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  1. drrchief

    Days Gone By

    Oh... days gone by!  There are a lot of those.  Here are a few of my favourites FNC1A1-7.62MM Ipperwash  and Grand Bend Drrchief
  2. drrchief

    Summer 1991 - 1997 Looking for old friends

    95 G-coy Platoon Commander Lucifer
  3. drrchief

    Alternate for the CIC

    :salute: :cdn: I was a CIC officer and went to the Regs with the infantry.  During my enlistment I injured my knees.  Since then I have not been able to maintain the higher level of fitness that I was accustomed.  I would like to mention (although not currently in the CIC) that some CIC officers...
  4. drrchief

    Canadian soldiers return to Kandahar

    All the best comrades!  from a RCR (RET)
  5. drrchief

    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    the JTF and other elite units of the world are not too big of a secret any more when MSN is advertising about them and other units of this caliber.  I have read stories in the papers and their is even a website listing the units of mass and their roles they play. I have also witnessed these...
  6. drrchief

    Blackdown 1995 Photos

    Paramoe; Just wndering if you found pics from 'G' Coy or the 'o' club interested inseeing them Drrchief Blackdown 1995
  7. drrchief

    anyone in cadets in 90-95

    CL Ipperwash 87 Leadership & Challenge 89 Staff 90-Ipperwash 95 Pl Comm Blackdown
  8. drrchief

    Blackdown 1995- ?

    Where you there? What Coy? Position? :army: :cdn: >:D :gunner:
  9. drrchief

    Blackdown 1995 Photos

    'G' Coy or mess pics from the O Club?
  10. drrchief

    Alternate for the CIC

    I think that a lot of comment(tors) forget that a lot of current/past CIC officer may have been reg force (031!) and have screwed up knees/backs and it is a current way for them to pass on info to future generations. Pro Patria!
  11. drrchief

    Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

    Bravo Sigpig! For pointing out some good points about the cadet system.  I have witnessed this as wll.  Although the Gold Star and wreath does not make it any better.  A lot of this steams from PRIDE! and this goes beyond Cadets/Res/Reg.  Myself, with the RES/REG I believe that I could have...
  12. drrchief

    Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

    My 5.5 years in the cadets (Master Cadet) and time as a CIC officer allotted me 6 months time in (Pay/Service/Promo) also allotted my that time towards my CD. DRRCHIEF >:D :army: :skull: :cdn:
  13. drrchief

    Old ipperwash/borden friends 87-95

    IN 1987 I was a Cadet in Ipperwash from the Essex and Kent Scottish with Delta then Alplha after Delta got disbanded. In 1989 in Banff, 90 staff in the Ipp in 'C' Coy. 1995 the Down 'G' Coy Platoon Commander. 1995 Reg force infantry
  14. drrchief

    Old ipperwash/borden friends 87-95

    Trying to find old friends for Ipperwash/Borden from 1987-1995 :cdn: :army:
  15. drrchief

    Blackdown 1995 Photos

    >:D :skull: >:D What was my nickname? And do you have any pics? Who are you?
  16. drrchief

    Blackdown 1995 Photos

    Any 'G' Coy pics? I was an Officer Cadet that Summer Appreciate seeing any and hearing from other officers and staff cadets from that year.
  17. drrchief

    Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

    The cadets of today certainley are not the cadets from when I was in some 19 years ago.  I still believe in the system and think that it has something to offer the youth of today.  I do think though that the cadet movement has to up it's use of camping, survival, weapons use. :salute: :cdn: :army:
  18. drrchief

    Basic Training

    St Jean is th location of the Basic Training.  They may warn you 1-2 weeks before.  I beliieve the next course was to start around the middle of April. :cdn: :army: :skull:
  19. drrchief

    Past Ipperwash staff/Blackdown staff 1989-1995

    Looking for contact info and possible upcoming reunions. I was in Ipperwash as a WO in Charlie Coy in 1990 BNACC-1989 and as a CIC in Blackdown 'G' Coy 1995
  20. drrchief

    Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

    As a past Cadet/Reservist/CIC/Reg Force I was allowed 6 months.