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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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"I guess you are unaware of our Teachers (male & female) plight and concerns about classroom behavior (Grade School in particular) these days."

I have a son who is deaf and in a total communication program.  The fact is, no matter how well designed a program is, it can still be torpedoed by teachers who can't - or won't - do their jobs, principals who can't - or won't - supervise the teachers, and board staff who can't - or won't - supervise the principals.

Just another money swallowing ineffective bureaucracy.

The facts are, boys cannot - and should not - be raised as girls.

Teachers moan about class size "We can't teach thirty kids!"  Some of these teachers are 50 years old with a Masters Degree in Education.  Baby boomers like me.  They went to school with me.  We had thirty to thirty five kids in our classes.  If our teachers could teach us so well that some of us now have masters degrees etc. , why can't the teachers today do that?

Seventeen female teachers and a female principal: they all belong to the same union.  Parents are bailing their kids out of that school left and right.


Where is Female Soldier Drive? Is it anywhere near Veteran's Highway or Military Trail?

It's not that kind of drive.  It's a recruiting thing: you go door to door asking if anyone has any female soldiers they can donate.
FastEddy said:

I guess you are unaware of our Teachers (male & female) plight and concerns about classroom behavior (Grade School in particular) these days.

These children (male & female) have mental disorders which produce extrem disruptive and violent behavior.

Prescription drugs, are used to bring them into a reasonably normal range of manageability. Without the fear that they might poke an eye out of one of their classmates. Also giving them a chance for a reasonable absorbsion of knowledge, without they would not be able to.

It really surprises me in this day and age that there are so many misinformed people I suggest you make the acquaintance of a number of Teachers, maybe even sit in a classroom session. Failing that, there are a great number of good books on the subject.

With regard to the Natural Male Tendencies your description would be, Tobacco Chewing, Sun Burnt Neck, Club Carrying, Drooling Brute. No wonder Domestic Violence is on the rise.

I started a new thread to re-direct the tangent: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/28411.0.html (my reply is there).
TCBF said:
"I guess you are unaware of our Teachers (male & female) plight and concerns about classroom behavior (Grade School in particular) these days."

I have a son who is deaf and in a total communication program.   The fact is, no matter how well designed a program is, it can still be torpedoed by teachers who can't - or won't - do their jobs, principals who can't - or won't - supervise the teachers, and board staff who can't - or won't - supervise the principals.

Just another money swallowing ineffective bureaucracy.

The facts are, boys cannot - and should not - be raised as girls.

Teachers moan about class size "We can't teach thirty kids!"   Some of these teachers are 50 years old with a Masters Degree in Education.   Baby boomers like me.   They went to school with me.   We had thirty to thirty five kids in our classes.   If our teachers could teach us so well that some of us now have masters degrees etc. , why can't the teachers today do that?

Seventeen female teachers and a female principal: they all belong to the same union.   Parents are bailing their kids out of that school left and right.


The day we started to take Education out of the hands of the Educators and into Civic Groups, Lawyers, Concerned Social Services and Parents was the day Education started to decline.
The hands of our Teachers are tied so tightly today, our Public Education System is the proof of the pudding.

As for Special Needs Education it has always been a vocation better suited to Women, the reasons being quite obvious.

As a point of interest, when was the last time you read about a female Child Molestors.

When you went to School, it was a whole different ball game. And as YOU ADMITTED, YOU TURNED OUT OKAY, I don't ever recall being raised as girl. Today you don't have to look very far for the root cause of the problems, any mirror will do. BUT OH! NO ITS THE TEACHERS FAULT Little Johnny is such a rotton foul mouth, uncontrollable SOB.

As for the Staff all belonging to the same Union, it would appear your reasoning is warped in that area also.
pbi said:
Where is Female Soldier Drive? Is it anywhere near Veteran's Highway or Military Trail?



It is always comfortering to know, that a respected contributor would make Lite of such a topic. I'm quite sure that a number of our Female Readers are howling in the isles.

Keep up the good work.

And as you say, Cheers.

It gave me a chuckle.  We are all a little too serious sometimes. ;D ;D
"Here's by beef: why would they get guys to design a bra?  It's bad enough I have to wear unisex (read: male) long underwear that was obviously designed by a man who thought highly of himself."

Well, a lot of us find them kind of tight.

"The day we started to take Education out of the hands of the Educators and into Civic Groups, Lawyers, Concerned Social Services and Parents was the day Education started to decline.
The hands of our Teachers are tied so tightly today, our Public Education System is the proof of the pudding."

Dead wrong, the best teachers know that activist parents can bring effective political pressure  to effect positive change.  Where parents and teachers cross sticks is when the teachers put their union ahead of the children.

"As for Special Needs Education it has always been a vocation better suited to Women, the reasons being quite obvious."

I guess they aren't that obvious to me, so I will ask you to list a couple.  The last principal of that school was a man, who ran a tight ship and ensured his teachers TAUGHT. He was not their friend, he was their boss. And he was a superb proponent of the total communication program.

"As a point of interest, when was the last time you read about a female Child Molestors."

The ones who sleep with their teenage students, get fired, and leave their husbands, you mean?
Are you suggesting that it is public policy to encourage only female teachers because the males might molest the children?  Please explain.

"When you went to School, it was a whole different ball game. And as YOU ADMITTED, YOU TURNED OUT OKAY, I don't ever recall being raised as girl. Today you don't have to look very far for the root cause of the problems, any mirror will do. BUT OH! NO ITS THE TEACHERS FAULT Little Johnny is such a rotton foul mouth, uncontrollable SOB."

No, I agree with you in that teachers cannot replace two (and it does take two - a man and a woman) parents.  That is not my point.  My point is that they cannot raise boys as little girls and expect it to work.  As well, they must meet and maintain their own professional standards, or leave.  Teachers - like soldiers - who cannot or will not do their jobs must be replaced.

"As for the Staff all belonging to the same Union, it would appear your reasoning is warped in that area also."

Kindly explain.  In Alberta, leaving a principal in the ATA is unfair to the principal, it makes it difficult to act on a teacher's issues if you both belong to the same union.  Ontario does not have that problem.

My son's school has some SUPERB teachers.  Some of the best in the province, I bet.  That school is bleeding kids, parents, and good teachers because of the failure in leadership at the upper levels.  The staff "Loser Ratio" has gotten too high, and when that happens - like in any other organization -  the good ones - including parents - just give up and go to another school.  Sad but true.

"Here's by beef: why would they get guys to design a bra?  It's bad enough I have to wear unisex (read: male) long underwear that was obviously designed by a man who thought highly of himself."

Well, a lot of us find them kind of tight.

Maybe in the leg, but I seriously doubt you can fill in the rest.  They are made for men with no rear end and (pardon the expression) a large package.  Maybe I should start wearing them backwards.  They might fit better.  :D
OK as a female I will touch on that oh so "lets not talk about it topic".  That time of the month.  Now a days with modern medical advancements there are ways to ensure this doesn't arrive while on basic or in the field.  You can try depo shots but that doesn't work for all.  See if your doctor will prescribe a mono cycle birth control pill that you can take every day for the time your in basic then this won't be a concern. I did this while on tour in Afghanistan and never had to worry about feeling unhygienic for the 6 months. Considering we didn't get showers for the 1st month we were there.
Which brings up the nest point -- make sure you have enough of any perscriptions to cover your time in training.  And bring lots of feminine hygiene products.  If you don't run out, one of your roomates will, especially since BMQ/IAP can wreak havoc to the female system.  Ziploc bags are also essential.

Ref the hair, I have found the fastest way to do my hair is a low ponytail, braided, and wrapped around, held up with 4 bobby-pins for a bun.  It helps to keep it from interfering with any headdress you may have on.
I have never heard of a mono cycle birth control pill? You mean you can go up to 6 months with no period at all?

Yes you can go up to a year or more without a period.  The Depo shot some women are on it for years without a period (I personnally wouldn't use that method)  but some of the pills you can control when you want to have your period.  The one I used was Cyclen.  The key is that the pills for the whole month don't change hormone levels.  They should be the same color for all 21 days.  This won't work with the 28 day pills as the last 7 days have no hormones in them.  This can work for some women on the tri cycle pills (the ones with 3 colors indicating 3 different levels of hormones)  but not usually, or not as effectively for missing your period.  All you have to do is don't stop taking your pills.  So if you would take 21 days of pills then a week off, now you would take the next package with no week off.  My physician recommend this for up to six months in total but she did say it can be done up to a year.
That's good to know. I am on the 21 day tricyclin so it should work. I will go talk to my doctor before I leave for sure. I am glad that someone pointed out the fact to cover your prescription throughout basic because I probably wouldn't have given it much thought until I started to run short on supply.

Another thing that is good to bring on course are lycra running shorts.  They cut down on chaffing immensly.
As a female, I found the following useful:
1. Bring baby wipes in a ziploc bag, excellent for the field: for face, hands, pits & bottoms. Keep a small pack handy in your jacket or webbing to use before meals.  Useful for garrison to clean flat surfaces quickly.
2. Bring a small travel size of baby powde(corn starch type) for keeping sensitive areas dry...this works for field and garrison.

Since summer is coming...eventually.  I found using a brand of hair products called "Citre Shine" worked well to keep hair in place in the field without attracting bugs. Any lemon based shampo/gel etc works.
Same goes for moisterizers and wipes etc...try and choose non-scented varities.

That is very interesting about the continous birth control pills...a very cool application for females in the forces...but be careful to try out a new set of meds for awhile before showing up in St.Jean on them. You wouldn't want to find out that hormones didn't agree with you while you were there.
bojangles said:
That's good to know. I am on the 21 day tricyclin so it should work. I will go talk to my doctor before I leave for sure. I am glad that someone pointed out the fact to cover your prescription throughout basic because I probably wouldn't have given it much thought until I started to run short on supply.


Make sure you speak with your doctor and try this before you leave for St.Jean. BTW you are NOT on a monophasic pill (mono cycle) so it might not work.
Good newspapers have editorials from various opinions left, right and centre + special interest groups.
Bad newspapers have only one view and are found mostly in dictatorships or one party states. The Comical Herald will be glad to receive all your letters & e-mails because it tells them their doing their job properly , stimulating debate. Scott Taylor love him or hate him does exactly what he's paid to do, stimulate debate . As for the guist of his editorial ,anybody who thinks the female soldier drive was a sucess is either from another planet or has escaped from reality. While there are many excellent females in the forces and no one debates that , its a simple fact that a very small % are interested in trying Cbt. Arms let alone be sucessfull at it. The General's target of 25% , if true was i think a bit unrealistic to start with.
