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All Tigers, No Donkeys - by Kurt Grant

I could take take up volumes explaining.  Family, work, and just plain lost interest really....couldn't really stomach the shenanigans i saw anymore.

but, places like this site, remind me of the good times I once had.

I hear you 100%, I'm in the same boat. I struggeld with it for quite a while but decided to stick it out for the time being. I recently transfered to a new unit thinking mabe things would be different...they aren't.

Oh well at least I have the opportunity to take some new courses at he new unit which might renew some interest.

Checked out the book, looks pretty good, lots of pics of places I had forgotten about. Have you read it? IS it worth reading? Anthing abotu Chaz coy in it other than the obvious?
This is a comment on this book which I am currently reading. I am about half way through at this moment and enjoying it imensley... Just one problem, the very short paragraph about the Christmas eve fights in Charles Coy. True there were 7 pers up on charges but only four for fighting. Actually there were two seperate fights.The first which took place during the C.O and RSMs visit for the mens's Christmas dinner. (Way to go 8 platoon )This fight actually broke out at the exact moment the C.O and RSM entered the C Coy mess hall. (Great timing boys). The second was a fight between a Reservist and a Reg force private, both from the same section. It started with an argument on section performance or lack there of and ended with a "Face to Face" scrap in the back of an ML (No punch in the back of the head)The ML was suppose to be on its way to Rastovic for the Christmas eve midninght mass. The other three were charged for being drunk on duty as they were QRF for that evening. Way to go three section 9 platoon 5 of of 7 guys charges were from this section if memory serves correctly.
As stated I am enjoying this book and will probabally have a few more comments as I continue on.

former member of
3 Setion 9 plt. C coy

  Thanks for the update on the fight(s).  Being in Dukes at the time the information we received about the other companies had been filtered through so many people that by the time it got to us it was difficult to tell what was true and what wasn't.  Thinking back - given the way information was passed back then - its a wonder we heard anything at all about you guys.  Since I've finished the book I've learned many things about the tour that, at the time, were nothing more than rumour...this being one of them.
  Glad to hear you're enjoying the book.  Hope it brings back some good memories for you.


Lots of good memories...lots of good stories yet to be told. Have you heard of any other books being worked on or comming out from this tour?


To the best of my knowledge, this is the only one.  I recall lots of guys STARTING diarys, but I don't think any of them actually finished them. I do know of a KOSOVO diary that is being worked on, but its about two years from being finished and theres still the publishing process to go through. 

I genuinely hope that more people try to tell thier story.  Theres enough pointy-heads to write the Strategic overview, but damn few of us who speak about what it was actually like to be in the trenches.  Canada has a long and storied history of service that very few Canadians know about it.  It falls to us to correct that (sorry - we all have to have our soap box, and this one appears to be mine)  ;)

To that end, if you know of anyone who wants to get thier story published put them in contact and I'll pass along what little I know based on my own experience. 



Thanks for the quick reply. I don't know of anybody at this time but you never know. Maybe we could get a few guys and put together a collection of short stories. 
We would definatly need  lots of beer and rye to help refresh our memories and loosen our tongues .... we could lock ourselves in one big room and have someone sober enough to write it all down...and de-code all the bull S**t. from the real stuff,,, ha ha ha

good luck


hmmmm hehehe  Ben,

You are correct about the section....Guess who was one of the two that did not get laid up with defaulters.....And no thanks to Woody in Coy HQ for helping me along with my inebriation.....I don't know how I talked my way outta that when SGT Dan, The W.o and the CQ when from ISO trailer to Iso looking for the guilty...thank God for Halls and mint gum...

hehehe the ML I remember that........

What a  tour!


This book should be on everyone's reading list.  I read this book while on ex. Stalwart Guardian - being the CO's driver gave me lots of idle time  :-\ - and enjoyed it immensely.  Congratulations on a fine piece of work Kurt, and I hope your wife if doing well with her MS.
  The following  review of the book All Tigers No Donkeys, A Canadian Soldier in Croatia, was written by Chris Wattie and published in  the National Post's Non-Fiction books section on Saturday 5 Nov 2005.   

... One memoir that has received scant attention outside of military circles is All Tigers No Donkeys: A Canadian Soldier in Croatia by Kurt Grant, which is a shame, because a century from now historians will be treating the book like the treasure trove that it is. 
  Some future Pierrre Berton stumbling upon All Tigers, No Donkeys will discover a goldmine of anecdotes and slices of the day-to-day life of one of the hundreds of thousands of Canadian soldiers who have served on peacekeeping missions.
  Grant, an army reserve soldier, spent eight months with the 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, in Croatia.  All Tigers is an exhaustive account of his tour of duty, from pre-deployment training to the long flight home.
  The title is drawn from a speach given by a grizzled regimental sergeant-major to Grant and his comrades just before they left Canada.  The speach reminded the soldiers of who they were and what was expected of them, and the officer that repeated it so often it had become famous in the ranks.
  All Tigers is an anecdotal book drawn largely from the diary Grant kept during his tour and his letters home, which makes it something of a challenge to read from start to finish.  Much of the daily grind in any military operation, be it peacekeeping or all-out war, is, frankly, pretty dull, and the detailed descriptions of everyday life iin a Canadian military camp overseas aren't always page-turning reading.
  But the gems are well worth the effort.  these include a passage describing a haunting Christmas Day patrol through a Croatian graveyard that is among the best short pieces of its kind ever written.
  Grant is unflinchingly honest and revealing about his experiences in the former Yugoslavia, his reactions to what he saw and did during his tour and the impact on his family of his long absence.  It is difficult to read his exhanges with his wife without feeling like a peeping Tom, but it makes for emotionally powerful reading nonetheless.
  With thousands of Canadian troops being sent overseas every year, this book should be much more widely read.  It is an eye-opening account of the daily effect of decades of underfunding and over-extending of our men and women in uniform, and Canadians owe it to them ot at least read about the front-line impact of decisions made by the polititians they elect.

I was on OP duty the day the WOLF hit the landmine. I was watching it through bino's when she blew. Can anyone tell me who was in that and what the heck they were doing anyways???? I was actually ordered to keep an eye on it as it drove into the zone as it may hit a mine, and whammo!

I bought Kurt's book at the new War Museum but did not finish it. The book is about the tour, which was a constant fight against boredom and rumours. The book therefore is accurately dull.  It would have been wrong to try and make it "exciting" but that was not Roto #5 for the 99% who came back without a scratch.  Looking back we were more concerned with not getting into crap from the CSM than anything else. As a private that was the tour for me. Forget the mission and just don't get charged. I don't think I have ever played more Euchre and Risk in my life.  Its amazing though - you forget the little things. Kurt recounting the PT, the time all the reservists had to stay behind in Pet, I had forgotten all about that. 

Kurt should have went back to Croatia - it would have been a good idea to revisit the areas 10yrs later. I went back in 2001 on my leave for my 2nd tour with SFOR in Bosnia. Some of buildings are still there with the UN painted on the roof. Other villages are hardly recognizable. Any Serb village that would have been thriving in 94/95 is now an abandoned area. The Croats kicked all the Serbs out in 95 with Operation Storm. Makes one think what we were doing there in the first place.
I enjoyed Kurt's book thoroughly. It brought back many memories of my own tour in 93 with C Coy 2VP. There were lots of similarities from my tour including the pre-training and work ups, right through to the tour itself. I bought the book soon after reading the intial posting on this site. The book was read in a day and I haven't seen it since, as all my buddies from  keep borrowing it.

DaveinOttawa you brought up a good point, the idea of returning to the area for a visit. About ten of my buddies from that tour are planning a trip back to both Sector West and Sector South. I have been advised by many folks that in Sector South specifically Medak ect there is nothing. I wonder if you could shed any light on this or provide any pointers?


Can anyone tell me who was in that and what the heck they were doing anyways?

That was Engr Recce out checking a route.  Generally this is only done because someone in the Bn has asked for the route to be approved so they can use it for patrols etc.  I assume that was true in this case, but am not positive.

To the best of my memory, the Wolf contained Sgt Terry H and Cpl Larry C.  Terry retired as a WO in Chilliwack and is currently working as a reservist in ASU Chilliwack Ops.  Larry was filling in because the usual Recce Driver was on leave ; he was a Sgt in 2 CER last time I saw him.  Due to the injuries he received during the mine strike he was awarded with a Wound Stripe.

Between the mine strike and the Iltis affair a couple of days later, it made for memorable week.

Standards said:
To the best of my memory, the Wolf contained Sgt Terry H and Cpl Larry C.  

Thats correct, Myself, Mike C. and Johny B. were the first ones to reach the site after the explosion.  I still remember Larry smoking a cigarette when we got there.  Few TMA-3s were on hand to greet us.  I almost steped on a PMA-2 at that time.
I was unloading sandbags at DaveinOttawa's o.p, and also watched it happen, saw the vehicle afterwards when they were carting it back to camp.

Very very erie time it was...



I was building this when the wolf blew up....we then raced to the scene....
Sweet heart of Heyzoos,

That was also the O.P I escorted engineers, on New Years eve, so they could light it up as well.....

Dang Aesops, you and I have truly shared the exact same dirt on our boots!!!

Hey remember our internet piss up last New Years??


I have just started reading this and thoroughly enjoying it. Kurt's experiences and thoughts almost mirror mine when I joined a regular battalion for service in Bosnia (although my book is not in diary format).

Does anyone know if Kurt is still serving in the Brockeville Rifles?
cancel my last - I have been in contact via e-mail with Kurt. What a thoroughly nice chap!  :salute: