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I have acne, its not that bad and most of it is under the skin, (not alot of pimples) i was wondering if CF can decide not to let you join for that reason, because a friend of the family tried to join the Regs, 5 or 6 years ago, passed everything, cept for the interview he failed and was told that one of the reasons he couldnt join was because of his horrible acne. Will this be a problem for me, trying to join.

If you REALLY want to get rid of it, and depending on your financial situation, go to your GP(General Practitioner) and ask for a referral to a dermatologist. The dermatologist might prescribe you with Acutane(the most potent anti-acne agent on the market) or a a drug of lesser potency, such as Novo-Minocycline. But your GP might just give you a prescription for a drying gel agent, such as Benzagel. Hope this helps.
Shawn Papke said:
he failed and was told that one of the reasons he couldnt join was because of his horrible acne.

You said it was only one of the reasons, I'm almost positive it wasn't the primary reason he wasn't accepted.  I find it offensive that someone would even mention someone's acne, is it really anything to do with a soldiers abilities?  It sounds like someone a kid would say in high school "you can't join my team because you have acne".  Give me a break.
If you REALLY want to get rid of it, and depending on your financial situation, go to your GP(General Practitioner) and ask for a referral to a dermatologist. The dermatologist might prescribe you with Acutane(the most potent anti-acne agent on the market) or a a drug of lesser potency, such as Novo-Minocycline. But your GP might just give you a prescription for a drying gel agent, such as Benzagel. Hope this helps. Id be carefull with acutane, its a very serious drug, there's has to be a valid reason, why you can't donate blood,after taking this medicine.
"Id be carefull with acutane, its a very serious drug, there's has to be a valid reason, why you can't donate blood,after taking this medicine."

Are you sure about that? I did know that there have been some suicides and attempted suicides from people using the drug, but they were already going into depression before the drug.
I take acutane.  I took a weaker pill for a few months and it didn't do anything.  I've been taking it now for a few months and it has worked really well.

It's really strong.  In the blister pack it comes in there is a symbol beside each pill telling you not to take it if you are pregnant.  It can cause birth defects and miscarraige.  It makes your skin dry, especially your lips.  You're only supposed to take it for a few months so if you can handle very dry skin for a while it is worth it.  It's worked great for both me and my brother.

You also have to get your blood tested every month while you are on it to monitor your cholesterol and liver.
I'm not a doctor or anything but before you consider any medications perhaps try alternative options. I know that for some steaming daily with a pot of water on the stove helps clean out pores or using natural soaps such as goat's milk or tea tree oil, etc work well. Anyways just reading all the possible side effects of these medications, I would say it might be worth the money try some natural remedies or go and see a naturopath for advice.

It can't hurt...
Also this Proactiv stuff is supposed to work real good.

scm77 said:
Also this Proactiv stuff is supposed to work real good.


Proactive is POS.  The only active ingredient in it is benzoyl peroxide, wich is found in every acne treatment products, but proactive has a very small quantity of it.
cgyflames01 said:
Id be carefull with acutane, its a very serious drug, there's has to be a valid reason, why you can't donate blood,after taking this medicine.

I took acutane, and I still give blood.  You can't while you're taking the drug, but that's the same for most prolonged medical treatments.  Once you're finished with the drug, no problems donating.

I am the accutane master, and the finest example of a good result because of it.

I had seriously (like deforming) acne when I was 15-17 and I took accutane after trying everything else. Generally they dont start you on accutane, they'll start you on weaker drugs like tri cyclene and a topical lotoin to begin with and once they've determined that your acne warrants accutane they'll put you on the stuff

Proactive is garbage. I mean it, unless you're jessica simpson the stuff will not help you one freakin bit.

If you think your acne is bad, the first thing you should do is get a referral to a dermatologist and let them determine if it warrants special medsys. These home remedies will not do shitall if your acne is more than skin-deep like mine was.
You can switch to Pears Soap right away though, that's the best stuff for cleaning your face with. Other than taht, see the GP get the referral and as my GP put it when I was in to his office when i was 16 "We'll have you on the cover of GQ in six months"
Best thing is to get it now before it scars alot.

And no it shouldn't keep you out of the army!
Che said:
I am the accutane master, and the finest example of a good result because of it.

To this day, I still thank the good lord that people are allowed to screw with chemical creations that resulted in accutane.  FAVOURITE drug ever.  When Pizza Face is the nicest thing you hear, and end up 8 months later with no acne and no scars, it's quite the confidence booster.  :)  Che et al are very correct though.  In order to get the treatment that will suit you best, ask your GP for a referral to a dermatologist.  That's what they get paid the big bucks for.

A few years ago, I heard about someone being rejected for acne and I asked the medic how that would cause him to be rejected.  From what I understand, it's not facial acne that is the big problem.  Some people have serious acne on their backs, and that is the problematic type.  It can be agravated by a ruck sack etc and become infected. 
Some people have serious acne on their backs, and that is the problematic type.

I had that "great" problem, but the best drug in the world cleared it up, quick like.
beach_bum said:
... Some people have serious acne on their backs, and that is the problematic type.   It can be agravated by a ruck sack etc and become infected.

Interestingly enough, another cure for acne vulgaris is ... sunshine (no - I'm not kidding).

Torlyn said:
In order to get the treatment that will suit you best, ask your GP for a referral to a dermatologist. That's what they get paid the big bucks for.

Absolutely, especially since overdoses can destroy night vision ...
bossi said:
Interestingly enough, another cure for acne vulgaris is ... sunshine (no - I'm not kidding).

Sunshine made it worse for me.  It would just become more red and swollen. :(
scm77 said:
Sunshine made it worse for me.   It would just become more red and swollen. :(

More proof that expert medical diagnosis and treatment is preferrable ...
I'm outside doing stuff (cutting wood or farm work) a lot and I still get it pretty bad. As for on my back, should I ask a doctor about it before basic training?
Gorf said:
I'm outside doing stuff (cutting wood or farm work) a lot and I still get it pretty bad. As for on my back, should I ask a doctor about it before basic training?

Oy...  Yes.  Anything that has to do with your health and well-being should be seen to by a doctor.  If you are going to see a doctor about it, keep your recruiter in the loop.  (I'm assuming you're just waiting for basic to start?)

I think we've flogged this topic to death by now...  Lock time?
I'm hesitant to let a thread go on that involves medical advice but what the hell, this topic is very, very near and dear to my heart.

Interestingly enough, another cure for acne vulgaris is ... sunshine (no - I'm not kidding).

I've heard this a few times, and let me tell you, it's a short term cure.
In the long run sunshine fuses the pores in question which only adds to the blockage and increases the acne, I found out the hard way.
Accutane has a lot of side effects. It depends on the person. Some people got the side effects after they stopped using it and the side effects became long-term. I seem to recall a picture of a young guy who had his lips permanently destroyed by accutane. It's a serious drug consider the implications. I hate taking chances with my health so I just tough it out. Sure your self-esteem takes a beating but at least you won't be destroying your health.