Hello. I've been searching through these forums, and I have a few questions. I'm sorry if some of these are repeative (or if this is in the wrong forum), but I've tried looking for the answers I've been seeking....
Just some background, I'm a female who is almost 16 years old (May). I've only reciently (within the last year) really concidered a career in the CF. Part of this is because of the gr. 10 Canadian History course, but with everything I've reciently learned in that, and everything that is going on right now, I really feel that I want to do my duty for my country as other soldiers now and in the past have done, ya know?
But anyway, we will just start simply, I guess....What should I do to make myself as prepared as possible to join the Forces in the future? And what would you suggest I do to make this dream of mine possible?
For now, I have joined Cadets....I think in some people's opinion this seems to be useless, but I thought it would at least be somewhere to start... I have been looking in to doing Co-op with school (probably during gr.12) with the Reserves (I think)... and I have also looked in to going to RMC after I complete high school, but I don't know if this is a good choice for me, as I would love to be an Infantry Officer, at this point of researching everything.
Oh, and a final question...the regiment that is in my city is the 21 Royal Highlanders...what does this mean, exactly (uhm, I guess I mean, what is the difference of a "highlander" regiment)?
I think thats all for now...Thanks.