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A question about commitment (yes another one!)


Jr. Member
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I read through the old posts but I couldn't find any links to theDND site regarding commitment. If one of you could post a link to the actuall DND site stating they aren't gonna send to Afghanistan or make me quit school taht would be great. I know there's not commitment for the reserves  but being 16 I need to convince my parents to sign my forms and my mom seems to like me around or something (don't know why) so she wants proof straight from DND that they wont forces me tor eloacte or drop out of high school.
Print this off and give it to your parents:

Dear Parents

I am the Chief of Staff of 38 Canadian Brigade Group, the senior organization for the Army Reserve in Manitoba. I am a member of the Regular Army, but I work with the Army Reserve. I am currently serving in Afghanistan.

Your son has expressed an interest in joining the Army Reserve. He is concerned (understandably) that you may have some misgivings about what he is getting himself (and you) into by this involvement. These misgivings are very normal and show that as parents you appreciate the importance of a Canadian volunteering to serve their country.

I understand that you are worried that your son may be taking on a legal or contractual commitment that might require him to be deployed overseas, quit school, etc without any warning or input from you. I believe that I can set your mind at rest.

To begin with, in Canada the Army Reserve is a completely voluntary organization, most of whose members serve on a part-time basis. Reservists in Canada do not enroll for a fixed period of time: they are free to request their release at any time. This is distinctly different from Regular soldiers such as me, who serve on a full-time basis on a fixed contract.

Second, it is extremely unlikely that your son would ever be deployed overseas before his 18th birthday: the policy of the Canadian Army is not to employ minors on overseas operations. Once he is 18, he  may choose to volunteer for overseas service if he is interested in doing so, but again on a voluntary and space-available basis.

Third, it is unlikely (although certainly not impossible) that the Government of Canada will activate the Army Reserve, in whole or in part, in the foreseeable future short of a severe national emergency. This activation, referred to in Canada as "mobilization" has not occurred since 1939. Although thousands of Reservists have served Canada on overseas duties since the end of the Second World War, it has always been on a completely voluntary basis.

Finally, if you still feel that you have questions or concerns, I recommend that you speak directly to the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre, or to the  staff at the Fort Garry Horse (the Reserve unit your son is interested in joining). Both these organizations can be found in the "Government of Canada" listings in your telephone book.

I hope that this makes things clearer for you as you consider this important matter. As a parent of teenagers myself, I fully understand your concerns.

Yours Sincerely

D.J. Banks
Lieutenant Colonel
Chief of Staff
38 Canadian Brigade Group

Thanks alot PBI,
I hope this will convince my mom considering you're a lieutenant colonel.
You're welcome. I'm sure that the CO of the Garrys, LCol Dave Atwell, would be happy to speak to your parents as well. Cheers.