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About 5 Fd Regt RCA


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Quick question to those who might know: what is the exact sub-unit breakdown of 5th Field Regiment RCA?
Very same, Sarge. I know that sometime agone, two batteries were united together to form 5th Indep. Fd Bty. Then very recently, the battery got upgraded to regimental status. I was wondering what battery numbers are they using for 5th Fd Arty, anyway.
I don‘t know what‘s happend now.
But in the past many year‘s ago 5 Tribe were better tha 15th Reg. R.C.A.,


The little Unit had to prove them selve‘s and out perform the bigger Unit and 5 Tribe did it!
With out all the poncy crap and ceromony that the 15th doe!(Spit and Polish Wog‘s)

I used to know a lot of folk‘s there many year‘s ago.
But alas I have not had the contact‘s like we usd to have,so sorry Fred can‘t help you.

But if 5 tribe are still what I remember,then they are good men and women.
Gunner: interesting link; on the history page they shom a pic of a 6-pounder in Ortona; that was an anti-tank gun. I always thought the anti-tank guns belonged to the Infantry, did the Artillery have anti-tank Batteries in WW2 ?
Yes, formed in regiments and part of Div arty
Since an answer was never really located on this thread I will pipe up. Currently I serve the Guns with the Tribe and this is how it sits:

55 BTY is located in Victoria, BC at the Bay Street Armoury. Currently we have been only allocated 2 C3 howitzers but are hoping for more as they may become available.

56 BTY is located in Nanaimo, BC at the Nanaimo Military Camp; which is scheduled for tear-down later this year. A new Armoury is currently under construction on the same site and should be available late spring, early summer.

Any further questions about the Tribe please visit the Tribe
Anti-tank Regiments used 17pdrs in WW II. The 6pdr was an infantry anti-tank weapon.
I am an x NCO of the 15th Field,Vancouver.Yes 5 Tribe is Victorian. P.S. Ubique,Gunners everywhere!!!!
My old Unit, when they say best in the west they mean it. 55 and 56 Bty form 5th (British Columbia) Fd Regt RCA. They Have 4 105mm howitzers, down graded from 6 from the C3 upgrade. These people know their stuff.