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any RCRs on Forum?

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That's where I hope to end up when my time comes...if all goes as planned I should be just about ready in 5 years or less...maybe I'll get a chance to meet you face to face one day :)
Skura -
Canadians, we're the peace keepers of the world, we never fight...big war breaks out Canadian army shows up, stands right in the middle..."Break it up fella's...we brought bacon for everybody!"

That might happen.  You have 5 years to change your perspective on soldiers that conduct peace support operations.  We are not peacekeepers and our operations are not to be joked about.
I don't wanna get in to a big tussle about this because in the end all that's gonna happen is bad blood between me and some guy I've never met...it's already happened a few times to me on these forums so I've tried to be polite and watch who's toes I step on because I respect anyone and everyone here that is in the army or is seriously considering joining (cadets included), because I know how hard it is to not only make it in, but stay there and to continue to improve you skills to better serve your county and it's people...

So before you think I disrespect, or dislike, or look down on our army or it's soldiers, think again.

And if all you saw in my last post was my signature, look again, because I'm one of the young guys here looking to enlist.

By the way, you're the only one who's taken "offence" to my signature, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE (staff included) who frequents the site has undoubtedly seen it, and has not told me to take it off...so unless there is a vast majority of others here who find it offencive and not comical (the way is was slightly talked about in another form and intended), then I will apologize for it, and take it off.
I think it's hilarious (and accurate). The Canadian Army - the most technologically advanced hospital/EPW defence force in the world! Our motto should be "we'll protect your rear area while you fight" in latin. Anyone know latin?

I am sure the families of the men who died in Afghanistan would not appreciate your little joke.  Maybe if you have served there you could joke about it, but since you are not in the military yet, you have no idea of the conditions on peacesupport operations.  Stay in your lane.
OK Parasoldier, before you fall off your high horse and sprain your typing fingers, I have been in almost 11 years and I did a tour in Kosovo and I have been to Afghanistan. Also, I knew two of the three RCR soldiers who died in Afghanistan. Lighten up a little, nobody is saying anything blasphemous or outrageous. Every real soldier I know has no problem poking fun at our military.

Mortar Guy,
That is what is good about these forums.....everybody can express their own opinion.  I know many real soldiers that would have a problem.  To each his own.
Exactly, to each their own. Which is why Skura's sig is perfectly acceptable: it is a reflection of his opinion (and a funny one at that). Cheers!

My sig isn't my views of our army or how I see it, it's simply a joke and should be treated as such (like how Motar guy is receiving it and others that have taken the time to read it).

The way it looks to me now is that Parasoldier thinks that my sig was made up by me and I whole heartedly believe every word in it, which is untrue, it is now and will always be a joke (made by Jeremy Hotz, Canadian comedian).
Please can we all just check the hostilities at the door and keep this very informative thread on track.
Mortar guy said:
When did 2 RCR ever have a "Charley Company"? The second Company in 2 RCR has always been Hotel Company as far as I can tell.

thats right................it went g company,h company.i company,j company,k company,l company
Michael OLeary said:
From the latest edition of the Regimental Standing Orders (Interim, 2003):

"In July 1970, when the Regiment began lettering its companies in a sequential manner across all battalions, A Company became a unique subunit of the 1st Battalion. As the right flank of the 1st Battalion, it was designated "The Duke of Edinburgh's Company" on 16 July 1978."

The Second (Special Service) Battalion in 1899-1900 had a "C" Company, raised in Toronto.

From 1950, when the Second Battalion was raised for service in Korea, it had company letters starting with "A." This lettering continuedl, as noted in the Regimental Standing Orders, until 1970.

When 2Bn The RCR were created in 1950 the third Rifle company was known as "C" Coy. When the 1st Bn arrived in Korea the name was changed to "Charles Coy". If you go back to the Boer War I am sure you will find a reference to "C" Coy. I'm sure Mike O'Leary can fill us in on the details
Michael OLeary said:
From the latest edition of the Regimental Standing Orders (Interim, 2003):

"In July 1970, when the Regiment began lettering its companies in a sequential manner across all battalions, A Company became a unique subunit of the 1st Battalion. As the right flank of the 1st Battalion, it was designated "The Duke of Edinburgh's Company" on 16 July 1978."

I have served 13 years in the RCR. Served with both the 1st and 4th .

I was on the parade the day when "The Duke of Edinburgh's Company" was formed. I first arrived in London in Nov. 1978 and at that time A Coy. was the training company for TQ 3 training (pre Battle School days).
Although it may have been designated on 16 July 1978 it was not formed until the summer of 1979. The first O.C. was Maj. Cox who I believe later reached Brig. Gen.

Pro Patria
Hello Hardass'

Love to hear from some of the boyz from RCR BSL crs.8803.   grad date 13 Oct 88

Went to Dukes coy.1RCR, then 3CDO myself, and wondering what happened to all the others.

Been in touch with a few guy's lately and have very much enjoyed it. Hope all are well.
As the saying goes...stick together, but spread out.

Bob Fayle

hey Bob; did you ever meet a guy by the name of Buzz Gomes? he served in dukes when you were in there.
what about one of the turcotte brothers? they served in 3CDO if I'm not mistaken.
I know quite a few guys that would have maybe know you, I just have to remember their names.
all three mentioned are still in, two of them are with 4 RCR, and craig turcotte is in the battleschool in meaford.
bob fayle,wtf goin on *****,havent heard youre name in a while bye..email your phone#i'll give ya a call,i hate typin.
Fukin A! I remember all three. went to BSL with one of the Turcotte's.
Would you let those guy's know I'm around and would like to talk with them ?(please and thankyou)
I was in London last year and saw that the old Dukes barracks have suffered the same fate as the
Turcotte residence in Beachburg.  
Have a good one!
bubba said:
bob fayle,wtf goin on *****,havent heard youre name in a while bye.see if you remember my name,billy macneil.email your phone#i'll give ya a call,i hate typin.
Ofcourse I remember you Billy ,ya brick shithouse! I can still smell ya ,workin out in the "wieght room" in
Cyprus pal. Good times....pm on the way big fella. Great to hear from you!
Bob F. said:
Fukin A! I remember all three. went to BSL with one of the Turcotte's.
Would you let those guy's know I'm around and would like to talk with them ?(please and thankyou)
I was in London last year and saw that the old Dukes barracks have suffered the same fate as the
Turcotte residence in Beachburg.  
Have a good one!

well if I get posted out to meaford for some reason, I'll tell craig you said hi for you (tyler went through in 84)
what about powers? he's a master jack, has had 18 years in.
buzz is RSM of 4 RCR. laughed when I saw that one pic of him as a Sgt. from years back.
I know quite a few of the older guys in 1 RCR, just gotta tell me who you're looking for.
I'll be down for 4 RCR christmas dinner (and if I ain't, I'm going to be pretty ticked) so when I buzz, I'll tell him you say hi.
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