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Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

"I don't begrudge PLD or other benefits to the Reg F.  But for how long?  We have Reg F pers refusing postings - shouldn't that be grounds to terminate PLD?"

Can you  explain me the correlation between Reg F pers refusing postings and grounds to terminate PLD ?

Thank you !
If we say "a reservist has roots in community X, therefore we won't pay PLD" and a Reg F member says "I like it in X, so don't post me or I'll release" I'd argue the logical consequence should be "If you stay in X, you'll lose PLD - which we pay to people forced to be there".

If you want the pay and benefits of the Regular Force, you have to accept the related turmoil of postings.  You can't pick and choose only the good parts.
I could be wrong here, and way out of my lane, but a mbr can only refuse a posting once (please correct me if I'm wrong). In the trade I was in a carreer mgr with some spine told those guys who pulled the "if you post me I'll get out" garbage that the door was wide open don't let the knob hit you on the way out.  Food for thought.
ArtyNewbie said:
I could be wrong here, and way out of my lane, but a mbr can only refuse a posting once (please correct me if I'm wrong). In the trade I was in a carreer mgr with some spine told those guys who pulled the "if you post me I'll get out" garbage that the door was wide open don't let the knob hit you on the way out.  Food for thought.

I know this is an off topic reply, but... there is no absolute entitlement to refuse a posting once in a career. While many distressed trades try to accommodate members who do the "post me and I'll bet out" thing, many don't. I was just speaking with my career manager about this very thing, and they are being pushed to force people's hands. My trade is at 50% PML, and he issued a couple of releases this year alone.

Anyhow, back on topic. Clearly the PLD instruction requires a modernization. It doesn't address the Class C issue well enough.
Refusing a posting (without serious validation) or "post me back to sea or I will get out threats"


ArtyNewbie said:
I could be wrong here, and way out of my lane, but a mbr can only refuse a posting once (please correct me if I'm wrong).

No, no such policy exists. As a matter of fact, refusing a promotion for the express purpose of evading a posting is also an official no-no.

I don't begrudge PLD or other benefits to the Reg F.  But for how long?  We have Reg F pers refusing postings - shouldn't that be grounds to terminate PLD?"

WTF does that have to do with PLD ?
I may be wrong but the purpose of PDL is to make it more fair for every military personnel.  Take a Cpl and a LS for this example.  One is in Valcartier and the other one in Victoria.  Their monthly pay is the same, but the outcome at the end of the month is different.  One can get a place for 450$ a month, the other one it's 950$, one can get car insurance for 225$ a year, the other one it's 850$.  One can get a poutine for 3,50$ the other one it's 10$ (for the real stuff anyway).

Let me tell you, I' m an OS, incentive one with two kids and my wife dos not work yet.  Without PDL it would be impossible for me to afford living in Victoria.

So, they don't give us PLD because they like us that much and they want us to be happy.  It's a necessary measure if they want to have sailors around and people in other cities where it cost a lot to live.

They can't have different rules for every situation, so if you are reg force and live in one of those designated city, you get it.  Does not matter if you refused a posting or you come from a wealthy family.

For the reserve part, I'm not well informed to comment too much but if you want PDL join the reg force!
HFXCrow said:
$374 for Halifax is a joke. This town (province) is overtaxed and corrupt!  Gas just hit 116 here!

A whole $1.16?? :o  You must be mortified.  We here in Gander are used to it though.  We have not been lower than $1.16 since the summer.  It actually went down a penny when the HST went down on the first, but in good faith, it was raised back up the day later by 2 cents.  We are at $1.20 here.  Oh, Gander gets nothing for PLD.  Wanna house?  It'll cost ya - about 200G.  Nothing like Edmonton, but still... do you use heating oil?  It costs me $800 to fill my tank - and let me tell you, this winter its pretty much monthly.  It hurts financially to live here in Gander and what puts salt in the wounds is that Grand Falls (90K away) receives PLD, Corner Brook receives PLD and St John's receives PLD.
also the PMQ's are priced to match the market.  in edmonton a three bedroom duplex is 725, but in gagetown its 400 :(
How do I find out if I get PLD in Edmonton? Is there a something on the internet I can refer to (i dont have easy access to the DIN).
brian_k said:
How do I find out if I get PLD in Edmonton? Is there a something on the internet I can refer to (i dont have easy access to the DIN).

Yup - go or call your Orderly Room they should not only be able to answer your question but start the process if you do
brian_k said:
How do I find out if I get PLD in Edmonton? Is there a something on the internet I can refer to (i dont have easy access to the DIN).
To add to Teflon's post,

You can refer to CBI's through the internet (and Google) and get this: http://www.dnd.ca/dgcb/cbi/engraph/home_e.asp?sidesection=6&sidecat=22&chapter=205

Or to this thread which is found in the proper administration forum: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/52775.0.html

A quick search would of answered your questions which you obviously did not do.
I was in the BOR here in Vic on friday, and was told by the clerk that the back PLD money was due to be deposited at the end of Feb and that the new mthly PLD amt was going to take effect come the mid Feb pay.

Is there some truth to this?
CCPS Advisory - E00708
Advisory list
Date: 28 Jan 2008
Subject: Revised Post Living Differential (PLD) rates effective 1 Jul 07 


Ref: A. CANFORGEN 182/07 CMP 077/07 031554Z DEC 07
B. CANFORGEN 175/07 CDS 041/7 281405Z Nov 07
C. CBI 205.45 (Post Living Differential)
D. CBI 205.452 (Transitional Post Living Differential)

PLD revised rates were implemented in the CCPS on 22 Jan 08. The pay adjustment will be reflected on the mid Feb DFT. The following two (2) location codes were created, I1204 Cold Lake and I1162 Edmonton effective 1 Jul 07.

The projected timeframe for the implementation and conversion to the new Transitional Post Living Differential Area (TPLDA) and Transitional Post Living Differential (TPLD) is Mar 08.
Does anyone have the new rates about PLD for April 1 08?? We just received word about an increase that comes into effect as of Apr 1, and seeing if anyone knows the rates??
Look up CBI's, they are listed there. They are also all listed in another thread of PLD in this very forum.

Search function would of answered your question.