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30 days

Day no. 13... Ran at the gym (3 min, break, 4 min, break, 5 min), elliptical for 10, and bike for 15. 50 knee push-ups and 100 crunches before bed. Not a whole lot, but I felt like a down-day.I signed up for a road race today- it's in 3 weeks time. It only a 5k, but I've never ran that far outside before (at least not in years). We'll see how the next couple of weeks go, but it's only 3 days before I swear in, and I think it would be the ultimate confidence booster to have under my belt for basic. Talk to y'all again tomorrow. Goodnight.
How long should you try? Until.
Jim Rohn
Sorry y'all- don't have much time to post. Took the day off yesterday, more or less. Still biked 12k to and from work. Today I biked 6k, worked out with my trainer and then did some more on my own, went to a kettle-bell class (ouch) and biked back. Going to work on the running tomorrow... got to get in shape for that road race!
Great job Jane! Keep it up and the posting.  I'm still here for accountability, but I've had some major family matters to take care of ~ not to worry though... all is good.  I finally found my blasted Pilates DVDs so i'm really stoked about that.

I used to do extensive soccer training for Provincial and National competition.  When we trained on hills and stairs we did the following:
1. For long gradually sloped hills we would work different muscle groups by going up half way then turn around and do the rest backwards; on the descent, longer strides, forwards only (please).
2. For long groups of stairs, we had to make sure to lift our knees high going up and down.
3. For shorter, but very steep hills ~ full out sprinting.

I find myself, after 10 years of absence from the sport, still sprinting up hill because I just can't take it slow.  Kind of like taking two stairs at a time (ha!)... Hope this helps kiddo, you're doing AMAZING, and good luck on the 5k... I think it's a fabulous idea!  TG
Thanks- the thread was awfully quiet for a little while, I was starting to wonder if everyone else had given up  :-\ I didn't post yesterday, not because I didn't do anything, but because my internet connection has been on the fritz and getting on the forum is touch and go right now. So what did I do for day no. 16? (past the half-mark everyone!)... Yesterday morning I got up and went for a 3k run (which sucked, but I did it), and then biked 6k to the gym. There I did my arm workout, went on the elliptical for 15, and biked to work. After the shift, I biked to the other job, and then eventually biked home to do 50 push-ups on the knees in sets of 10. I'm up early today, so hopefully I'll get the same done this morning.
Never stop. One stops as soon as something is about to happen.
Peter Brock
Great work Jane~Doe! (and everyone else for that matter!)
I swear in on August 18th and start BMOQ on the 25th. My friend and I have been training for a 10k here in Halifax that is on the 17th so that has kept me running. When I handed in my application in March I started to seriously work out. Sad to say but in March I could not even do one lady style push up....now I am up to 15 military style. My goal is to be able to do the men's standard on my Expres test at the very least.
Keep up the good work everyone and I will see you all there!:)

Hello ladies,  good luck Jane, a road race is a great motivator, I'm sure you'll do great!

I was out of town for the weekend and had no internet access so here is my update.  Friday I was driving out of town so no workout, Saturday was also a washout due to family commitments.  Sunday I did a yoga session and went for a 2K fast walk.  I think I hurt myself during Thursday's aerobics class because my knees were killing me all weekend.  I"m taking a couple more days to make sure that they're okay before I run again, I plan on doing some weights tonight and maybe a swim, weather permitting.

So, all in all not very much lately but as soon as I'm back to 100% I plan on buying some time with a personal trainer and kicking it into high gear.
Chach said:
Great work Jane~Doe! (and everyone else for that matter!)
I swear in on August 18th and start BMOQ on the 25th. My friend and I have been training for a 10k here in Halifax that is on the 17th so that has kept me running. When I handed in my application in March I started to seriously work out. Sad to say but in March I could not even do one lady style push up....now I am up to 15 military style. My goal is to be able to do the men's standard on my Expres test at the very least.
Keep up the good work everyone and I will see you all there!:)

Hey everyone- sorry I didn't get to post last night, their was a big storm and I had to unplug all the tech. Anyways, what did I do yesterday? Biked to the gym and then did a little on the elliptical. Went for a 3k run (which was more walk than run, but hey- it still counts) and then after work I went to a pretty intense step class. It was a scorcher all day, so just breathing was a bit of a workout. As for today, I Rollerbladed the 6k to the gym, and did a run that I'm really proud of. It was on the treadmill, which isn't ideal, and it was slower than normal, and on no incline at all, but I ran for a full 20 minutes and got in 2.15 miles!!! I know to all you gazelles this is small potatoes, but theirs no way that I would have been able to do even this a month ago- so yippee. I biked the 6k home, and did a few push-ups... another personal best! I got to 9 this time!!! That's 4-5 more than when I started the 30 day count!!! I'm psyched- hope everyone else is starting to reap the benefits too.
As far as running when you are injured goes- take all the time you need to feel 100 %, and seriously,  take another few days after that. I had a knee injury a number of years back, and although I've been extremely lucky and it hasn't bothered me since, I'm not about to test it's patience.  Stop at the first sign of trouble, and then stay stopped until you are completely sure that you are AOK. It's just not worth it.
And Chach- I would have been on your BOTP if my papers hadn't gotten messed up (officer forgot to sign the back page... and then went on vacation... sigh)- But I'll be there a few days after you. Congrads on the push-ups. Keep it up and stay in touch, it would be cool to meet some of the people from this forum at training. Just curious, but what are you going in as?

Keep it going everyone- I want to know how you are all doing, for better or for worse!
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
SO... I guess this was day, what, 18? Didn't do a whole lot today- biked to work 6k and then pulled a double shift. I got in a half-decent upper-body circuit, and did 50 push ups (knees, in sets of 10) when I got home. That's it guys. Not alot, but down days are just as important as the hard-core ones. Talk to you all tomorrow... hopefully I'll have more to say  ;)
Hi Ladies...(Jane Doe, Luvs 2 Curl and troopersgirl)

I've been reading your updates/status'over the past few weeks and I finally decided to add to your 'friendly' little group!! 
When I don't feel like getting out there and doing PT, I log onto the computer and check out your posts and then I get my butt out there!  I just wanted to say thanks!!  ;D

Ohh a little bit about me, I applied to the CF last year, there was a family ER and I had came home.  Since then I've been debating about going back, and finally decided enough is enough (haven't really been happy with my work and the wage) so I started working out again in June at the same time I reapplied!  (Due to work commitments, I cannot leave before Sept 1) so I'm being merit listed now, I was told to expect a call within the next week or so.  So coming on here and being accountable in what I see as a 'safe zone' is just what I need.  So I hope you don't mind me, blogging too!  ::)
Hey guys, amazing post! Definately an inspiration to myself, as I am waiting for the offer (no guarantee though!) for hopefully an infantry or armored officer in the CEOTP program. I started working out 2 days ago, both days consisting of running, although the first day I ran on a treadmill, and second day on road. When i ran on the road I got 2.4 km in 15.2 minutes, unfortunately not mimimum standard yet, but I'm hoping i get into better shape resulting in better time amounts. I started pushup training today, got 2 done and that was it, my arms were collapsing, but i didn't want to give up, so i did 20 girl pushups and 20 wall pushups (better than nothing i guess)/

By the way im 250 lbs and so if you are trying to understand why its so low you now know but I AM TRYING MY BEST
Hey Valleygal- the more the merrier! You're in the club now- so I'm expecting some updates and some hard work from you! So were you at basic when you had the ER? What are you applying as? Do you expect to be going on the 1st? (that's my date- we could be rubbing elbows and never know it) I completely understand the 'safe zone' feeling. Even with less than a month to go, I 'm finding  myself running out of steam lately and putting off the PT for better weather, or when I feel more up to it, or whatever.  Accountability is key, but you (and I ) have to remember that we are fundamentally accountable to no-one but ourselves. We COULD put on 500 lbs and get a nice special on Dr Phil... the only thing keeping us from doing that is internal, and although encouragement is vital sometimes, it's all up to us.  I'm sure you know this, but you never know who is reading and what they might need to hear today right? Anyways, blogg away!

Hey rtangri- sounds like you're off to a good start. Dude- if you're seriously 250 lbs and you just ran 2.5k - you rock. I am (and always have been) overweight, and knowing that you can do that is kicking my favorite excuses ass. Trying your best is all you can do- as long as you keep it up and don't quit, you're best will get'er done. Keep us informed! I've got your number now, and I want to know how its going for better or for worse.

Alright, I'll post again tonight with what I've been doing lately- had a crazy couple of days with a friends wedding so I've been doing nothing but organizing the reception and sampling all the desserts (I think I ate my weight in cheesecake yesterday....  :-[ ) So let's see if I can get back on track after work ...

Thanks for the warm welcome, JD!! ;D 

To answer some of your questions, my DH was injured on a training ex and spent the last two weeks I was here (before I was to leave for BMQ) in the hospital.  He got out the Friday before I left (which was Sunday morning at 0530hrs) so my mind, heart and soul wasn't in the game at all.  He wasn't even able to get a day pass to come to my swearing in :'( After a few months of rehab and time to heal, he finally went back to work on light duties until Christmas in mid-November.  He's all healed up now, but will have permanent 'reminders' of his injury for the rest of his life!

That's when I realized I wanted to give it another go after working in 'civy-land' again.  So finally I applied for NCM, Air Force-Supply this time.  So I should be getting my offer sometime this week, but once I do...I'll be sure to fill you in.  I expect to be leaving in mid-September, but I'll have to wait and see.  BTW we may be working shoulder-to-shoulder, but I'll be calling you Ma'am ;)

I didn't really do much in terms of PT this weekend--since its the long weekend and all.  But I did get to the gym yesterday and ran the track a few times, I think the a/c unit is broken, I was sweatting like crazy.  I can run about 4km right now, not the greatest time about 37 min (including my warm up walk/cool down) so I gotta pick up the pace.  As for situps, I can do about 25 proper ones at the moment, and pushups...umm...I do 3 sets of 10 women's and I reached 3 proper mens ones yesterday!!  I too, struggle in that department.  But I've still got time and I hope to be where I need to be, by the time I leave.  I think I'll go for a run on my treadmill this evening, but I try to run mainly outside, and 'usually' go every second day running, but today (this evening) will be the first run I've done since Thrusday!  (It's the long weekend...I know, excuses!!  But I'm also following WW and I'm now down 26lbs...have about 24lbs to go... So I guess that's it for me for now...How'd everyone do this weekend? 

Hey Jane, thanks for the enthusiasm ! I know i really hope I get in, but i think I should rephrase run to jog, but no lies I did it ! :)  I realized a nice jog, with proper breathing using my hands to sort of simulate my intake and exhale of air was actually working considering I was getting out of air at about 1.4- 1.6 km. I took 2 10 second on the spot jogs where i drank water, but realised I didnt want to hold the bottle, so my running partner, my brother (who is in great shape), held it for me so i could concentrate haha. Only reason I can even do this is because I used to box for Premier Fitness, so even though it was like 8 months ago i still have some guts left in me (don't quote me incase I don't to well in army IF i get in).

Wanted to know though, is it true its going to be a BMOQ for officer cadets this year? the 11 week IAP/BOTP program mix, just asking for some confirmation so I know! REALLY HOPE I GET IN FOR SEPTEMBER 1!

Thanks guys
Hey Celtic Girl...I think I may know you and seen you around from time to time!!  ;) 

rtangri...awesome job on the 'jogging' it's still being active and on the right track!  You mentioned something about using your hands to aid in your breathing, could you dumb it down for me? 

Here's something that motivates me:  "How long should you try? Until..." and "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop" and "Run more often then you think you should--meaning longer time running, more days etc.."    :p
For sure, by arm movements, (and i know this is going to sounds very hippy-ish haha), when I find myself running out of breath or begin to breathe very hard, I make hand motions in front of my body, sort of like as if you use both hands, and when you are breathing hard, make hand motions starting from the face with both hands facing down as if your about to push the air down. When I exhale I move both hands down palm down as if the air is going to the rest of my body. I find it helps alot with keeping a good breathing pace, as the easiest way to run out of breath (even if your in shape), is by not breathing properly. No lies, it actually really helps!

guyssss, THURSDAY IS THE DAY at 1pm, hope my interview goes well, any advice from previously interviewed members as to how to prepare for an infantry/armoured officer interview?
valleygal said:
Hey Celtic Girl...I think I may know you and seen you around from time to time!!  ;) 

Yeah, I'm around from time to time...like a bad cold that you just can't shake. lol  Hey, maybe instead of hanging poolside this week, we should go for a run? Hmmm?  ;D
rtangri said:
guyssss, THURSDAY IS THE DAY at 1pm, hope my interview goes well, any advice from previously interviewed members as to how to prepare for an infantry/armoured officer interview?

The officer who booked my interview said this to me: "Know your trade."  It was good advice.
rtangri said:
Wanted to know though, is it true its going to be a BMOQ for officer cadets this year? the 11 week IAP/BOTP program mix, just asking for some confirmation so I know! REALLY HOPE I GET IN FOR SEPTEMBER 1!

Thanks guys

I'm not clear on what you are asking. There are 3 course dates left for BMOQ this year - Aug. 18, Aug. 25, and Sep. 1. According to the CFLRS website (a simple google search on the acronym will bring it up), IAP is 9 weeks and BOTP is 6, so that equals 15, not 11.

Thanks for info on 'THE WAVE'  ;D  I'll try it!!

In the meantime, I ran on my treadmill last night as it was pouring rain :(   and ran at an incline of 2% for 4.8km in 28 minutes...so its not terrible.  and I got pissed off because I haven't been able to do more then 3 men's pushups and pumped off 5---whoo rahh!  I'm going running again this evening...I'm gonna try the wave  ;D 