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A Deeply Fractured US

Nevertheless she's by far the leader of the 3 (Trump, DeSantis, Haley) in the poll averages of head-to-head matchups against Biden. She might be the most electable.
She’s the must have answer for the GOP.

Trump is poison, and DeSantis isn’t a lot better.

She comes off way more moderate than the other two, and can get some of the middle ground back that has been lost.
Either DeSantis or Haley can pass muster with Trump supporters if Trump is out - bear in mind who the Democrats are likely to be running as P/VP. The people who would have trouble are people like Christie but he's not realistically in the running.
In related news, one of the Jan 6 rioters was found guilty of 7 charges (Johnatakis), who was trying the sovereign citizen defence. Probably a bad sign when the judge calls your defence bullshit.
In related news, one of the Jan 6 rioters was found guilty of 7 charges (Johnatakis), who was trying the sovereign citizen defence. Probably a bad sign when the judge calls your defence bullshit.
It’s the Guardian, but I have read the same details in other outlets.

Either DeSantis or Haley can pass muster with Trump supporters if Trump is out - bear in mind who the Democrats are likely to be running as P/VP. The people who would have trouble are people like Christie but he's not realistically in the running.
Trump is busy trying to poison the well for Haley, and admittedly DeS and the rest of the GOP. Haley has been trying to walk a tightrope between independence from Trump without generating Christie like animosity.
Not quite on topic but related.

The Institute for Economics and peace has released its latest list of safest and most dangerous countries.

The US stood at 131st out of 163. Canada stood 11th.

Not quite on topic but related.

The Institute for Economics and peace has released its latest list of safest and most dangerous countries.

The US stood at 131st out of 163. Canada stood 11th.


…Europe is the most peaceful region in the world, according to the study, and is home to seven of the ten most peaceful countries…

What QV said…
Which makes her completely unacceptable to MAGA. Only complete and total fealty to the orange god-king will be tolerated. Moderation and compromise is for “cucks” only.

I don't think Nikki was taking direct aim at the former guy.

I think it was more about the party.

She said Republicans,
lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections.


Then, went on to say,

If you’re tired of losing, then put your trust in a new generation.

The high-lighted part caught my eye.

I can't imagine many Americans are excited about a re-match between two dudes 81 and 78 years old.
That list is suspect.
How so? If you look at the data, the murder rate was a big drag on the US, as it's in the same range as Russia and Zimbabwe. There are some weird outliers with the really small populated countries (like Greenland, who had 3 murders in 2016 giving it a rate of 5.4 per 100,000).
Not quite on topic but related.

The Institute for Economics and peace has released its latest list of safest and most dangerous countries.

The US stood at 131st out of 163. Canada stood 11th.

They're trying to measure "peace" (according to criteria they set for themselves), not "safety". "Safety" has to be context-dependent (ie. gang bangers are at much higher risk than most people). Peacewise, the US gets dinged for maintaining it's military capacity, among other factors that in some contexts are obviously contributions to peace and security. Common sense suggests the US's presence keeps a lid on some things. Otherwise, all the whining that I hear and read from people worried that the US is going to withdraw and/or stop paying other people's bills is the whining of people who must be "against peace".

Always helps to read the "methodology" and "scores".
How so? If you look at the data, the murder rate was a big drag on the US, as it's in the same range as Russia and Zimbabwe. There are some weird outliers with the really small populated countries (like Greenland, who had 3 murders in 2016 giving it a rate of 5.4 per 100,000).
Ha ha ok. Assume you'd feel good about sending your kids to university in anyone of the counties ranked higher than the USA then?
They're trying to measure "peace" (according to criteria they set for themselves), not "safety". "Safety" has to be context-dependent (ie. gang bangers are at much higher risk than most people). Peacewise, the US gets dinged for maintaining it's military capacity, among other factors that in some contexts are obviously contributions to peace and security. Common sense suggests the US's presence keeps a lid on some things. Otherwise, all the whining that I hear and read from people worried that the US is going to withdraw and/or stop paying other people's bills is the whining of people who must be "against peace".

Always helps to read the "methodology" and "scores".
I think they measured safety in large measure on the basis of the murder rate in the US being six times that of most western countries. I don't think it was an indictment of US defence or foreign policy. The fact that more gang bangers are at risk isn't soothing. It just means that you have more violent gangbangers.
Ha ha ok. Assume you'd feel good about sending your kids to university in anyone of the counties ranked higher than the USA then?
That's a fairly arbitrary answer, and obviously not, but for schools specifically, no one even comes close to the number of school shootings as the US.

Does that mean you are at higher risk overall? Probably not.

I think it is indicative though that the US does have an incredible wealth disparity, with some areas that have insane amounts of violence and poverty as well as third world infrastructure, while being within easy driving distance of multi-million dollar mansions in gated communities.

It's a really big country, but there are definitely no-go areas as well as a gun culture. I have to say I definitely felt less safe in general in big cities in the US compared to other western countries, although I was not normally really worries about myself overall for the most part (except when I wandered into South Boston I guess, and the part from Baltimore that was in The Wire).

Some of the factors they used are pretty arbitrary as well, but I think it would be naive to think that the US (and Canada, and every other country) doesn't have some really bad things happening in it, despite generally being safe. Did you actually look at the data or are you just dismissing it out of hand?