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Any great/outstanding unit websites??? Which ones???


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Well, no better place to ask....

Our unit is revamping its website in the coming weeks and to get some ideas I've been looking at various websites listed in the "unit websites" thread along with links from www.army.dnd.ca.... I haven't had much luck in finding a site that stands out above the rest...

Any links to sites that you feel are "pretty darn good" would be appreciated....(pls post the reply for the viewing pleasure of others too!)

I suppose it all depends on what you consider "great" and what you have established as the site's objectives.


By great/outstanding I mean very good layout, eye catching something that goes over an above the "standard".

I guess the Topic on Unit Websites didn't bring up any sites of interest to you.  ::)  Look up at the top of the Radio Chatter page.......item # 2


There it is! I was trying to find it in the board of Canadian army, etc,
to give him the link, but didn't find it!

Oh well!
Ah!  Yet another person who needs to learn how to use SEARCH.  If you are in the Canadian Army board, your search will be restricted to only that board.  Next time try the whole site.

Toronto_NCO said:
Well, no better place to ask....

Our unit is revamping its website in the coming weeks and to get some ideas I've been looking at various websites listed in the "unit websites" thread along with links from www.army.dnd.ca.... I haven't had much luck in finding a site that stands out above the rest...

Any links to sites that you feel are "pretty darn good" would be appreciated....(pls post the reply for the viewing pleasure of others too!)

Anyway ....

Torionto_NCO, are you thinking of some sort of flash-heavy site, or something basic with a simple layout that focusses on the presentation of information?

One example of the latter using html and CSS: The RCR

Toronto_NCO said:
Our unit is revamping its website in the coming weeks and to get some ideas I've been looking at various websites listed in the "unit websites" thread along with links from www.army.dnd.ca.... I haven't had much luck in finding a site that stands out above the rest...

All Federal Government Web sites are mandated by Treasury Board to follow the same 'format'.  That is why they are not 'flashy'.  As long as a Unit Website is hosted on a Government Server, it must comply by the Treasury Board rules.  If your Unit is hosting it's website on a DND Server, you are limited by those Treasury Board rules and regulations.  If your Unit is hosting it's website outside of DND, on a private/civilian server, then you do not have to follow those rules. 
Thanks M.O'Leary for pointing out the line from my original post re - me already looking at most/if not all the sites in the "unit websites" thread.

They are all indeed good, but nothing caught my eye nor wanted me to bookmark it for future use/reference. 

To get an idea of the "cool looking" websites im looking for...check out (in NO particular order):

www.strathconas.ca (thanks Imbeault)
http://www.armee.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/6_1.asp  (looks good,clean, clear, concise, not too much text on the main page)
http://www.army.dnd.ca/48HIGHLANDERS/MAIN.HTML (ditto, good graphics/menu selection method)

The RCR site is good as well, but to answer your question - i'm looking at designing flash heavy site vice CSS.

Mr Wallace:  Thanks for the info in your last post.  I am fully aware of all the regulations WRT Common Look and Feel and TB regs.  Our unit is putting up three sites - the Official site, Unofficial site and a third site promoting our Band and Honorary Appts.  The Official Site will be on the DND server, the second and third will be on a private server.  Im also working with a former Army Webmaster who runs her own business...

So thanks for the two links so far - keep em coming!  AH
