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20 meter Beep Test -Merged

Peace out??   ::)

I would not worry about performing well on the PT test when you get to Garrison St-Jean during Week 0 of BMQ and being torn apart for it.  However, if you set the bar that high...you will get torn apart for regression at a later date.  Do your best, simple.  Always. 

However, doing better than other people, and being arrogant about it, is a different story.  I doubt your Crse Instr's will say "wow this guy is great!".  They may say "this guy is in shape...one less thing for him to worry about...".  It is the PT test during Week 0 of BMQ.  Not the Ironman in Pet and you blew the record time by 55 minutes.  Careful of the intention to 'blow everyone away' in PT and maintain that in everything.  Teamwork, dedication to that team, loyalty, integrity, "leave no man behind", attention to detail, following orders and direction, etc are all other qualities that are AS if not MORE important in recruits and CF members.  The best thing for you to do if you DO blow everyone away?  Congratulate everyone else who passed...and don't rub their nose in your higher achievement. 

2 words..."quiet professional"
Thanks for the Advice that was probley the best I got so far.  haha gotcha on the peace out thing at the beginning.
AndrewB2020 said:
Thought it was lvl 5? Unless they changed it recently.

A basic pass for the over 50 crowd is a level 5 BUT, from the CLS' perspective, we should all reach "exempt" level - to get our pass..... Hence the 5.5
Combat_Engineer_Clarke said:
I am just looking for an oppion in regards to the physical at Basic. I was told to be a Combat Engineer you have to be in really good shape in some cases they are in better shape then any other Combat Arms trade out there. So being the guy I am so I dont look like an idiot along side my comrads, I go out day by day doing my push ups, pull ups, sit ups and running and other exercises to prepare for this physical test at basic. I feel I can surpass the physical requirements and right now I  have 6 more weeks to get in even better shape then i am now for basic. now here is the dillema I am having. I was told if you go too high you will be torn up by instuctors like if I go there and tripple the physcal that is just as worse as failing it. I thought it would make me look good and stand out to the instuctors so they may say hey this guy stands out above the rest, to try and surpass everyone there like if the best is 30 push ups and i do 50 it will only cause more problems for me...can I have some feed back on this one if this is true or not. peace out.
If you are going REG, there is no PT test before Wk 0 @ BMQ.  You will be "one of lots of others".  It is excellent that you arrive in good PT shape but, if you are in far greater shape than everyone else ... 1. you prolly won't be able to keep it up during basic  2. you will be forced to work with those who are not in quite as good a physical condition.

WRT Engineers being in better shape than the "other" combat arms trades... I might agree BUT, lots of others won't... Gunners have to sling around lots of heavy shells & big bitts... Crewmen have to sling around lots of heavy shells & big bitts... Infantrymen have tons of gear to sling around as well... no one gets off lightly IMHO!
Also, I should point out that being an engineer you have to excel at teamwork - you won't survive the one man show.
in case you can't find the audio file (or don't want to dig for it) ...
and just bookmark the link.


zipperhead_cop said:
I have never heard the Canadian Army one, but if it is anything like the one the police use for the ATS, I have a copy of that.  The file is over 10 meg but if anybody wants it, PM me and I'll fire it off to your email. 
FYI, it isn't that hard.  If you can drive your body for about 7 or 8 minutes you will pass.  Because of all the starting and stopping, it seems worse than it is.  Your brain will quit before your body needs to.  Unless you are in poor shape, at which point all facets of life suck.  I take no responsibility for anybody gassing themselves out and going t*ts up.
Try it once for your own confidence, then go back to distance running for fitness. 
And have fun!
Hey there,

I read you have/had a copy of the ATS 20 meter beep test.  If you still have a copy I would love to get it.

I'll give you an older e-mail address.  My new e-mail is acting wierd so this one will work.  "glammergirl67@hotmail.com".  I've been using the Australian one too and it is off like someone mentioned before.

Thank you sooo much...
bigrigg, here's a link to a download of the beep test track: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U8C2MLX0

edited to add:  I've checked it, and it matches up with the one that gets used in the gym classes at my school.  It should be what you're looking for.

I have emailed you a copy of the beeptest in mp3 format to the above posted email address.

Good training to you.
stryte said:

I have emailed you a copy of the beeptest in mp3 format to the above posted email address.

Good training to you.
Thank you for your help.  I'll check it out.

Good training to everyone, and thank you all for your help.
In the next four weeks im going to be up to 30miles a week of running 6miles*5days. On April 29th I have a beep test coming up and I want to completly destroy my last score. :threat:

So here are my options:
1) At the end of the 4 weeks I continue my 30miles week (approx 8:30 mile pace). But increase the pace by mabye a minute or two total each week. So by, say, the third week of april instead of 51 minutes Id be at mabye 44 minutes.
2) Drop the long distance stuff and focus on high intensity cardio (more relevant to beep test I think)...So like Hills, Quick 1.5 miles, Interval training and mabye one long distance run. As well increase intensity weekly.

Both the options to me seem extremely benefial, but I want to maximize my score so any recommendations would be helpful.

do 800's intervals in one of your 10 km runs a week. Or you could cut it down to 400's if you want to get more speed in.

BTW the BEST way to train for the beep test aka 20 MSR (20 meter shuttle run) is just to become a better runner. If you can routinely do your 6 miles (10 kms) in 45 or less, you're good.
EX_RCAC_011 said:
Just looking for the beep test for 20 meter.All I seem to find is either the 15m beep test or places to pay for the 20m.I have the wav file for realplayer but am Looking for the MP3 format.Just so I can throw it on my IPOD and use.I have been using the 15m wondering why it was so darn fast.

Thanks in advance.

Note:This could be something to add to the site to also help new recruits pratice.Of course its just a suggestion,Mike?Mods?

Try this link hope this helps.http://www.mediafire.com/?53vbbsw25ag
Great link DEZSkls its perfect for practicing the run and I dig the background music too!  ^-^
I was looking at the entry requirements to a civvy job I am interested in and I would have to do the 1.5 mile and 2.5 mile run in 10 minutes and 45 seconds and 22 minutes respectively. I was just wondering how much this would be around on the beep test?
Klinkaroo said:
I was looking at the entry requirements to a civvy job I am interested in and I would have to do the 1.5 mile and 2.5 mile run in 10 minutes and 45 seconds and 22 minutes respectively. I was just wondering how much this would be around on the beep test?


No comparison.  Two are timed runs over measured distances; the other is a "Shuttle Run".  Two different things.  There is no "STOP and GO" in a 1.5 and 2.5 Mile runs.
Your 10:45 in the 2.4 Km (1.5 mile) would be about a level 8.5/9 on the 20 MSR.
Hey. I'm joining the Australian Airforce, and was told that there would be a fitness test, but I don't know what it includes other than the beep test. Does anyone here have an idea of what else I should be focusing on to pass the test?

Thanks ;)
Maybe focus on the phone number for the recruiting office and just ask them what you will be doing?  :P
Haha. Funny.
I have asked. I wouldn't have asked someone else if they had told me. All I got told was 'you have to pass a fitness test and the beep test.' It's not exactly a lot of information, now is it?