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An... interesting App


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I've seen a couple threads here where the Sea Shepherds were discussed. Some of you may find this interesting.



A NZ-developed game on the new Mac App Store has been created by a freelance game developer in Wellington.

The game promotes Sea Shepherd, the organisation that has been chasing Japanese whalers away. It's hardly 'PC' - the game equips users with a rocket launcher and plenty to shoot at.

Aaron Cross, the developer, says "What's really interesting is that one week after release, the largest market it's selling in is Japan." (The game actually references Canadian seal clubbing, though, not Japanese whaling."

The objective of the game is "to blast the droids of the Canadian military with your rocket launcher and machine gun, in order to reach the Sea Shepherd vessel impounded by the Canadians in a remote Newfoundland port."

Cross hopes to raise the profile of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which is fighting against animal cruelty in the world, including shark-finning, whaling, dolphin slaughter and sealing.


EDIT: Just to note, the rust bucket featured in this game was auctioned off by the RCMP over a year ago. Don't mess with the seal hunt. ;D
Wow... I need the NSN for the droids. Need to add it to my wish list for the next budget.  :facepalm: