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Allien abductions

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well i have no first hand knowledge or after action reports to give but this is what my  former mother in law reported one night.
I will admit my  former mother in law was and still hasa  serious drinking problem, she does need serious help with many personal issues in her life and the world butthis one made me laugh so hard and so often. I bookmarked it incase anyone asked about if i knew the lady who reported it.
she even took me and my ex wife for a drive a few months later to show us the spot she saw these lights and any time we were out at  night she would tell us about the lights.
always wanted the theme music to the twilight zone to play  those nights.


Date: January 2, 2003 8:10PM
Location: Between Aurelia & Cherokee
State: Iowa

Source: UFOWisconsin Report Form Submission by Julie W.

Details: I was driving home from work and I noticed a bright object in the sky to the NE. I watched it for awhile and noticed that there were red, green and white lights on the object, and thought it was a plane. The longer I watched it I noticed that it was not moving. It was at that time that I noticed another object exactly like the other one to the SE in front of me. Neither one was moving. Then I noticed an airplane above the object on my left, and that made it very evident that what I was watching was just sitting there. The other object was not moving either. I got within a half mile from the town in Iowa, Aurelia, where I live, and tried to call my husband to tell him, the phone was busy. When I got home I told him what I had seen and that I had tried to call, and he asked me when. I said just a couple of minutes ago. He hadn't been on the phone, and my computer was really having problems--my connection is through a satellite. I know that this sounds crazy, but I had a similar experience several years ago in NW Iowa only there were many more, and my children and I witnessed a ufo only a couple of hundred feet away. So this incident aroused my curiosity. Thank you.

When i was around 15 or 16 a buddy of mine saw a bright light in the sky. Like a street light, but just floating in the middle of the sky, and as we noticed and kinda freaked out, it was like it heard us or something, and started moving in erratic patterns away, down the hillside of the town we live in.We literally ran after it on foot for at least 2 km. It zig zagged all over the place, made no noise, and eventually just seemed to vanish completely.We ran through some trees to get to a bit of a hill to see it better and it was gone.

Very bizarre.

whole thing lasted about 5 minutes.Couldnt tell you how far away it was, but binoculars or something would have been excellent.

My father had a similar experience when he was my age, but it was green, and it was the middle of the day.
About that sleeping but not sleeping thing, I've had that happen to me once. Woke up to a very loud noise that I associated to my stationary bike being thrashed about. This actually lasted for a half hour (I had my eyes open right at the clock), and after half an hour I could move so I got up mad as hell and grabbed a baseball bat and was ready to give whoever was doing it a beating of their life. After I moved the noise stopped, but once I saw the bike right where it was when I went to bed I knew what had just happened. Thank god for the Discovery Channal, without it I would have been sleeping with a loaded rifle after that.
my brother, and his wife were driving down a road, a long straight highway in Ontario. i don't remember which one, cause i was a kid when i heard the story. no turns, straight, from where they were all the way home. they did not turn, or neither of them remember making a turn that they would not need to make, nor would make sense making! but after an hour of driving they ended up on a road that they could not have gotten on to with out making more then one turn! maybe they were smoking something, but he was pretty freaked out about it, and my brother was never one to get freaked out!

area 51 was the moon landing studio! hmmm
CdnPhoenix said:
Thank god for the Discovery Channal, without it I would have been sleeping with a loaded rifle after that.

Who doesn't after seeing "Sign's, Independance Day, X-files Movie, Species 1-3, AVP, Aliens1-3, War of the Worlds, MIB 1-2, Fried Green Tomatoes, or any other chick flick" :threat:
On my Tour to the FRY, we had a troop that was doing guard duty at our company camp.

One night he went ballistic and started running around.   When stopped (we though we were under attack) and questioned, he claimed to have seen a "Flying Saucer"...he was promptly taken to the medic.

Funny Ii also recall, he was the same guy that had the ramp of a track cranked him in the head in the pre training...



Tess if you were down by where my cottage is if im correct, knin, benkovac, obrovac etc area...there was in fact a (croat and other large nation) operated UAV base around zemunik that they operated throughout the later war years;)......OR he may well have really been a nutter! :o

Maybe we were wrong, The guy was a complete nutter, but our camp was not that far from Benkovac, Miranje actually...the dunce actually might have saw something and we sent the poor bastard home...

I'll be darned...hehe but I still say he suffered after the lunk on the head fromthe ramp!



One day while I was researching mythical creatures at school, I came across a description of the elves from Danish mythology. They were described as being short, of light skin, with large eyes and heads, and rather long limbs
Don't worry, we killed them all in the great "Wacking Day" of 2003... ( and most of the nerds at the local Star Trek convention too ).. ;D

If you look at history, people have had "close encounters" for 1000's of years. In Denmark ( and most of Europe ) people woke up at night seeing a grey old lady squatting on their chest along with the feeling of being unable to move. In Denmark the phenomena was called "Redet af en Mare" ( ridden by a Mare) Therefore the term "Mare-Ridt" (Night-Mare)

In reality however I'm pretty sure that it's a psychological phenomena. Caused by a mixture of Stress and anxiety. In most cases it's people who have just gone to bed alone. They start to hear/see/feel something after a couple of minutes.( starting to dream while not all fully asleep ) Then they find out they can't move ( Sleep paralyses ) and a grey person walks towards them ( typical stress related dream, known from Europe and Africa to Japan and New Zealand ). Then they feel like floating and seeing the episode from a third person view ( typical dream scenario, 10-15% of all dreams include slowmotion and floating/flying ) Some remember probes and exams ( typical sexual dream of rape and forces sex ) And the next thing they remember is waking up hours after ( next morning )

I'm sure that it feels 100% real for the person experience it but I'm also sure that it's just a dream common for people under stress. And that it have been for ages!
( Also, for some, it's a great way to get attention )
Pfc Norup....now i have figured out why you guys are so interested in Hans island........  It's the Danish version of Rosewell !!!
Dreaming about being raped by floating gray people is TYPICAL??  :-\

Thank god I'm not typical then...
I have a question about Alien Abductions- If the aliens are looking for intelligent life then why do they end up abducting the stupidest people?
...now i have figured out why you guys are so interested in Hans island........   It's the Danish version of Rosewell !!!
Well it's one of the places where there have been confirmed visits by grey people with big heads and black eyes! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/67/Canada.BillGraham.01.jpg ;D

Dreaming about being raped by floating gray people is TYPICAL??
I think it's a female thing...  ::) and hopefully only includes aliens if the person dreams about being abducted?  :-\
Pfc_Norup said:
  I think it's a female thing...   ::) and hopefully only includes aliens if the person dreams about being abducted?   :-\

Sheesh!  I've never had that dream!  Perhaps I'm not typical either.  LOL
Facinating as this is, did anyone ever ask why aliens would travel for light years to abduct hillbillies and tromp down crops in farmers' fields?
On a more serious note. Anyone have any stories or information about what happened in Shag Harbour, NS back in October 1967? Apparently Navy divers did see somthing.
Old Sweat said:
Facinating as this is, did anyone ever ask why aliens would travel for light years to abduct hillbillies and tromp down crops in farmers' fields?

Entertainment value?  ;D
GGHG_Cadet said:
I have a question about Alien Abductions- If the aliens are looking for intelligent life then why do they end up abducting the stupidest people?

What makes you say that?
Old Sweat said:
Facinating as this is, did anyone ever ask why aliens would travel for light years to abduct hillbillies and tromp down crops in farmers' fields?

Who knows.  Can you imagine if there were intelligent life on Mars when we sent the rover to have a look around?  What would they make of this giant baloon crash-landing into their planet, deflating, and revealing a kids toy? :P