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Anti-Zombie kit.

My wife wouldn't tolerate a stockpile like that, thankfully my Parents haven't found my old one yet.
GreenMarine said:
My wife wouldn't tolerate a stockpile like that, thankfully my Parents haven't found my old one yet.

You say that as if she has a say in the matter. She'll be plenty thankful when the day comes.
Mine is out of town this week.

I "took advantage" of this situation to procure a set of surplus filing cabinets from the "Re-Store" in Dartmouth.


Top shelf is "ready use" (pre-bombed mags) 2nd shelf is the .22 LR drawer....with a smidge of 9mm tossed in.  3rd is the 1919A4 Drawer....belts, and more belts, and a linking machine....4th drawer is .223 + hunting rifle ammo, and the bottom drawer is the 12 gauge + the 7.62x39....and there's more yet to be delivered....

Ah, gcsurplus.ca, how I love thee.  I picked up a nice cabinet for $36, holds most of my goodies.  I'll have to post a pic one of these days.
What's stranger than getting a "Zombie Survival kit" in the mail from an anonymous sender?


Having it come complete with 500mg capsules of amoxicillin and other pills  :nod:


You mean everyone doesn't have one of these?


Kicking it old school:
Crossbows are good; powerful, quieter than firearms and can even be self loading:

It will be spring soon so the chances of a zombie invasion will obviously increase.

I can't decide between the HK45 I have on order and buying an AR15, something between a short and mid length one.  One on hand I already have some .45 ammo on standby, on the other hand how can I not have some kind of AR15?
If you are set on an AR-15, then a mid length one will probably be your best bet; much handier when carrying in confined spaces but still provides enough muzzel velocity to punch through the cranium when it really counts.

A good reflex sight should be in your letter to Santa as well  :christmas happy:
With a .45, you are limiting yourself to short-range effectiveness.  Yes, yes, yes, precise shot placement, reach out, IT'S A G-DAMNED .45, etc etc etc Stopping power, yada yada yada.

Buy the mid-length AR, it's just as handy, just as light in terms of recoil, many more parts available, lots of "bling" to add on or subtract as you wish...lego for men.

Mini 14. Parties all night and no need for pee tests the next day.  No worries about RPAL or the eventually prohibiting of your action type.  It's survived this long after Lepine despite screams for it's banning.
NavyShooter said:
With a .45, you are limiting yourself to short-range effectiveness.

And more experience points ;)

I'm going to need something to drive in order to carry all my ammo and supplies. Kinda leaning towards a BTR-60  :camo:


Starting as low as $16'699
ObedientiaZelum said:
And more experience points ;)

I'm going to need something to drive in order to carry all my ammo and supplies. Kinda leaning towards a BTR-60  :camo:


Starting as low as $16'699

Are you going to be able to/have to order spare parts from the Motherland though?

I don't want to start a conspiracy..... but I've heard spare parts from the iltis and LSVW are interchangeable  ;D

My unit just got rid of half of our LSVWs, I just need to find out where they're being sent and I'll be set.