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2 US army issue woodland camo kevlar 29 combat vests

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have two of these US issue woodland camo kevlar 29 combat vests. they are made of kevlar 29. same kevlar used in police vests of same era. both are in near new to new condition. both size medium. all i have. they are 150 each. im in the toronto area. any questions just ask.

if you think it will stop a 50 cal you are a looser.  people on here complained so i had to put that. :salute:





jaygt said:
have two of these US issue woodland camo bullet proof combat vests. they are made of kevlar. same kevlar used in police bullet proof vests just more layers. both are in near new to new condition. both size medium. all i have. they are 150 each. im in the toronto area. any questions just ask.

Be very careful what you're saying here. These are not bullet proof vests, they are "Vests, Fragmentation Protective". I'm pretty sure there could be some sort of liability on your part selling these under such a pretence. From what I can rustle up, the insert is "Aramid". No ballistic rating stipulated. (definately not a vest built for cops though). This is a legacy vest superceded by generations of improved vests, both in the US and in Canada.

If you want to sell them as anything other then a display/airsoft toy, do your homework and provide a ballistic rating. And, if you're not the first owner (I would imagine DoD or DND would have been), do you know how they were stored/used for the last 10-12 years?

In closing, and put simply: Police officers wear bulletproof vests. The items you're selling are military frag vests. (hence less protection then a BPV)

Just letting you know.

they are made of yellow kevlar.  same yellow kevlar police vests use to be made of.  no vest is trully bullet proof as 20 mm uranium depleted rounds will defeat any bullet proof vest.  its called a frag vest on the tag.  they have been tested in several magazines.  im not going to bother getting into that im sure people can do it on there own.
hell a phone book can be bullet proof. 
A fragmentation vest will not stop bullets, period.  It's not designed to do so.  It's designed to stop fragmentation, that's why it's called that.  Bulletproof vests have a ballistic protection rating on them, Level I onwards.  Most cops wear IIIA if I recall correctly which will stop most handgun rounds.  A PASGT vest like that one might stop a .22 or small low velocity handgun round, but that's about it.

jaygt said:
they are made of yellow kevlar.  same yellow kevlar police vests use to be made of.  no vest is trully bullet proof as 20 mm uranium depleted rounds will defeat any bullet proof vest.  its called a frag vest on the tag.   they have been tested in several magazines.  im not going to bother getting into that im sure people can do it on there own.
hell a phone book can be bullet proof. 
these are for collecting only.  on a side note 20 layers of kevlar 129 in a  frag vest does not know its not 20 layers of kevlar 129 in a conceal vest.    no point talking about it.  this stuff is old news.  if you want a bullet proof vest pay 2500 thousand for a  dragon skin.

All I'm saying is dont try peddling your frag vests as "bullet proof vests" in a forum with current and formerly serving soldiers, many of which have been on real two way ranges where real bullets and fragmentations are plentiful.

Dont insult my intelligence, and that of the people on this site. Your vest may stop a .22FMJ richochet, but it sure as f**k aint no Bullet Proof Vest.

Side note: thank you. Collectors item.

If you're in the line of work that requires you to wear a BPV, most rational people would dump at least a grand or two on a vest which could actually stop a bullet. (and from recent reports... not on dragon skin either. But nice try.)
jaygt said:
these are for collecting only.   on a side note 20 layers of kevlar 129 in a  frag vest does not know its not 20 layers of kevlar 129 in a conceal vest.    no point talking about it.  this stuff is old news.  if you want a bullet proof vest pay 2500 thousand for a  dragon skin.

You are advertizing them here as bulletproof vests and they are no such thing. Your original post made no mention of "collection only". Its as simple as that. You were out to lunch and were called on it.
wow you have way to much time on your hands.  what a joke.   they are obsolete kevlar vests.  any idiot knows this.   i have shot these kevlar vests with 9mm 40 and 45. stoped all.  this doesnt mean anything just did it for fun.  
i feel sad for people like you.  dont drag other people in the forces into this.  a 5 second search on google i found this.  im sure 100's of tests like this have been done but i have wasted enough time with you.  try to think next time before you get all macho, army this, forces this.

Why can't you take the time to capitalize your sentences?  I mean, you'll expend a ton of energy defending your posts but none on a simple press of the shift key when typing.  It'll help you when people try to take you seriously.

I'm just saying...
what a wast of my time .  there will alway be ignorant people on the planet.  and just because your in the military doesnt mean you are always right when it comes to kit.  poor guy. people like you make everyone look bad.

What a waste of my time .  There will always be ignorant people on the planet and just because you're in the military doesn't mean you are always right when it comes to kit.  Poor guy, people like you make everyone look bad.

Fixed that for you...cheers
These warnings that people have given you have nothing to do with "hav(ing) way to (sic) much time on your hands". They were intended to save you some potential legal agony.

If you are relying on "every idiot knowing", then you are setting yourself up for personal disaster.

There was a news article in the US a couple of years ago when a young "every idiot" put one of these on and had a friend shoot him as a test.

He failed, and was not given the opportunity for a re-write.

I friend of mine did a similar test many more years ago, and was glad that he had the sense to not wear it for the test. That vest was a much-earlier CF-issued US type, and the round that penetrated was a .22 cal short.

The issue here is one of protection for you.

The potential scenario that we are seeing while you cannot is that some "every idiot" will buy one of these, believing it to be bulletproof as advertised BY YOU, and do something stupid.

Guess who is likely to be held liable should that happen.

It will not matter in court that "every idiot knows". It will not matter what the protective capabilities and limitations are on the label. It will not matter what warnings to you we have posted here. All that will matter is that you advertised these as "bulletproof".

Do you see our point, yet?

All that you have to do is change the title of your thread slightly and be more accurate in your description. You, however, "have way to (sic) much time on your hands". and would rather spend a lot of it defending a serious error rather than a few seconds to correct it.

"Every idiot" should understand the pitfalls of false advertising.

But some are too wilfully and persistently blind, it would seem.
jaygt said:
  they are obsolete kevlar vests.

I'm well aware of what they are as i was issued them for operations in Kosovo. Have you even been issued them or had to wear them in a War zone ?

Shut you pie hole.
jaygt said:
i feel sad for people like you.

And I feel sorry for people like you.

Not much, though.

Several of us attempted to give you some good advice which, instead of accepting for your own good, you stubbornly and continually rejected. I run out of sympathy pretty quickly in case like that.

jaygt said:
a 5 second search on google i found this.

Perhaps you should have spent a bit longer reading than you did searching. From the non-authoritative reference that you provided:

"While incapable of stopping rifle bullets, the PASGT Vest provided better protection against shrapnel and reduced the severity of injuries from small arms fire when compared to the M-69. It provides roughly level 3a ballistic protection, stopping rounds as powerful as a .44 magnum from a handgun,[2] if the kevlar is in good condition."

Got that?

Does "incapable of stopping rifle bullets" equal "bulletproof"?

"if the kevlar is in good condition."

What condition is your Kevlar in? Hint: appearance doesn't cut it.

jaygt said:
i have wasted enough time with you.


jaygt said:
try to think next time before you get all macho,

Try to think before you get all defensive when people are trying to help you.

jaygt said:
army this, forces this.

What do you expect? It's an  "army this, forces this" site.

And some of us might know a little more than a few paragraphs in Wikipedia.

Still selling those 'landmine boots"?

EDIT;  aww come on, beat me again. :crybaby:
jaygt said:
what a wast of my time .  there will alway be ignorant people on the planet.  and just because your in the military doesnt mean you are always right when it comes to kit.  poor guy. people like you make everyone look bad.


Sir, you do not have to be so rude!

Attitude means everything. You do not have to DIRECTLY insult everyone because they pointed your mistake out.

With the way you are presenting yourself on here, I don't think anyone from this site will purchase these 'flak jackets' from you. I certainly would not.

Enjoy your day.


"Sir, you do not have to be so rude!

Attitude means everything. You do not have to DIRECTLY insult everyone because they pointed your mistake out.

With the way you are presenting yourself on here, I don't think anyone from this site will purchase these 'flak jackets' from you. I certainly would not.

Enjoy your day."

if you read all posts carefully you will see someone was rude before me and i was only reacting. i guess people are abusive on here and expect others to take it.  but what should i expect from this sight.  history continues.

If anyone has an interest in these fragmentation vests, contact the seller by PM.

Milnet.ca Staff
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