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A Deeply Fractured US

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hmm Trump quote ages well ;)
He’s also attempting to deny past quotes…also ages well.

The entire process can be exhausted and wrongful convictions still stand. I suppose that means part of the "process" - more informal than formal - allows for people to keep digging at something and push for a case to be re-opened, but that implies they had a critical view all along and if the conviction is overturned, maybe the critical view was always valid. Obviously "the system" isn't, and can't be, perfect. The window for criticism is always open.

Corruption exists everywhere. Conceivably some of government in NY, including its prosecutors and judiciary, are corrupt - even very corrupt. "Machine" politics aren't an urban legend.

Discussions on this site occasionally touch on the problems created by the examples set by people in charge in corporations, or in the CAF. Why would anyone believe that doesn't apply everywhere? Alvin Bragg openly vowed to "Get Trump". Who knows what mischief that set in motion among the people in the institution under him, quite apart from their own political leanings in a heavily Democrat-supporting jurisdiction?

If the system needs people to think it isn't rigged, it has to act as if it isn't rigged. It won't do to complain about the perceptions people take away when the appearances of impropriety are so manifest. The onus is on the system to be proper and look proper.
If the defence appeals and wins doesn't, in and of itself, mean "the system" is corrupt. It's more of a reflection that the system is populated by humans, and humans are fallible. If the decision is appealled all the way to the SCOTUS, regardless of the outcome, there will be set of people who see its decision - whichever way it goes - as evidence of corruption.

I await the prefect system. Levels of review, checks and balances, etc. are out best attempt to come as close as we can.
If the defence appeals and wins doesn't, in and of itself, mean "the system" is corrupt. It's more of a reflection that the system is populated by humans, and humans are fallible.
Sure, corruption in parts of the system doesn't mean the whole system is corrupt.

Human beings are also intentful. This stuff doesn't happen entirely in the passive voice.
If the decision is appealled all the way to the SCOTUS, regardless of the outcome, there will be set of people who see its decision - whichever way it goes - as evidence of corruption.
They already do. Alito and Thomas are under pressure to recuse from SC cases which concern matters about which their wives' political involvement is thought to be compromising. None of the opinion pieces I've read advocating this had anything to say about Merchan and his family's Democratic connections. Obviously there's partisan bias in how justice is perceived.
What I don't get in all this is why Trump let Cohen leverage his home equity to pay the NDA.

Couldn't he just pay it himself?

Is this the heart of the case? This deception? To what end?
What I don't get in all this is why Trump let Cohen leverage his home equity to pay the NDA.

Couldn't he just pay it himself?

Is this the heart of the case? This deception? To what end?
I would infer that the intent was distance and concealment. Have Cohen pay it and then reimburse him gradually over months, so Trump’s name was never directly on it. Indeed, Trump himself referred to a series of payments to Cohen as ‘reimbursements’ rather than legal fees.
I've said for a while now that Canada would greatly benefit from a quality investigative journalism outlet like the US has with ProPublica. They've had some excellent deep-dive articles on the USN, including USS Fitzgerald, USN 7th Fleet, and the Littoral Combat Ship.

One of their latest:

I would infer that the intent was distance and concealment. Have Cohen pay it and then reimburse him gradually over months, so Trump’s name was never directly on it. Indeed, Trump himself referred to a series of payments to Cohen as ‘reimbursements’ rather than legal fees.
Yeah, so it does seem like there's a mental element here, an intent to conceal something. So then the question is to what end? Was it really to "promote a candidate"?

That's the part I find dubious and would like to see the jurisprudence on this. It's not like Cohen went and bought ads with that money. He fulfilled DJT's end of an NDA. Seems like a stretch to tie it to the campaign, however close it might have been to the election.
Yeah, so it does seem like there's a mental element here, an intent to conceal something. So then the question is to what end? Was it really to "promote a candidate"?

That's the part I find dubious and would like to see the jurisprudence on this. It's not like Cohen went and bought ads with that money. He fulfilled DJT's end of an NDA. Seems like a stretch to tie it to the campaign, however close it might have been to the election.

Since you seem to tie Cohen's actions to whether or not the payments to McDougal and Clifford/Stormy Daniels (or as identified in another criminal proceeding as "Woman-1" and "Woman-2") were connected to the campaign, perhaps it is useful to remind that Cohen had, in 2018, pled guilty to campaign finance violations and been sentenced to 3 years in prison in relation to this specific event.

You lose some then you win some (temporarily at least).

A Georgia appeals court has halted the election subversion conspiracy case against Donald Trump and several of his co-defendants – a massive victory for the former president seeking to push further legal issues until 2025 if he can’t beat them altogether.
“The Georgia Court of Appeals has properly stayed all proceedings against President Trump in the trial court pending its decision on our interlocutory appeal which argues the case should be dismissed and Fulton County DA Willis should be disqualified for her misconduct,”

And another

Latest consequence: no more concealed weapon permit for YOU!
Latest consequence: no more concealed weapon permit for YOU!
2nd Amendment grift email in 3… 2… 1…
Some 2A enthusiasts would like to see non-violent felons gain/retain carry rights. They favour not penalizing Trump, and finding Hunter Biden not guilty on his firearm charge.
Latest consequence: no more concealed weapon permit for YOU!
I’m just more surprised that he had 3 pistols and managed not to shoot himself by accident.
Canadian media, not known for criticizing the attempts to "get Trump", are questioning the abuse of the American justice system:

There was an article in the Sun this morning about the AG for New York City (Bragg is his name) and how his focus on Trump is failing NYC. Interesting.
A conservative columnist writing in Canadian media, not known for criticizing the attempts to "get Trump", are questioning the abuse of the American justice system:

There was an article in the Sun this morning about the AG for New York City (Bragg is his name) and how his focus on Trump is failing NYC. Interesting.
Guessing it's this, no?
Also archived here if previous link doesn't work.
Guessing it's this, no?
Also archived here if previous link doesn't work.

Sounds like the “Don’t you have real crime to deal with?” whenever we catch some white collar type driving drunk and such.

I’m sure we’ll continue to hear the same sort of whining when the Georgia, Washington, and Florida prosecutions eventually make it to trial.

The very real challenges in adequately staffing and resourcing the criminal justice system doesn’t mean giving a total pass to white collar or other non-violent crime.
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