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A Personal Story of just like any other applicant


Jr. Member
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I have been on this site for a few months now and I find this as a very good resource.  I have initially applied at CFRC Mississauga April 2007 to work in the Reg Force as  a Medical Radiation Technologist (NCM).  At that time it was just about 4 months before graduate from university and write my board exam as a Medical Radiation Technologist specializing Nuclear Medicine.  Because the trade I was going into was not so common, I became known to a few individuals in the CFRC Mississauga including the CO. It was always nice to go there once in a while to drop off all the required paperwork.  While finishing my studies, I had undergone the application process successfully and rapidly.  In fact, my CFAT, medical and all security checks were done even before I graduated.  The only thing that was holding my application was my registration as I still had to pass my board exam, which I successfully did Sept 07.  I got my license and was scheduled for an interview the day after I brought the proof of my board passing to the recruiting office.  At that time, I was very excited knowing that I'm very close to getting into the CF. 
My interview went so well that I was told that I am a very ideal candidate, will be merit listed and my papers will be forwarded to the CF Health Services in Ottawa.  There was no big update on my file except that it was on PLAR till January 08.

At the end of January 2008, I received a call from a high ranking officer in Ottawa (he called me at my workplace) telling me some bad news. I was told that although I am a certified Medical Radiation Technologist, my specialty is not going to be of use to the Canadian forces since they only specialize radiology.  He was a little confused as to how my application has gotten too far and that I should have been told from the very beginning about this.  I was not very happy with the outcome, however I still wanted to pursue a military career.  I was given a lot of options back at the CFRC, going back to school to study radiology as one of them.  I already had a bachelor's degree and I thought that going back to school was not to my advantage and also, even if I did go to school, I wouldn't be able to get the signing bonus of 20K that was included in the perks.

I finally decided to just continue my application and join the reserves so that I can continue and keep my full time job and at the same time working for the forces.  I had no intentions of applying as an officer but after I was told that I could be an officer because of my university degree, I did try to apply as an officer in one of the reserve units in Toronto.  I was told one day that the unit will have an officer board.  I was stupid enough not to know at that time that it was actually a selection board.  The fact that I already had finished almost everything in my application, I did not know that I was going to have another interview.  I came very unprepared for the officer board not knowing significant things about the Canadian Forces, in general.
I knew when I left the officer board that I would be unsuccessful in my application to be a reserves officer.

After much thinking, I have decided that I will join in as a NCM in the Communications regiment.  I was told that I wouldn't need any interviews and just need to do my PT.  I was asked if I could go to Shilo this month but I wouldn't be able to because I just started my full time job.  My PT is on Wednesday June 4th and hopefully..... things will go right , finally.

What I learned from my experience throughout my application process is to do your own research about the job and always ASK questions at the CFRC...they're always helpful.