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Any favourite BMQ memories?

jmnavy said:
Realising he was going to be sick he took off ALL his clothes so they wouldn't get puked on.  They found his clothes a few feet away, folded in perfect 12x12 inch squares!!  Now that's a well trained recruit!

My roommates told me of something like that I did. That week we had been learning about patrols, and had, naturally, been practising our parade drills with the invisible C7s. So one of the buddies is on weapons sentry, so when he's revived to "patrol the corridors," up I get in my tartan boxers and some shirt and start doing the walk around barefoot with my arms at the ready position. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know."

All I remember is going back to bed.

Another good memory was during the field ex. The Section to our right is being bumped, and from 50 ft out, a MCpl tosses a smoke grenade. It arcs over the head of the fireteam, hits the mound behind their trench, and rolls in.
To this they pull out their gas masks not, but continue throwing blanks and words at the enemy force. Eventually, the smoke builds so thick, they can't breathe. They throw down their weapons and roll out of the trench, and are promptly machine gunned at point blank by their charging grenadier. Freaking awesome. They had green heads for days.
"What about fountain pop?" became one of the most repeated quotes of the entire BMQ/SQ.

We did ours this summer in Chilliwack (just graduated yesterday actually), and we had this one complete numpty of a recruit, the guy didnt look a day over 12.  We are informed by our NCO's that we are not to take any pop from the mess at meal times, the recruit raises his hand and asks, honest to god, "does that include fountain pop?"  The Master Bombardier stormed over, leaned right into him and screamed "IF ITS FIZZY, IT DOESNT GO IN YOUR FACE!"
During SQ I was taking a dump in the washroom during the CSM's inspections of the washrooms OOPPPS!

Here is a funny one,

Recruit talking to a MCPL:

Recruit: "Yes Super Corporal!"

MCPL: "Super Corporal!  What the **** is a Super Corporal!"
Windsor Garrison BMQ 0605

21 Svc Bn
Windsor R
Essex and Kent Scots

1. A guy took a large breath as he entered the gas hut then screamed mother f*ckers and got CS in his lungs

2. Capturing the SQ's OP with just 4 BMQ and a MCpl. Then enjoying the looks on their faces as we striped their weapons away and threw them in the sand(good old Borden)

3.Getting the "choclate lips" away after grad parade for the most outstanding ass kissing.

4. Doing a Timmies run in MOPP 4.

5. Having beer bottles chucked at us from some drunk a**holes during a ruck march.

6.My Sec2IC slicing his arm open on a white board, he didn't realize it was so bad until a troop said "Cpl your dripping blood on the floor' then he went pale and almost passed out.

7. Our course WO speeches. he is the best speaker in the world. His speeches made you feel even more proud to be serving Canada.

8. Shoving 13 larger people into the back of a MILCOT.

9. Having a 2Lt tell us he was going to join Hamas if he didn't make CAP this year. ( he is Palestinian in origin) then having 2 of the big guys on my course tell him they were gonna kick his a**. (it was a joke by the way)

10. Going to the bar i work at after a weekend with a few buddies in uniform and getting a drink, then getting yelled at by some old dude about how it was against the law for us to do this and how he was calling the cops.

that's all for now i  and i cant wait to start SQ hopefully sooner then later  :salute: :cdn: :salute:
I went on my QL2 course back in 1999 - I didn't know my folks had packed up some munchies for me, nor did I know they had packed up some of my fitness magazines for me.  (Some of the covers show more than a Playboy cover - back in those days anyhow).

Got to Wainwright, and was asked very specifically..."Do you have any pornographic material?"   
-  "No."

-  "Did you pack any snacks or food?"

-  "No."

They proceeded to open my bags, only to find a ton of junk food and scantily clad bikini women right at the top of the heap.  Obviously, I knew my folks had thrown in a little surprize for me...sure as hell couldn't make a convincing argument to the course staff to try and explain it though!! 

Turned out to be the first of many verbal warnings for shit I didn't know about  ???
1. having a Mcpl jack me up for air humping on an officers inspection

2. calling a master bombardier master corporal and have her scream at the top of her lungs

3. getting more than 5 hours of sleep on the weekends

4. thinking your section commander wants you too lead a charge on the exercise when hes not even there
( lack of sleep 1- 2 hours a night )
5. doing drill with invisible rifles to waste time in front of the armories and having all the staff crack up watching us struggle to do it
tannerthehammer said:
During SQ I was taking a dump in the washroom during the CSM's inspections of the washrooms OOPPPS!

Here is a funny one,

Recruit talking to a MCPL:

Recruit: "Yes Super Corporal!"

MCPL: "Super Corporal!  What the **** is a Super Corporal!"
cracked me up...reminds me of a recriot calling a corporal "colonel" Here's the story:

Rct:Yes colonel!
Cpl: it's corporal, you ************************
Rct:Allright colonel
One good memory was marching to the gas hut, and seeing a bunch of Maj and a BrigGen standing around. They were doing the gas test in preperation to go overseas. Only thing is, the didnt have bunny suits, just Rain Coats and pants ;D we ended up letting them borrow some of ours
Pte. Perry said:
One good memory was marching to the gas hut, and seeing a bunch of Maj and a BrigGen standing around. They were doing the gas test in preperation to go overseas. Only thing is, the didnt have bunny suits, just Rain Coats and pants ;D we ended up letting them borrow some of ours

Its a test now?  ;D
I still say seeing the gates of Cornholis, oops, Cornwallis, in the rear window of the bus I was on when I left.

medicineman said:
I still say seeing the gates of Cornholis, oops, Cornwallis, in the rear window of the bus I was on when I left.


But it was FUN there!  a 10 week vacation more or less... ;D

My fingers looked like hamburger when I was done labelling my kit.  8 stiches per 1/4 inch as per 'the bible'...fun fun fun.

I DID however beat up my long underwear in the laundry room one night.  They just didn't want to go 8" by 12" for some reason...BAM BAM BAM.

Oddly that didn't help at all...
There was the time I was squad knob and we had a fire alarm go off - I was the last guy out as per SOP and as I walked quickly down the stairs, I almost got my balls chewed off by a huge german shepherd pulling his handler up the stairs to have a sniff in our lockers...

medicineman said:
There was the time I was squad knob and we had a fire alarm go off - I was the last guy out as per SOP and as I walked quickly down the stairs, I almost got my balls chewed off by a huge german shepherd pulling his handler up the stairs to have a sniff in our lockers...


"Almost" being the key word in that sentence?  Is that one of those "coulda been worser" moments?
My favourite memory from Corwallis was having a sister platoon ;D ;D ;D
1.Calling a Mcpl wich was a combat medic..Medic
2.Seeing a recruit salute a Pte(R) on the 2nd day,and jackep hardcore up by Mcpl that saw him
3.We were setting up trip flares and an Officer was waving his arms trying to see were it was, the Mcpl,thinking it was a recruit yelled "Stop F****** around you!"
4.During inspection, "What is wrong with you're flag Pte?-Its a bit burnt Mcpl!- ------ITS UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!!!! :rage:!
5.Having my FT partner have an ND and having the entire section cover the ones that had to carry me to the CP and put a dressing on me and do all the drills.
6.Seeing everyone running around in boxers during the first Stand-to at 1 30 am.
7.We were talking from hoochie to hoochie " Ah I need a massage on my back" the other Pte says "Ah,I need a massage on my b***s
and a very strong voice from out of nowhere say "WHO THE F*** IS TALKING ABOUT B****?
8.Seeing a Pte saluting the Lcol with his left hand on the graduation parade..

Those were just some memories for my Bmq and Sq...

Maybe I am a party-pooper but #5 wasn't that funny.

Some of the others were really funny  ;D (like #3)  "trip flares"  ;)
rmacqueen said:
My favourite memory from Corwallis was having a sister platoon
They had females in the military way back then??  ;D
navymich said:
They had females in the military way back then??  ;D
Yeah, they were in charge of the horses and stacking the cannon balls...smart a** :nana:
It is about week 5 or 6.  I'm starting to get the hang of the whole inspection thing.  I've cleaned my windsills, behind the bed, the floor near the closet, the floor of the closet, etc.   I'm thinking ok, this time I think I've done it.

So in comes the sargeant (he did our inspections for that week), and I'm at attention trying to keep from grinning from ear to ear.  He goes around my room.  Dirty weapon.  I'm thinking "I think those stupid rifles produce oil!" but not bad only one thing wrong.  He turns and says "Good room.  Did you clean behind your desk?"

That inner grin turned to a total depression in 0.0000001 seconds.  Nope, never occured to me to clean behind the desk.  So I said "No Sergeant."  So he moves the desk and out comes flying the "Mother of All Dust Bunnies" (TM)  swirling in the wind.  (I swear dust reproduces like bunnies at the Mega, we think they pump it in through the vents!).  "Unhygienic room" he says.   The sight of that giant dust bunny still cracks me up.

Second memory.

At basic, an undone button is 25 pushups.  I hate pushups so I resolved to myself to never get button pushups.  What a waste of good energy.  Every day I check all the buttons on my clothes in the closet.  At that time our inspecting DS was a PO.  And everytime the PO would check all of my buttons.  Never found any.  Until about week 9 or 10.

In he comes for inspection.  Scans quickly through my clothes, since by this time he expects them all to be done.  Suddenly he stomps and drops into that DS crouched stance.  Hilarious.  Of course, I instantly know what it is.  Out comes a dress shirt.  "What this Officer Cadet?" "That would be 25 pushups PO"  "Yes, that would be 25 pushups get started."  The image of him dropping down like a tiger about to strike breaks me up.