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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

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It's kinda funny, I carry an epi pen, because of my allergy to peanuts; my doctor told me it was originally invented by the military, for the military. I'm heading to the recruiting station in 2 days, I'll be sure to explain this.
Brando304 said:
It's kinda funny, I carry an epi pen, because of my allergy to peanuts; my doctor told me it was originally invented by the military, for the military. I'm heading to the recruiting station in 2 days, I'll be sure to explain this.

By all means.  The recruiters LOVE it when civillians come in and tell them how to do things...  ::)

ok ppl i have a serious problem here and would appreciate some advice and/or suggestions...ok so it took me 9 months to take all the tests and the trips to fill out my booklet, orientation etc. The final part of my process was the medical issue in Ottawa ( allergy to certain type of nut) , it got send back 6 weeks later and told me i didnt meet thier standards because i was allergic. this is something i cant control...if theres somehting i can do to make my self unallergic then fck id work on it everyday. soldiers, help me out here, i dont wanna do all that for nothing, i got so fucked over and the waiting as been eternally long!....thank you
OK, Tang, I'll field this one.

you didn't get "Fcked over" here, you were found medically unfit to be a soldier.  This isn't some great conspiracy to keep you out of the CAF after your relatively short "eternally long" 9 month wait.

There are treatments available to reduce allergies to some agents, talk to your doctor.  They may, or may not, reduce your reactions to this specific allergen.

Personally, the more people with underlying medical concerns the recruiting process weeds out saves me and my co workers a huge amount of time, effort, worry, and grief.

Risk management deems that - better safe now than your family (heirs et al)  be sorry.
ok so the recruiter told me this is a long term thing, i understand. Waiting is not the problem anymore, i wanted to get in for march last Nov, but Feb 2005 was when i got enough credits to get my transcripts, now the day the summer course started was the date i got the rejection letter, i do not care how long it takes anymore i just want to be accepted into the CF,

Btw i dont even need a fckn epi-pen for my issue, i was assigned to one "jus in case" something happens and i thought it was a good thing to carry one. Apperently they did not accept me because they think that the epi-pen was a big issue. If i reverse my answer they would thin i am lying..what should i do??
Join the chess club for now, and see if alternative treatment will eliminate or reduce your alergies.

Last thing you need is to go in to an anaphylactic shock with a live weapon in hand.

Either be patient, or head the recruiters advice



Here's a link to Anaphylaxis information. 


Just because you don't need a fckin' epipen now, doesn't mean you won't need one later.

This is one of those conditions that, the better the afflicted understands their condition, the longer they tend to live and that's in the civi world with faster ambulances, shorter response times, and shorter transports to hospital

Each reaction is worse then the previous one; they don't always present the same; most people who die of this do so long before an ambulance or medic get anywhere near them.

What should you do? 

Carry your epipen.  Get a medic-alert bracelet.  See your doctor about a possible desensitization course.

But what the hell do I know,  I'm just a fckn medic trying to help out with this.

Hey guys,

Don't mean to hijack this thread but here I go...I have my medical scheduled for next Tuesday July 19, and the recruiter told me to bring in an allergy sheet from a doctor when I come in. I told her I have seasonal allergies (hayfever). Does anyone know exactly what it is they need? I don't currently have a doctor so will I need to be tested for allergies or can I just tell them what my allergies are? I am going to try to contact the last family doctor I had to see if this information exists.
well im not about to give up. This site has also helped me out alot and i appreciate all the help and comments here. there r some ppl who got it worse then i did. But u guys think if i kept fighting it with many ways, i cud styll get in? i mean i can wait maybe for another 2 yrs. and since i kno where i screwed up and how everything works, i am thinking of re-applying in another recruiting centre registering at where my dad lives (kitchener) tell me what u guys think...
Tang.  No one here is going to advise you to wait and try another centre.  Do you think that by doing that...and lying on a new application you are going to get through the system?  Do you not imagine the military keeps records?  When (notice I didn't say IF) you are caught, what do you imagine will happen?
i dunno cheif, whats the worst that could happen? besides the fact i wont get in. I did ask my recruiter and on the blue book it will ask if i applied be4 and if u say yes then the will def. look at ur old records. but so many ppl apply for the 1st time and want to join, r they seriously going to look at if everyone applied before? i aint tryn to sound cocky or nething, but i dont kno thats y im asking. how does this work? whats the procedure and do you know any1 that has been caught before?
tang72 said:
i dunno cheif, whats the worst that could happen? besides the fact i wont get in.

You're right, you won't get in.  And later on in life, after your medical problem has ceased to be a problem, you still won't get in. This time though, it will be because of your previous attempts at fraudulent enrolment.
Zombie said:
Don't mean to hijack this thread but here I go...I have my medical scheduled for next Tuesday July 19, and the recruiter told me to bring in an allergy sheet from a doctor when I come in. I told her I have seasonal allergies (hayfever). Does anyone know exactly what it is they need? I don't currently have a doctor so will I need to be tested for allergies or can I just tell them what my allergies are? I am going to try to contact the last family doctor I had to see if this information exists.

It is just a basic test where there prick your arms and check you for a couple dozen things you could be allergic to. Anything from shrimp to peanuts to chocolate.

I had to go to a specialist to get mine because my initial test came back positive, but you can go to a walk-in clinic. Your family doctor would be best.
tang72 said:
i dunno cheif, whats the worst that could happen? besides the fact i wont get in. I did ask my recruiter and on the blue book it will ask if i applied be4 and if u say yes then the will def. look at ur old records. but so many ppl apply for the 1st time and want to join, r they seriously going to look at if everyone applied before? i aint tryn to sound cocky or nething, but i dont kno thats y im asking. how does this work? whats the procedure and do you know any1 that has been caught before?

Think long term. You might want to work for the government later on, or have a job that requires a security clearance. Don't screw up your future prospects because of this.

Incidently, try to work on your spelling and grammar. It'll help you out in any career.
Tang, Paramedtech gave you all the advice you need. If you don't heed that advice and try to get in somewhere else by lying, you will get caught Besides that fact, if you did get in and were to be on ex or deployment and something happened, you would not only likely die yourself but you would be putting your buddies at risk as well. Live ammo and serious allergic reactions = bad times for everyone.
should i clear up my allergy problem ( which would take a while) then talk to my recruiter again? or if i try again i would have to repeat the whole process? and im not htinking of lying i will tell them i applied before
Yes, you should go to your doctor and see if there is a treatment, then get said treatment. Once this regiment has been done, then go reapply. Trust me, later in life you'll be very happy you did this stuff. Better off alive and in a semi desirable career than dead in the army due to gusto. Good luck mate.
So that there is no confusion of what happens when an applicant reapplies.   Even if they don't indicate that they have applied before, a search is always done and no one, I repeat, no one escapes the search.
oh it isnt semi trust me...this something i wanna do and i have a burning desire to serve my country  :salute:
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