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5 Man Arctic Tent PAM

Halifax Tar

Army.ca Fixture
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In the lurch here.

We are deploying a whole whack of Navy folks to an area and they are taking the 5 Man Arctic Tents. 

Does anyone know where I can find the PAM on how to raise and lower these ?
Unfortunately I am not at work right now so can not give you the link to the Army Electronic Library but the PAM you want to look for is B-GG-302-002/FP-001 Specific Operations Vol 2 Arctic and Subarctic Operations Part 1 Basic Cold Weather Training.
If interested I believe I have all the lesson plans for basic winter warfare I could send you for purusal.
5 man arctic tents?
Generally used for shitters when I was serving.
Check the walls for skid marks.
A couple of pages from a Safety Aide Memoire may assist.


  • Aide_10-12.pdf
    388.8 KB · Views: 242
My Wintex experience, though I admit it was a very long time ago and involved Valcartier at minus 30 degrees, is that in the end, building a shelter under a large evergreen tree, using ground sheets, thick snow and thick layer of evergreen branches under the lot for insulation was both warmer and more comfortable than the damned tents. Not to mention, it let us dump the tent, which made our load out a lot lighter.  ;D
Oldgateboatdriver said:
My Wintex experience, though I admit it was a very long time ago and involved Valcartier at minus 30 degrees, is that in the end, building a shelter under a large evergreen tree, using ground sheets, thick snow and thick layer of evergreen branches under the lot for insulation was both warmer and more comfortable than the damned tents. Not to mention, it let us dump the tent, which made our load out a lot lighter.  ;D

Please tell me you posted a QM at the entrance and demanded everyone salute on entering your shelter as it now held a commission lol

In all seriousness thanks so much for all your help guys!  All info provided will be put to good use.
Jarnhamar said:
Surprised all ya'all didn't just poop in your LAVs  ;)
Lavs came after I was out.
AVGP (Grizzly) was during my time.
Jarnhamar said:
Surprised all ya'all didn't just poop in your LAVs  ;)
LAV being the short form for lavatory?  An eight wheeled shit house. Interesting. I now see the need for all the NBC gear.
The five man tent, within the requirements of the tactical situation can be quite comfortable. It obviously has its limitations compared to the ten man tent. In September 1973 I did an attachment to the Norwegian Field Artillery Battalion Brigade North to practice shooting in mountain conditions. Believe me, clipping what I think were US surplus shelter halves together and sleeping in temperate sleeping bags on a floor of furry side up reindeer hides made me long for Canadian gear.

p.s. Norwegian rations suck, especially the whale burgers. 
Old Sweat said:
The five man tent, within the requirements of the tactical situation can be quite comfortable. It obviously has its limitations compared to the ten man tent. In September 1973 I did an attachment to the Norwegian Field Artillery Battalion Brigade North to practice shooting in mountain conditions. Believe me, clipping what I think were US surplus shelter halves together and sleeping in temperate sleeping bags on a floor of furry side up reindeer hides made me long for Canadian gear.

p.s. Norwegian rations suck, especially the whale burgers.

In the Armour Corps, with 3 or 4 man crews, it would be more convenient than a 10 man tent.

Not all Cbt Arms organizations operate in the same size as a full Inf Section.

On the Lynx we had 'half toboggans' for our tent groups.
X Royal said:
Lavs came after I was out.
AVGP (Grizzly) was during my time.

Ahhhh, drain plugs.  :nod:

George Wallace said:
In the Armour Corps, with 3 or 4 man crews, it would be more convenient than a 10 man tent.

Not all Cbt Arms organizations operate in the same size as a full Inf Section.

Prefer the 5-man tents ourselves.
-Packs down smaller for transport/storage
-Much easier to heat and warm
-discourages headquarters types from being lazy and trying to steal space.