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2006 Census Deadline is *TODAY*

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The Census IS useless as you said. The government already knows everything they are asking in the Census except for what religion you are and that's none of their business.  As a matter of fact, doing your taxes is useless as well (although I do them).  The government already knows all that information about your income, etc. If they didn't, how would they know if someone is lying?

Back to the Census...I think it is ridiculous that one will be fined or jailed if they don't do it.  What next, we'll be arrested if we don't vote?  Will we be arrested if they don't like what religion box we check off on the Census?  :skull:
hoosierdaddy said:
Back to the Census...I think it is ridiculous that one will be fined or jailed if they don't do it.  What next, we'll be arrested if we don't vote?  Will we be arrested if they don't like what religion box we check off on the Census?   :skull:

hoosier daddy

You are painting a better picture of yourself with every post.  You are truly a malcontent, aren't you.  Someone who really doesn't want to conform or become a productive member of society.  I guess, perhaps we should look at you as an Anarchist, with your views on Socialism in another thread, and lack of faith in the Intelligence systems in place that prove that the President of Iran's Statements printed in the paper are false in yet another.  I guess we can now chalk you up as being a F6 source too.  I guess you do need more time to mature.
George Wallace said:
hoosier daddy

You are painting a better picture of yourself with every post.  You are truly a malcontent, aren't you.  Someone who really doesn't want to conform or become a productive member of society.  I guess, perhaps we should look at you as an Anarchist, with your views on Socialism in another thread, and lack of faith in the Intelligence systems in place that prove that the President of Iran's Statements printed in the paper are false in yet another.  I guess we can now chalk you up as being a F6 source too.  I guess you do need more time to mature.

I guess we can paint you as a malcontent as well.  Not willing to listen to others' opinions without slandering them.  I don't know you from Adam yet you presume to know me because of a few of my posts.  Just because I believe in universal health care and think the Census is idiotic you are going to go as far as to call me an anarchist?  Call me what you want.  You can't be more wrong about me.  I am sorry that I expected respectful and productive discussions from a military forum.  :salute:
George Wallace said:
As I said:

Whatever dude.  I haven't painted anything but you are definitely painting a picture of yourself.  As someone I wish to avoid.  I'll let you know I don't take to well to people like you. Frankly, I don't like you.  So buzz off. :threat:
hoosierdaddy said:
Whatever dude.  I haven't painted anything but you are definitely painting a picture of yourself.  As someone I wish to avoid.  I'll let you know I don't take to well to people like you. Frankly, I don't like you.  So buzz off. :threat:

For someone that is new here, I'd advise you to tone it down a notch or two.  You are definitely heading for 'bear country'.  Please remember that this is a public site that is privately owned and that there are rules and guidelines to go by here.  People like George can guide you through the 'rocks and shoals' if you let them.  Just some friendly advice.
big bad john said:
For someone that is new here, I'd advise you to tone it down a notch or two.  You are definitely heading for 'bear country'.  Please remember that this is a public site that is privately owned and that there are rules and guidelines to go by here.  People like George can guide you through the 'rocks and shoals' if you let them.  Just some friendly advice.

As I said in the PM, thank you for the advice.  I do appreciate it.  However, I have been nothing but respectful with everyone on here until they were disrespectful towards me.  There was no need for "George" to falsely accuse (slander) me of being an anarchist, etc. just because I believe the census is idiotic.  My opinion doesn't mean I don't DO it.  There is another post on this site where I said that we are obligated to pay our taxes.  I ask...how am I an anarchist?  And how can someone that doesn't know me from a hole in the ground know enough about me to call me an anarchist?  And how do they do that with a good conscience when on one post I said that we are obligated to pay our taxes? 

I have and will continue to treat everyone I talk with on here respectfully.  I expect the same and no less.
Just a Friendly Reminder,

It is not too late to count yourself in.

Send in any outstanding census forms in the mail or the internet.