier - Field
Trade Choice 2: Combat Engineer
Trade Choice 3: Infantry
Application Date: October 14, 2009
First Contacted:  October 20, 2009
CFAT completed : October 21,2009
References Contacted: November 4, 2009
Medical Completed: November 6, 2009
Interview completed: November 16,  2009
Medical Received: January 15, 2010
Position Offered: Pending
Sworn in: Pending
Basic Training Begins: Pending

Just waiting on a credit check to be completed (Could take up to 3 months they said). Hopefully it will be cleared and then I'm good to go!
Recruiting Center- cfrc Oshawa
Regular/Reserve- Regular
Officer/NCM- NCM
Trade Choice- Infantry
Application Date- Original April 2006/New August 2009
CFAT- May 2006
Interview- October 2009
Back Check- October 2009
References Contacted- November 2009
Medical- Original December 2009/New April.7/2010
Position Offered- Pending
Sworn In- Pending
Basic Training Begins- Pending

This has been a long hard process for me but good things come to those who wait so the saying goes hopefully everything goes smoothly from here on in.

good luck to everyone else applying. :salute: :cdn:
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