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All You Want To Know About Bagpipes[ and then some]- Merged

RHFC, I found that marching came second nature to me (6 years on an Air Cadet drill team will to that to you ) I would breathe on the left foot  :nod:
Mind you--it helps IF the DM knows what he's doing to...cut offs in the middle of a tune.
I've been doing it now for over a year, and I know it takes 7 to get good...so I will be patient and try not to get sooo frustrated.
Pipie now wants two more tunes up and runnning...gheesh..I'm still not comfortable on my first tune..  8)
Thanks R~~~
It will all come together with practice and patience...  In the many years I've been playing, our band has only had one D/M who actually moved up from being a drummer.  The rest were chosen because their head fit in the bear skin hat (no even a joke... those things are expensive).  Marching and waving a stick around may look easy, but there is a pretty steep learning curve for anyone who decides to pick up the mace with no prior experience in the band.  Some get it and some don't (thankfully, our current Drummy is a pretty switched on NCO and has pick up the mace pretty easily).

As for tunes; constantly having to add to your repertoire seems to be a common thing for military bands.  Our P/M likes to "switch things up" right up to the last minute before a performance.  The only way to deal with this is just to learn and practice the tune as much as you can in the time allotted and then learn the subtle art of 'droning' (playing without playing)... or just stop playing if you feel uncomfortable with the tune... otherwise, the squeeks and sqwaks will be very noticeable.

Either way, I know how you feel;  just keep practicing and try not to rush through tunes (learning or playing). 
RHFC_piper said:
learn the subtle art of 'droning' (playing without playing) 

ahahahahahah!......been there a few times my friend!
Aaah, seems I can play a mean low A these days...three events in ranks and not quite up to speed on the tunes...squeeks and squacks abound~~BUT I know it will come with practice and patience...wish it could be like the Matrix..plug yourself in and instant knowledge...but that would be cheating and taking a VAST shortcut, the destination WILL be worth the journey.  :piper:

:moose:  :cdn:  [mountie]
nice new smilies~~~