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6 FES going to 39 CER


Army.ca Veteran
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From a email I received

Hello everyone

Well it is happening. On 3 May 08 39 CER is being stood up and 6 FES is becoming part of the regiment.  The last parade, in DEUs, of 6 FES, as an independent unit is happening on Weds night, 23 April 08.

Maj Grant Acheson is taking over 54 ES in Chilliwack as the OC

Capt  (soon to be Maj) Ward Trythall is taking over 6 ES as the OC

LCol Bill Wenman is to be the first CO of 39 CER.

There will be a military photographer there on the 23rd to do a last unit picture.

Although the parade is not a public event, I don’t think the unit would be adverse to a few old members dropping by for a beer or two on such an historic occasion.

Actually, 39 CER was stood up on 23 Nov 2006, the date that the MND signed off the Ministerial Organization Order (#2006040). 

I, Gordon J. O'Connor, Minister of National Defence, do hereby:

a. pursuant to subsection 17(1) of the National Defence Act, revoke all previous orders authorizing the organization of 6th Field Engineer Squadron and 44th Field Engineer Squadron;

b. pursuant to subsection 17(1) of the National Defence Act, organize 39 Combat Engineer Regiment as a unit of the Canadian Forces through amalgamation of 6th Field Engineer Squadron and 44th Field Engineer Squadron;

c. pursuant to subsection 17(2) of the National Defence Act, direct that 39 Combat Engineer Regiment  be embodied in the Reserve Force; and

d. pursuant to sub-paragraph 2.08(1) of the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces, direct that 39 Combat Engineer Regiment be allocated to 39 Canadian Brigade Group.

In fact, on the same date 33 CER (old 3 FES) and 35 RGC (old 10 EGC) were stood up, 34 CER was formed by amalgamating 3 FER and 9 EGC; 41 CER was formed by amalgamating 8 FER and 33 FES, and 32 CER was made by renaming 2 FER.

Spr.Earl said:
From a email I received

Hello everyone

Well it is happening. On 3 May 08 39 CER is being stood up and 6 FES is becoming part of the regiment.  The last parade, in DEUs, of 6 FES, as an independent unit is happening on Weds night, 23 April 08.

Maj Grant Acheson is taking over 54 ES in Chilliwack as the OC

Capt  (soon to be Maj) Ward Trythall is taking over 6 ES as the OC

LCol Bill Wenman is to be the first CO of 39 CER.

There will be a military photographer there on the 23rd to do a last unit picture.

Although the parade is not a public event, I don’t think the unit would be adverse to a few old members dropping by for a beer or two on such an historic occasion.

Wish that I could make it over for the parade.... I know both Grant and Bill..... And of course you Nick....


Yup I'm going over in uniform of course :salute:
Jeff they have talked about this for over 30 years and I imagine even when you were in 6Fd?

It should be interesting though to see if they can get the bodies to fill the rank's and maintain the nominal roll.
As it is now quite a few youngn's join and split after 1 year or so,only those who realy like it stay and then move on to the Reg.'s or just quit once it's not fun any more like any other job.


P.S. Jeff I'll buy both a drink on your behalf.
Thanks Nick

I owe you one..... PM inbound.....


Rodahn said:
Thanks Nick

I owe you one..... PM inbound.....



Hi Jeff,
the only ex member's there were my self,Mark ( my brother),Vince Laroque (Lt/Col),Maj.London and Alex Chismore so after all the photo's of the Sqn were taken they took a photo of the 4 of us.

A good time was had in the Mess,panel's flew up faster than the speed of light and demolition's were hitting the sound barrier,your typical Sapper soireee when old Sappers get to gether,the Buie was supped something fierce.
Oooo my fat head the next day.

Ian MacArthur is new the RSM of 39 CER,Ron Snelgrove is the new SSM of 6.
Does anyone know where Regimental HQ is going to be located??

Please correct me, 39 CER will have 6 FES, 44 FES & 54 ES as sub-units?

Has 54 ES been stood up as a unit?
There is only one unit - 39 CER. (unit in the legal sense of the word).  The unit, 39 CER, has three geographically dispersed sub-units, in Chilliwack, North Vancouver, and Trail.  Not certain where the RHQ is / will be located.

Echo 2 said:
Does anyone know where Regimental HQ is going to be located??

Please correct me, 39 CER will have 6 FES, 44 FES & 54 ES as sub-units?

Has 54 ES been stood up as a unit?

R.H.Q. will be in N.Van. along with 6 as to 54 not knowing but I'll ask about.
So let me get this straight - 39 CBG got another LCol out of this???
Gained one LCol, but lost one person around the table at the CBG table.  With a little creativity perhaps we can see further reductions in the headcounts at CBG Comd O-groups across the country...
Infanteer said:
So let me get this straight - 39 CBG got another LCol out of this???

No,we have gotten an Engineer Regiment to support 39 CBG..


The RHQ's physical address is in North Vancouver, but the pers are dispersed around all three Sqn locations (plus a bit).

For example, the incumbents live as follows:
CO - Trail area
DCO - Victoria area
RSM - Vancouver area
Adjt - Vancouver
Ops O - me - Trail area
Ops WO - Trail area
Trg WO - Vancouver area

To the best of my knowledge 39 CER, with its three manoeuvre elements (6 ES, 44 ES & 54 ES) is now the largest Reserve unit in Western Canada in that we have the most positions.  However, it will take us a while to grow into the positions we have available.

I'm not big on spreading other people's names around without their knowledge, so PM me.

I will tell you he served in several units during his Reg F career, including 1 CER, CFB Edmonton and 1 CEU (as it was at the time).  He retired a couple of years ago and is currently working as a civilian at CE in Esquimalt.

Standards said:
I'm not big on spreading other people's names around without their knowledge, so PM me.

I will tell you he served in several units during his Reg F career, including 1 CER, CFB Edmonton and 1 CEU (as it was at the time).  He retired a couple of years ago and is currently working as a civilian at CE in Esquimalt.


Understandable, I should have thought of that in the first place. PM inbound.

Hey Jeff
RSM has thrown out bait for us old timers to come back into the fold. ;) ;D :o

