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All Things HMCS Windsor (merged)

DG-41 said:
Just give a second to notionally remove my rank and uniform....

OK, just a citizen for the moment.

I'm REALLY not interested in getting into political debare here. There's enough polarity as it is, and... I work in the US. I find myself forced to spend a lot of time in the company of Americans. And Lord Tunderin' Jaysus you would not believe the level of personal acrimony a political discussion can generate. Feuds and vendettas get started that way.

But I think it is important that the messege get out there that being in the military does not automatically make you a Tory. There exist Liberal supporters in the CF.

I personally think that overall, the Grits have done a pretty good job running the country. Yeah, they cut a lot of military programmes, but as I mentioned earlier, that had more to do with the fact that power changed hands than any sort of anti-military bias. Yeah, they cut a lot of spending and social programmes, but the biggest enemy facing Canada in the 90's was the looming possibility of fiscal insolvency. The Grits solved that. Our economy is booming (being paid in US funds, I'm very much aware of the relative strengths of the US economy vice the Canadian economy, because it changes the value of my take-home pay) and the Grits had the wisdom to use those big surplusses they created to pay down the national debt. The more we reduce the cost of servicing the debt, the less likely we are to wind up bankrupted if the ecomomy slows, and the more money becomes availible to (for example) buy the Army goodies.

Ultimately, I think the Grits' financial policies saved this country - look at the US economy. There but for the grace of God go we.

I also really like that when it comes to military decisions, the Grits think like Canadians and not just American puppets. I *like* that we are in Afganistan. I *like* that we are not in Iraq. I *like* that we aren't chained to that missile defense system.

And I *really really like* "Responsibility to Protect" and that the Grits are letting the CDS run amok the way his is, instead of muzzling him. I get the feeling that some sort of Grit/military   corner has been turned, that the days of Trudeau (who was afraid the military wanted to take over, I swear to God) are over, and that the Grits now understand their responsibility to create and maintain a strong Canadian military.

Lord knows they haven't been perfect angels, but I think that the public peepee slapping they've been getting recently (a minority government and Gomery) serves to keep them honest.... or at least, to limit how outrageous the dishonesty gets.

And Harper.... I don't trust the man AT ALL. I think he'll say whatever it takes to get elected, and once he does, the mask comes off and whatever is really in there comes out. I don't for a second think that he'd carry on with "responsibility to protect", I think he'd cut the CDS off at the knees, and I think he'd outsource all our military planning to Washington. I, for one, am a CANADIAN soldier first and foremost. I work for the Queen and for my fellow Canadians, not Georgie Bush.

So anyway, I don't think it is any way disloyal to the military to support the Grits, and these days, my honest opinion is that our fortunes are better served with the Grits than with anybody else.

Y'all are free to disagree, and if you do, I won't argue.


I agree with your opinions that we should be working for the Queen and not automatically support U.S. adventures, but I strongly disagree about the Liberal Party. They are corrupt, have no vision, and have to resort to upping the number of immigrants they take in just to stay in power due to the immigrants voting Liberal.

The Liberals have gutted our social programs to pay the banks with debt-servicing in the form of interest and corporate tax cuts for the biggest coroporations at the expense of small business, they have gutted our military, they have angered Quebec to the point of separation, they have allowed our infrastructure to go down the tubes.

They also have no vision for Canada--unless making  Canadian taxpayers pay for refugee to live in subsidized housing is a vision for Canada. I'm not saying the other parties are better--but the Liberals are embarassing.
DH you appear to blast me but then in your last post agree with me, as you have no profile I cant tell what your background is to have your opinion. All that said I want a nuc sub. Not to say the current lot we bought are not fine they are british and if youve ever tried to fix a brit piece of eqpt you know it aint easy.
It would appear the news on this has died down.
3rd Horseman said:
DH you appear to blast me but then in your last post agree with me, as you have no profile I cant tell what your background is to have your opinion. All that said I want a nuc sub. Not to say the current lot we bought are not fine they are british and if youve ever tried to fix a brit piece of eqpt you know it aint easy.
It would appear the news on this has died down.

I didn't mean to blast anyone, I agree the average person is WAY overtaxed, I just think there are other ways to find the money without eliminating our services and infrastructure. I hate the Liberals but would probably hate the others just as much.

I am an amature, not a memeber of the CF--that's why I didn't give myself a title.

3rd Horseman said:

    From your profile I see your a student, you views will change as you get into the work world. The Conservative policy you claim be hidden or not is not how the whole thing works. Reducing tax burdens or extra tax incentives to big oil do not have and cant have a correlation at the gas pump since gas is a commodity it trades at the world price not the oil company in Alberta or well head cost plus profit price. Delisting ahealth benefit at the provincial level is different than Fed politics and with out a specific case and a knowledge of why it was delinted if t all I cant comment.
   Remember the conservatives had a purchase in place for new helos the liberals cut them. A purchase of 4 nuc subs was in place the Liberals cut that. We still don't have the helos although we have bought a few stripped down versions of the same bird some 10 years later at twice the price.
  So I say get off the couch and get political, you get elected and make a difference or help some one to and get your ideas into Ottawa.
And For Daniel h.   I agree on your point about cutting social programs old Ralphy is doing that and we need a little more cutting of the fat if you ask me, I'm tired of paying my taxs to a welfare state.

Shot right back at you both

Hey 3rd Horseman,

Your point about the gas prices was exactly correct. That is why I was pointing out that the consertives plan to cut taxes for oil companies has no real basis.

Yes you are right delisting health services is a provincial responsibility, but the enforcement of the Health Care Act is a federal responsbility, and passed experience tells me that a conservative government would not be so quick to ensure that it's tennants are followed (ie vital services don't start becoming delisted).

The helo thing has been already taken care of.

And re: the enter the workforce, I've actually been running my own IT Consulting biz on the side as a part time job since I was 16, I'm a certified tech.

re: get political... I'm actually a member of federal and provincial parties (bet you can't guess which one?), and I speak with the canidates in my area as well as my MP if I have issues I want address (as I mentioned in another thread, just two weeks ago I had one of the Liberal canidates over for drinks and pressed him on the need for increased defence spending).
S/B talking submarines here guys...................

They sure do look kewl, eh?

More seriously, are there any estimates for repair times out yet?

Hello navy guys,

I was watching CBC The National last night and the host ( peter was away ) showed a clip of another CBC guy aboard HMCS Windsor and showed what he called paratroopers on board with him. They said that special segment was coming on the National soon, but wouldn't say when. I scoured the CBC website but found nothing. I DO NOT want to miss that, it looks very interesting indeed, so if you hear anything please post or PM me.

  And it wouldn't be a post without a more navy related questions....sooo... what do you guys think about letting a reporter on a sub, which is obviously training for "special insertion" with special forces? I think it is neat to see, but should it be shown?
It's not OPSEC. Pathfinders have practiced submarine insertion in the past, and now that submarines are periodically available again, it's just another skill set to practice. In this case, the Pathfinders parachuted TO the Windsor during an exercise this August.

Thats an interesting article. The clip on TV made it seem like the sub was cruising around with these troops. It showed the soldiers loading their weapons so I figured they were going to go insert them somewhere. But that article makes it less intense. So the purpose of this would be to train to drop pathfinders from a plane into hostile territory then once they have completed the mission they swim out to the ocean where they get picked up by a sub?  Because what good would it be to drop troops by plane into the ocean to be picked up by sub? would it be to THEN take the troops and insert them somewhere quietly. Just curious.
Do you know how hard it is to detect a sub? Thats your answer....
Ex-Dragoon said:
Do you know how hard it is to detect a sub? Thats your answer....

Hey Jonesy from "The Hunt For Read October" was pretty good at it...that was real wasn't it?  ;D
Crown-Loyal said:
Just curious.
Pathfinders have the skill sets to deploy from submarines, and to be recovered by submarines. Details? Scenarios? They're very high-speed. Just know that good, high-speed  troops have a mindset to do what needs doin'

Crown-Loyal said:
I was watching CBC The National last night and the host ( peter was away ) showed a clip of another CBC guy aboard HMCS Windsor and showed what he called paratroopers on board with him. They said that special segment was coming on the National soon, but wouldn't say when. I scoured the CBC website but found nothing. I DO NOT want to miss that, it looks very interesting indeed, so if you hear anything please post or PM me. 
Great now I have to devote part of my night to watching the national until this is shown ;D
Mud Recce Man said:
Hey Jonesy from "The Hunt For Read October" was pretty good at it...that was real wasn't it?  ;D

Oh we are so funny..... ::)
It was shown tonight. Pretty cool little segment. I'll be sure to send my application to the navy very soon :eek:  ahh the power of tv over a youths mind......
Crown-Loyal said:
It was shown tonight. Pretty cool little segment. I'll be sure to send my application to the navy very soon :eek:   ahh the power of tv over a youths mind......

Then hour plan is verking....
HMCS Windsor's return to Halifax has been delayed due to a battery cell malfunction, a spokesman from Maritime Forces Atlantic said Friday.

On Monday, crew members discovered a battery cell on the submarine had started to spread discharge to another cell, Capt. Cameron Hillier said. The batteries help propel the vessel.

"It was quickly isolated and contained," Hillier said.

"There was no fire or anything like that. Essentially, the issue was identified and immediately isolated."

'Minor mechanical incident

Link to full article:

The Halifax Chronicle Herald have a short video onboard HMCS Windsor at sea.  They interview two of the crew and it will give you a small taste of the Submariner lifestyle.  It's like the old Keith's IPA slogan, "those that like it, like it a lot".

Story and video
Thanks for posting JJT.

When I was a little kid, a neighbour who was in the Navy told us he slept in the torpedo tubes!  :)