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  1. thomastmcc

    Policy on posting of entire articles- EVERYONE PLEASE READ!!!

    what about copyright law around the world is it all the same of different in other countires like the uk ,europe etc . thomas
  2. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    hi mate what is it you are looking for ? ,as some of the canadian files i have had them sent to me and on the way . thomas
  3. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    yeah i know but the actual strengths are good to know for people like myself who wargame etc ,all you have to do is take a percentage off the actual TO&E for realism ,but we do need to know what they are ,also a lot of people use my TO&Es group for other research like some US military personnel...
  4. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    the charts anyone know where i can get them and any others ? . thomas
  5. thomastmcc

    Infantry Sections - 1964 to 2004

    hello michael thanks email sent to you . if anyone has any other information that could be helpful to the TO&Es group on canadian or any other amred forces TO&Es please let me know thanks . thomas
  6. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    thanks how up to date are the charts ? any ideas . thomas
  7. thomastmcc

    Save the Scottish Regiments Give it Five

    I concur with michael i was A&SH TA and the feelings are the same with some of my friends also the royal scots are mostly from fiji etc and make up at least a company maybe more . thomas
  8. thomastmcc

    Infantry Sections - 1964 to 2004

    hi great thread guys michael any chance of using some of this for my TO&Es group . thomas
  9. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    hi this is the website where that came from and it is listed on the group where its from ,this is why i want up to date info for the canadian armed forces and past TO&Es that are accurate . thomas http://www-solar.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~aaron/SOTCW.shtml
  10. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    hi just to show you what we have on the group this is a taster of the TO&Es . thomas Canadian Company Level Organisation in the 1990s Mechanized Company CHQ: 4 M113     12 M16     2 GPMG     (2 Carl Gustav/Epyrx) 3 Rifle Pltns:           PHQ:  1 M113             4 M16        Weapons...
  11. thomastmcc

    German Forces Website

    yeah it is a great site but problem with most of the sites they dont go down to the section/squad level of detail for TO&Es which is a pain . thomas
  12. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    thanks mate i will . thomas
  13. thomastmcc

    British SA80

    well not everyone thinks the same as you mate ,the system does have its faults but then it was a political decesion to make the SA 80 they should have got the FNC or similar weapon instead thats what i think  . thomas
  14. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    hi mate how you doing ? .
  15. thomastmcc

    Canadian army TO&Es

    hi mate did you get  a copy of the battle box ? .
  16. thomastmcc

    British SA80

    yeah but which version mate ..
  17. thomastmcc

    New Light Infantry Batallion Orbat

    forgot to add this is the address for the TO&Es group if anyone wishes to join . thomas (owner TO&Es group) http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/TOandEs/
  18. thomastmcc

    New Light Infantry Batallion Orbat

    hello all interesting stuff guys thanks this will be useful for the yahoo TO&Es group does anyone have a copy of the full powerpoint document they can email me ? . also looking for any others on armour etc too thomas
  19. thomastmcc

    British SA80

    hello all the new version i thinks the SA80A2 has lots of improvments over the first models i was TA until 3 years ago and the weapsons we had were good so no complaints ,also if the weapon fails thats due to it being not cared for properly gents ,not the weapons fault . thomas
  20. thomastmcc

    VC Won in Iraq

    the guy deserved the medal all right ,no question about it , interesting the metal for the medals comes from the crimean guns and there is only enough left for another 85 VCs ..