I'm an old guy, with almost two decades in, and I've seen the quality of life greatly diminish over the last few years. Military salaries have not kept up with inflation, and if you are a basic cpl with no spec or feild pay, expect to clear around 3000 a month give or take a bit, maybe add a few hundred or less for pld. There are many parents clearing that amount on child tax credit alone, if they have around 4 kids. 20 years ago, 3000 a month allowed you to buy a modest home and a car in most places across Canada, still have enough to live. My first morgage in 2005 was 164,000, and my house payment was 750 a month. My last posting, my mortgage for the same type of home now cost 1700. Most pmqs were between 500 to 850 until around 2012. There are so many military members delivering food just to be able to make rent, and eat. Years stuck in a dead end job, with no career progression because now they need a stupid amount of immediates to even merit for some hope of a promotion. Don't get me started on the higher ups, and the stuff I've seen over the years. Pld is very little money in most bases expect maybe Victoria and Toronto. I think after tax it's really only a couple hundred a month, maybe a tank of gas now. I have always been on bases that recieved 0, so can't speak much about it. I believe the younger generation sees the the military as the working lower poor class. They are not impressed by medals,,and stuff like that the older generations.
Cheers ,but Glad I'm out in a few more.