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Age Limits to Join

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Hey everyone, i want to join infantry but cant decide if i should go straight to reg forces when i turn 18 or go with reserves this year since im 16 and then switch to full time in 2 years. please post your opinions.  thanks :threat:
Joining the Reserves will give you an idea of what the CF is like without having to sign on for a certain amount of time.  It also gives you a way to earn some money (and experience) while finishing school.

Just keep in mind that the "switch" to the Reg F may not be as quick as you'd like.

I am currently trying to enroll in the Army. I'm sixteen years old (as of today), and a year ago I had planned to submit my application to my local reserve unit. I went to see the unit in April to see if it would be possible to get he ball rolling. They're on a hiring freeze. So, I decided to try and apply for the High School Military Co-Op program. I have all the forms filled out, and I was ready to submit my application, but I just found out today that the Military Co-Op program will not be running anymore.
  I've been considering the Regular Force, but there are a few problems. I have to get my Secondary School Diploma and I plan on attending university. I have a military-oriented career goal, but it is not as a NCM in the Canadian Forces. I ultimately would like to end up as a commissioned officer in the Royal Marines.

  On to my questions: I'm currently finishing grade 10. If I apply for the Regular Force it will be after I have completed Grade 11, which still leaves Grade 12. Will I be able to complete Grade 12 and achieve my Secondary School Diploma during my time in the forces? Would it be more difficult?

  Secondly, is it worth it to join the Reg force before getting my S.S Diploma? Bear in mind that I plan on joining the Royal Marines as an officer afterwards.

  Third, has anyone else completed High School from within the forces? What advice could you give me right now?

I hate to go on and on about this, but I need some help. I'm incredibly eager to join up, it's constantly on my mind and I've had this goal for a long while now. I want to gain military experience, but I don't want to sacrifice my education for it. My impressions right now are that I have 3 years to complete 1 year of secondary school courses, I will be receiving competitive pay and gaining experience in a field in which I am interested, and I am saving money for post-secondary education. It sounds pretty good to me, but of course I am on the outside looking in.

Any advice appreciated, thank you.
Hey, I was just wondering is this a good idea? Like nothing else out there in the world really interests me that much but joining the CF Army,  and I found out that you can join at 17 years with parental/guardian's consent and I want to join full time not on the reserves.

Well if anyone out there has some info for me email me or post up
I do know for sure by the time im 17 i will be probably be a pretty big guy as I am going to start runnning every day and working out constantly eating right nutrition starting next Wednesday when school ends.

Yeahman90 said:
Hey, I was just wondering is this a good idea? Like nothing else out there in the world really interests me that much but joining the CF Army,  and I found out that you can join at 17 years with parental/guardian's consent and I want to join full time not on the reserves.

Well if anyone out there has some info for me email me or post up
I do know for sure by the time im 17 i will be probably be a pretty big guy as I am going to start runnning every day and working out constantly eating right nutrition starting next Wednesday when school ends.


Hi Yeahman,

Have you thought of contacting a recruiter yet?
I suggest you prepare a list of questions and go to the recruiting center of your area. The enrollment process takes a bit of time and it would not hurt to start getting all the information you can gather about the trade you choose to work in and the Canadian forces in general.

Also, here's a link that you can start reading from. It is full of valuable information.

Being in shape is definitely a must if you want to join so starting to work out a.s.a.p. is a great idea.

Good luck,

Hey, well do I have to join a trade? I was more looking into being a fighter not a doctor, engineer, or anything like that?
Yeahman90 said:
Hey, well do I have to join a trade? I was more looking into being a fighter not a doctor, engineer, or anything like that?

1st Point: Stay in school!! At least until you graduate from High School. Please.

2nd Point: Alea's links are good - give them a gander. Yes, you have to join a "trade". Infantry, Artillery, Armoured etc are all CF "trades".

3rd Point: Stay in school!! At least until you graduate from High School. Please.
Yeahman90 said:
Hey, I was just wondering is this a good idea? Like nothing else out there in the world really interests me that much but joining the CF Army,  and I found out that you can join at 17 years with parental/guardian's consent and I want to join full time not on the reserves.

Well if anyone out there has some info for me email me or post up
I do know for sure by the time im 17 i will be probably be a pretty big guy as I am going to start runnning every day and working out constantly eating right nutrition starting next Wednesday when school ends.

I don't want to sound harsh, but you're 16. You don't really know what you want yet, so I suggest sticking with school until you graduate high school, then decide from there. Another year (or two) isn't going to kill you, and if you decide the army isn't for you (don't tell me otherwise, because you aren't old enough to comprehend it yet), you'd be screwed without at least grade 12.
My mistake on the trades part, yes, I would like to join the Infantry for some reason I had a brain fart....

But actually I do know what I want in life, I know that I am young, and still have a lot to learn, but I am speaking of what I feel I really want to do is join the CF infantry full time. I have already decided that I want to do this and nothing else. I might seem ignorant or no? Well I am going to get some more info. I will talk it over with my parents, as my Dad was in the reserves and both of my Grandpa's served one as a medic, and one in the Navy.

I appreciate all of your comments.
Yeahman90 said:
My mistake on the trades part, yes, I would like to join the Infantry for some reason I had a brain fart....

But actually I do know what I want in life, I know that I am young, and still have a lot to learn, but I am speaking of what I feel I really want to do is join the CF infantry full time. I have already decided that I want to do this and nothing else. I might seem ignorant or no? Well I am going to get some more info. I will talk it over with my parents, as my Dad was in the reserves and both of my Grandpa's served one as a medic, and one in the Navy.

I appreciate all of your comments.

I understand; I have a 17 year old son just like you.

As I told him, if you "know" that's all you want do to, then you'll still feel that way when you are done High School.  ;)
ArmyVern said:
I understand; I have a 17 year old son just like you.

As I told him, if you "know" that's all you want do to, then you'll still feel that way when you are done High School.  ;)

I understand what you are saying, but I want to join right at 17, and plus if I do end up going through with this, which I probably will or might depends on my parents, and I can always get my diploma later on. And my fall back is to become and RCMP officer, at least I have a fall back plan just in case.
Maybe if possible i'll see if I can take grade 12 comms in grade 11 to graduate early..
Yeahman90 said:
I understand what you are saying, but I want to join right at 17, and plus if I do end up going through with this, which I probably will or might depends on my parents, and I can always get my diploma later on. And my fall back is to become and RCMP officer, at least I have a fall back plan just in case.
It's wonderful that you have goals at your age, so you have something to strive for.

It's also great that you have a backup plan. But correct me if I'm wrong, but the RCMP require completion of grade 12. So my suggestion still stands - complete grade 12, then if you are still interested in the CF, join. If not, at least you still have your high school.

Life is much different after high school. You will even be much different after high school. My suggestion is to take the first step in adulthood and accept the advice that those who have "been there, done that" are giving you. We are advising you based on our own experiences, not because we're telling you what you don't want to hear.
Nauticus said:
It's wonderful that you have goals at your age, so you have something to strive for.

It's also great that you have a backup plan. But correct me if I'm wrong, but the RCMP require completion of grade 12. So my suggestion still stands - complete grade 12, then if you are still interested in the CF, join. If not, at least you still have your high school.

Life is much different after high school. You will even be much different after high school. My suggestion is to take the first step in adulthood and accept the advice that those who have "been there, done that" are giving you. We are advising you based on our own experiences, not because we're telling you what you don't want to hear.

No, don't get me wrong I want to hear everything that people have to say, everything that you guys and girls are saying on my post are giving me useful information. And I appreciate it all.

If anyone else has some more advice feel fee to post I want your input.
All and all I am going to do some more research and find my local recruitment office and ask logical questions so I can get answers.
The biggest, best and most important advice you'll get from this site regarding yourself is "to stay in High School and graduate".

Do a site search here, "join the army in high school" or "at age XY" ... and you'll see that it is indeed THE best and most often-given words to all those others whom, like yourself, come here and ask those same questions.
Well all and all it is my decision what I want to do right? Like if this is my life choice and my heart is truely towards it, no one can change the decision I make am I right?
I'll add why staying in school is so important.

I have been in the CF for about 10yrs all of them hard Infantry, My body is getting pretty beat up so I looked into moving into a new trade. Here in lies my problem. I am a High School drop out who went back and got a GED so I could join the CF, see like you all I ever wanted was to be in the Army and be in the Infantry. Well I have done that it has been a great run but like a lot of people when you get older you realise that Infantry is a young mans game and some bodies wont take the pounding forever. So looking into my OT the PSO had to tell me Sorry but though your CFAT scores are good you don't meet the educational requirements for your trade because you're just a GED. So my options are going back to school and getting the courses I lack in my own time or just soldiering on.

IF you stay in school and you should that wont happen to you. Sure the Infantry is a great job I love it but you have look else where or into the future sooner or later and the sooner is better then later. Have as many options as you can then when the time comes you wont have to go back and do things you should have done back when you were young and should have been doing them in the first place.

My 2cents and you get what you pay for in advice.
Yeahman90 said:
Well all and all it is my decision what I want to do right? Like if this is my life choice and my heart is truely towards it, no one can change the decision I make am I right?

Wrong. You're only 16. Your parents can; remember? You mentionned it in your first post.

Me thinks - you will hear the same from their mouths.