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An American journalist's views on our contribution (and others)

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Apparently we're 'crying uncle'....

Feel free to bombard this ignorant eh-hole's sight with hate mail (or well written retorts ;)).

The "forgotten war" or the one that should have been remembered, Afghanistan is a place that looks suspiciously like Palm Springs except the women wear Burkas instead of bathing suits. Logically, this is the "good war", the legal and justified war, but like the sibling to the prodigal son, the son who did everything right, Afghanistan is both neglected and misunderstood.

Stepping off the plane, at Bagram Airbase, the first difference I noticed between Iraq and Afghanistan was how many nationalities are represented. Unlike the Iraqi WMD claim, there was little doubt the 9/11 attacks were launched from Afghanistan. So, an eager international community boldly raised its collective hand to take part in the mission of reconstructing the Taliban stronghold. But like the disparate versions of camouflage soldiers wear to blend in to the same environment, the interpretation of the mission is what makes so many countries stand out.

With all the criticism of "going it alone" and "unilateralism" Afghanistan is supposed to be a model of what free nations can do when they pitch in together for a common task, but when it comes to mission accomplishment, not all miliataries are equal. Of course, this will disturb those who refuse to see any differences between nations, peoples, religions. The "We are the World Crowd" will insist everyone is in a war zone and taking a similar risk—like a sappy soft-drink commercial, no one wants to break the mood of unity, but when you take a look at the casualties, the numbers speak a universal language.

The British do a fine job, with over 6,000 troops; Her Majesty's military displays formidable martial might. The Brits are disciplined, trained and professional, which is in direct contrast to the Egyptian Army whose soldier's main activity is to walk around with their uniform in disarray and see how many cold sodas they can hoard from the DFAC, (Dining Facility) refrigerator. I was surprised to learn the former subjects of pharaohs run a medical unit at Bagram.

The English have been aggressive in pursuing the Taliban and confronting the enemy. In other words, they will fight. I spoke to an English officer at the Bagram Airbase who noted some of the differences between the United States and the United Kingdom. "We don't have all that 'We Support the Troops' stuff like you Yanks do," he concluded. Let's hope some British social customs are not as contagious as Madonna found their accent to be.

Of the 31,000 + non-Afghan troops stationed in Afghanistan, far more than half are American as are over 80% of the casualties. The problem is not that Americans make easier targets, it's that each represented country has a different mission in Afghanistan. Just because you're in a war zone doesn't mean you have to actually be in the war, in fact, you can pretend you're on a peacekeeping mission and never leave the garrison.

I met a Frenchman on base who boasted "I get along very well with Americans," but what was there not to get along with? The American military provide him with a place to stay, free health care, guards to protect, as much food as you can eat and air transportation from one base to the next. With so many benefits for so little effort, life in Afghanistan, for many Europeans nationals, is the socialist paradise their governments could never deliver.

With about 1,000 French soldiers in country and nine deaths over five years, the probability is higher a French warrior will die from drinking Afghan black market wine, than there is of him "falling in the line of duty" — unless, of course, he slips in the chow hall.

According to critics in the media and the politicians pretending to care for the welfare of the troops, support for the Afghan Mission is failing around the globe. Canada has lost 66 soldiers in five years and they're already crying uncle. Jean Chretien, the former Prime Minister, initially refused to leave the urban stronghold of Kabul, where International forces have set up a beer garden and a nice wooden replica of the Roman Coliseum. Chretien probably wanted to resort to that time-proven French Canadian tactic of surrendering without a fight and then insurging against the enemy using the deadly tactic of endless provincial referendums. The recent loss of five soldiers in a single attack sent the Canadian, especially Quebec public into white-flag therapy. Three centuries and some people just can't kick the surrendering habit.

Other nationalities really do change, having starred in two world Wars, today's Germany gets nose-bleeds around violent video games. Like the French, and many others, the Germans will not engage the enemy in Afghanistan. Their "prudence" in the North has earned them little public favor back home -- where support for troops in Afghanistan is even lower than church attendance. Over the past five years, Germany has lost 21 men, which is roughly the same number of Germans who admit they actually knew about the Holocaust and confess to caring enough to do anything about it.

South Koreans are EXCELLENT warriors, unfortunately their government is about as gullible as their missionary travel agent. Negotiating with the Taliban makes as much sense as a telethon charitable fundraiser for a Louisiana casino.

I don't want to give the impression that all of the world militaries are as conflicted as a Libyan delegate leading the U.N. Human Rights Commission. The plucky Polish are everywhere and have a youthful vibrancy that their former German occupiers lack. I saw Polish soldiers pile into the Chinook helicopter that was taking me to PRT Gardez. They were alive, armed and ready to roll. Their cleaned, oiled and modified AK 47's seem to ask "Who do you want me to shoot?

The media is already forecasting the "downturn in Afghanistan" and they're quick to point out the upturn in opium production. This unilateral blame America first will not take into account the multi-lateral support as evidenced by the rainbow village in Afghanistan. The ISAF (International Security Afghanistan Force and umbrella organization for Coalition forces) does not mandate a pro-active role in the eradication of the illegal (and rising) Opium trade. With so many chiefs and too few brave Indians it stands to reason that, in Afghanistan "legal" will never quite equal "logical".

Matt Sanchez is the recipient of the Jeane Kirkpatrick Award for Academic Freedom and is currently embedded in Iraq after spending time embedded in Afghanistan. You can follow his experiences at http://www.matt-sanchez.com/.
Just went on the website and by looking at some of the typos eg. "pubic poll' and quality of the stories, seems far from being a legitimate media outlet.  I hope when he embeds in Iraq somebody embeds an RPG up his ignorant a$$.
DirtyDog said:
According to critics in the media and the politicians pretending to care for the welfare of the troops, support for the Afghan Mission is failing around the globe. Canada has lost 66 soldiers in five years and they're already crying uncle. Jean Chretien, the former Prime Minister, initially refused to leave the urban stronghold of Kabul, where International forces have set up a beer garden and a nice wooden replica of the Roman Coliseum. Chretien probably wanted to resort to that time-proven French Canadian tactic of surrendering without a fight and then insurging against the enemy using the deadly tactic of endless provincial referendums. The recent loss of five soldiers in a single attack sent the Canadian, especially Quebec public into white-flag therapy. Three centuries and some people just can't kick the surrendering habit.

I resent these comments!
Canadian Politics........ HEY - I don't comment on American Politics, this BOZO should butt out of ours!
Referendums ad nauseums..... yes.... but MYOB anyway!
the Former PM refused to go to Iraq - Period! - WMD hell.  The former PM was the one who sent the troops to Afghanistan in 2002 - right at the very beginning - Who'se got the short memory span?
Where does he get the idea that french CANADIAN troops have ever cut & run? - those who have signed up to fight HAVE FOUGHT

A Quick Overview
Matthew A. Sanchez: Male prostitute, Republican, gay porn star, Marine Corps wannabe, evangelical Christian, Iraq war "reporter" and salesman, right-wing radio and TV guest, congenital liar. They all seem to fit, don't they?

Sanchez became nationally controversial in March 2007 when he accepted an "academic freedom award" from the same right-wing group whose members applauded Ann Coulter when she called Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot." After it happened, a few gay bloggers stepped forth to reveal his history as a gay porn actor and prostitute.

The Sanchez story caught fire in the liberal blogosphere, moved to MSNBC's liberal Countdown program, and eventually was picked up by military publications including the Marine Corps Times. That caused the Marine Corps, whose regulations exclude openly acknowledged homosexuals, to investigate his background. Chances are that Sanchez has been discharged, but military law keeps those decisions private. Only the USMC and Sanchez know for sure, and neither of them are telling.

Here's what we do know: Using the pseudonyms "Rod Majors" and "Pierre La Branche," Sanchez performed in at least 15 original gay videos recorded between 1992 and 1995. Including re-compilations, he appears in at least 39 porn videos. Between 1999 and 2002, he was a male prostitute, operating a website under the moniker, "Excellent Top." In 2004, while in the USMC Reserve, he prostituted under the guise, "No Regrets Massage."

Sanchez originally acknowledged the videos and prostitution. When he learned that his admissions could (at least in theory) land him in a military prison, he attempted to erase the evidence of his prostitution and to minimize his involvement in pornography. In doing so, he has told a series of questionable and contradictory stories, and at times laughably clumsy lies.

Sanchez has been protected and promoted in this quest by Wikipedia, the popular on-line enecyclopedia. It has censored any mention of his prostitution, minimized his porn involvement, and blocked input from those who have objected to the falsification of his personal history.

More recently, Sanchez has managed to travel to the Middle East and gain access to American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has filed heavily slanted "reports" for a variety of right-wing publications including The Weekly Standard and The National Review, whose editors are aware of his personal history.

The same goes for his evangelical Christian fans, whose gullibility appears to be limitless. Once Sanchez renounced his homosexuality and proclaimed that Jesus is his savior, they circled the wagons and ignored the lying. Now they're his biggest supporters. If these people weren't so influential, we'd be laughing at them.

This blog represents one writer's determination to insure that Matt Sanchez does not succeed in his quest to conceal the truth. In an earlier era an effort such as this wouldn’t have been necessary, but we live in what the Chinese call interesting times. What else can you say about a period in history when a male prostitute has become a de facto military spokesman and right-wing Christian icon? Go figure!

Want the 5-minute version? Click here

For a hilarous (but explicit) video that wickedly summarizes Matt Sanchez and his story, click here. It was posted on Live Leak, a competitor to You Tube. Alas, that site turns out to be yet another promoter of Sanchez's, and promptly censored it. I contacted the author, who allowed me to host it here.

Note: I have designed this site to avoid inadvertent exposure to explicit material. All explicit links are labeled, and I have minimized my use of explicit language. That said, given what made Sanchez famous to begin with, there's only so far I can go.

Here ya go..... this Matt Sachez is a real piece of art..... please do visit this particular site for the real dirt on this dirt bag!
Chretien probably wanted to resort to that time-proven French Canadian tactic of surrendering without a fight

Perhaps Mr. Sanchez should perform some history research. Specifically the battle of Quebec, 1775
I'm not sure, but didn't a regiment from Quebec stop
the American advance into Canada in 1812?

Quebec militia, in support of Brit forces did indeed beat back US forces
geo said:
Here ya go..... this Matt Sachez is a real piece of art..... please do visit this particular site for the real dirt on this dirt bag!

Wow.  Just wow. :o

His seeming animosity to French Canadians seems rather ironic.......
just imagine.... a former Marine Cpl, gay, Escort services, Homosexual porno movies, (with a French canadian pseudonym for his "acting" nom de plume)......

Cheez  =  what a slime!
He qualifies French Canadians as France French...such a common American bloop in their all knowing superior minds.

In 1775 after the Acts which the Americans wanted to see fulfilled, namely the "one nation in North America", they invaded Quebec Province (renamed and under British rule since 1759) with their continental army and were ultimately halted and repelled at the very walls of Quebec City.  :salute: :cdn:

As for the rest of his arrogance, Iraq is a bloodbath with no gain so far except oil for USA and a meager Iraqi government (which the senate were thinking and still are, of abandoning to pull out of Iraq) that has more holes than the US infamous WMD scandal with G. Bush leading.

Bah. Sanchez makes me sick.  :rage:
eh em, I think he should brush up on his history before before he goes shooting of his mouth about who stands by the way side and who doesn't.
WWI the US didn't get involved until 1917, Canada had already been fighting for 3 years upto then.
WWII the US didn't get involved until pearl harbour was bombed in 1941, Canada had already been fighting for 2 years upto then.

Its quite obvious this person doesn't hold the rest of the world in much high regards, well that's his loss.

And I don't recall in the war of 1812, any french militias ever surrendering to American troops. If he reads these posts, here is a history lesson for him about how the french volunteers supposedly surrendered, read carefully the letters in bold.

in 1813, the US mounting a 2-pronged attack designed to take Montréal, but this was so halfhearted that it was foredoomed to failure. On the Châteauguay R on Oct 26, a handful of French Canadian VOLTIGEURS under Lt-Col Charles de SALABERRY drove an American army of 4000 back across the border. (near Morrisburg, Ont) on Nov 11, Lt-Col Joseph Wanton Morrison's regulars won a resounding victory over James Wilkinson's superior force, which also quit Canada. Thus the 1813 campaign ended with the Americans in possession of Ft AMHERSTBURG on the Detroit R, and the British holding the 2 American forts, Niagara and Michilimackinac.

Below is a link to the battle of CHATEAUGUAY, BATTLE At CRYSLER'S FARM.


Battle honours
The Great War: Mont-Sorrel, Somme 1916 '18, Flers-Courcelette, Thiepval, Les Hauteurs d'Ancre, Arras 1917 '18, Vimy 1917, Arleux, Scarpe 1917 '18, Côte 701, Ypres 1917, Passchendaele, Amiens, Ligne Hindenburg1, Canal du Nord, Cambrai 1918, Poussée de Mons, France et Flandres 1915-18
The Second World War: Débarquement en Sicile, Valguarnera, Adrano, Catenuova, Sicile 1943, Débarquement à Reggio, Potenza, Le Sangro, Casa Berardi, Torre Mucchia, Cassino II, Ligne Gustav, Vallée de la Liri, Ligne Hitler, Ligne Gothique, Borgo Santa Maria, Passage du Lamone, Ligne Rimini, San Martino-San Lorenzo, San Fortunato, Cesena, Italie 1943-1945, Apeldoorn, Nord-Ouest de l'Europe 1945
Corée 1951-531

Victoria Cross recipients
Corporal Joseph Kaeble † - 22nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force - Neuville-Vitasse, France - June 8, 1918
Lieutenant Jean Brillant † - 22nd Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force - near Amiens, France - August 8-9, 1918
(Acting) Major Paul Triquet - Royal 22e Régiment - Casa Berardi, Italy - December 14, 1943
† - Awarded posthumously

Dont get bent out of shape, guys.  He's obviously refering to the right-wing US version of history, in which France never won a battle.  In his world, French-Canadians (or should I say Freedom-Canadians?) are lumped together with the French into one big bigoted Morale Majority orientated monologue.  Its just another biased piece of journalism punching out what Joe Q. Rightwingamerican wants to hear, that they are the world's policemen and no one else is stepping up to bat.

Am I wrong in thinking that this isn't even journalism but some idiot's blog?  ???
Heh.... sigdes,

That Vandoo soldier you've pictured happens to be the one who, upon retiring from the CF, acted in a couple of porno films..... (but he did "it" with women).

Also, WRT the Victoria Crosses, I should point out that the R22R is not / was not the only francophone unit in the Canadian corp (ww1) or the Canadian army (WW2).... haven't bothered to look but I am certain there are others.
certainly some mixed up Quebec "franglais" hybrids :)
geo said:
That Vandoo soldier you've pictured happens to be the one who, upon retiring from the CF, acted in a couple of porno films..... (but he did "it" with women).

Didn't he get the boot for drug use?

Note that the pic was taken when he was a Pte.... and he got fastracked to MCpl... everyone considered him a "poster boy" for the CF, and it got to him.... a wee bit of dope - at a time when there was a zero tolerance for drugs.... strike one.... Your out!
I just got home and looked through this thread and read what that moron wrote on his stupid-blog. As an American, I'm ashamed at what he wrote about the Canadian Forces. I just want you to know that I am humbled and grateful for the sacrifice and professional soldiering that Canadians have contributed in Afghanistan. No moron idiot like this guy is even in the same league to even HAVE an opinion about the Canadians who are at the sharp end of the spear. The only thing he's good for is duty at the bottom of one of your burn-out shitters. I apologize in advance if that was too graphic. :cdn:
I dont think Canadians here will mistake his views for those of our American members...


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