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  1. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Thanks for the advice, these 3 months are going to be quiet of an adventure. Can't wait to get start bmq
  2. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Same here, I just came back from my US road trip and wow, lets just say I went all out negative on my body. Time to get realistic
  3. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Booo, looks like I'm the only one in 21E, no one from my enrolment was in my group either :(
  4. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Just got back from enrollment. Me, Cbbmtt and bunch of other guys will get tp St jean by 5:15/30pm so the shuttle should be available. Also we get our platoon # during enrollment, mine I believe is 0021E, anyone else from that group?
  5. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Im getting my car shipped after BMQ, should be fun cruising around cities, checking out local sites. Did Kingston get the same horrible Ice storm as Toronto?
  6. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Am I the only one going to Kingston after BMQ? Most people seems to be going to Borden even on other threads, what's special about that place?
  7. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    I'm not sure what time we would get to Saint Jean but I hope it is before the last shuttle leave cause then we have to pay like 100 bucks for taxi as far as I remember according to the booklet.
  8. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Welcome abroad. So far looks like a nice little family, hopefully not everyone is the robot my buddy described that were on his platoon.
  9. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Thanks for the update, I've been calling the recruiter for couple of days now and couldn't get a hold of anyone to confirm which test to prepare for. Force it is then  :camo:
  10. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Good luck buddy, cheers
  11. venom800tt

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    I'm still getting server busy when trying to send PM. Sometimes it works but usually the error comes up
  12. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Hey, are you coming to the enrolment on 15th also? I'll see u at Yvr perhaps!
  13. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Haha, I just bought my sport short/shirt and trying to figure out how does this work!! Specially the shirt is like running with lots of ventilation  ^-^
  14. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    That's true, I watched the basic up vids and during inspection it looks like they'll find a excuse to give you minimum 25 push-ups  ^-^
  15. venom800tt

    True updates about new BMQ / FORCE / EXPRES (NO RUMOURS)

    Thanks for the clarification, I wasn't thinking straight. Brain freeze :/
  16. venom800tt

    True updates about new BMQ / FORCE / EXPRES (NO RUMOURS)

    I had a job lifting 15kg weigh bag constantly for an hour so I know the 20kg sandbag shouldn't be too difficult, same goes for the drag. I'm also working on my stamina to run for much longer than required. Hopefully at the end of my exercise  everything would come together and me loosing more...
  17. venom800tt

    True updates about new BMQ / FORCE / EXPRES (NO RUMOURS)

    Thanks for the info. BTW I read on the official site that anyone joining before Jan 29, 2014 will still be doing the EXPRESS test and anyone after that will do the new FORCE. Im going to be deployed on 25th. How soon would they test you? Is it withing the first week? If not then it would put me...
  18. venom800tt

    January 27 BMQ

    Im also flying from Vancouver to St. Jean on the 25th. My trade is ATIS Tech but I havn't got any military background whatsoever. Also im not in a good shape now, been training like a mad man and already went down to 190lbs from 215lbs in 3 weeks. I really hope we do the Force test as my push...