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291 changes from signal to intel????

niceasdrhuxtable said:
Not many. I'd say maybe 10% as a rough estimate.

Your element has no bearing on your job/career opportunities however so it's largely moot.

Environmental assignment used to be 33.3 % for each element, but that changed a few years ago.  I can't remember the exact percentages last year, but the goal was to make the majority of the trade Army, followed by Navy (the goal is for more than 10%, but not as high as the Army), and a shrinking number of air force uniforms.  As you state they are just uniforms, the training, and employment is the exact same until you arrive at station.  After that the trades training remains the same for all personnel, but the environment training depends on what situation you find yourself supporting.  However, the uniform has NO bearing on that employment.  Glad to say that in the past few years a few senior NCO's have been able to switch environmental uniforms.  We had a WO in an airforce uniform who had only been employed in Army operations, and served for almost 10 consecutive years at 2 EW Sqn in Kingston, and deployed to Bosnia and Afghanistan.  There was also a Sgt in the trade who got switched over to PO2, only fitting since he had numerous CDSE deployments and spent a decent stint in Halifax, but had never even paraded with a field unit, nevertheless been deployed with one. 

I still remember when 2 EW Sqn belonged to 1CDHSR in Kingston, and the Regiment's Sgt-Major used to love his parades.  There was the entire Sigs Regiment in tans during the summer, and greens during the rest of the year ..... except for 2 EW Sqn.  He used to refer to us as 'rainbow Squadron.'  ;D 

Not so much an issue now, with CADPATs being the dress for the vast majority of parades.
  Does anyone know if the trade is open right now for recruiting?  As well...how often do they run the QL3?
Thanks again
Last I heard we're still hiring - best to ask the recruiting center though.  QL3's are going fast and furious these days I think. 
July 4th 2008

291 Trade is C&E Branch

CFSCE runs 291 courses in  2 SQN Ftp

INTs work out of the Annex of that building. (Tenants)

Word since town meeting with two Colonels blowing hot air? F.A.
Retired AF Guy said:
Hate to break this to you, but we use both Int or Intel in the CF. It just depends on which element  you belong to. In the army its int; in the air force its intel. Not sure what term the navy uses. 


The air force used 'Int'.  It might depend more on what unit within the air force you were in...
BS. INT is a Purple trade. It is INT no matter what element you're in.
MedTech said:
BS. INT is a Purple trade. It is INT no matter what element you're in.

No longer. As of about 5 years ago they split the trade into separate elements. During the QL-5A/officerrs course the first couple of months yis spent learning those basic int (or intel) principles that apply to all three elements (int cycle, security, int community, etc). After that, the students are split up into their separate elements and learn those principles that apply to those elements. Yes, there are some of the older folks who have been cross-trained and are posted based on their experience, but the new folks are posted based on the colour of their uniform.

Note: My comment is based on the status when I retired three years ago. I don't know what the current statre of affairs are.

As for the int/intel controversy: when I was in the army we were called "int."' When I was posted to Cold Lake it was "intel." When I was posted overseas it was for the most part intel. In other postings (NDHQ) either/or.