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A Blog Link About Toxic Leadership

I believe the unlikely candidate of Ralph Klein then Premier of Alberta gave the best advice to dealing with Toxic Personnel.

OFC he was talking about Mad Cow Disease - but it think it applies better to people ;)

He promoted the 3 S’s
Shut Up

He probably should have mentioned a bag of Lime, but…
Ever wonder why we celebrate incompetent leaders?

Two words: Action Fallacy ;)

Why do we celebrate incompetent leaders? | Martin Gutmann | TEDxBerlin​

Management historian Martin Gutmann challenges us to rethink what great leadership looks like. While we tend to celebrate those with a proclivity for action and brash words, great leaders are often precisely those who don't need to generate excessive noise or activity. To make this point, Gutmann draws on contemporary research and historical examples, including the famed but disaster-prone Ernest Shackleton. Martin Gutmann is a speaker, author, and professor interested in how the past can shed new light on contemporary issues. His most recent book is The Unseen Leader: How History Can Help Us Rethink Leadership. Martin Gutmann is a speaker, author, and researcher interested in how the past can shed new light on contemporary issues. He is a professor at the Lucerne School of Business, Switzerland. His most recent book is The Unseen Leader: How History Can Help Us Rethink Leadership: www.martingutmann.com/unseen
