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  1. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    I know I sound dumb believe me I know, it's just I've never been evaluated and looked at physically before to determine weather or not I should be accepted. So even something really small will go over my head and bother me. The docs know best, let the physio, my docs and med docs determine the...
  2. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    Yup my physio therapist says I'm good to go, he checked range of motion, did a few instability tests and said i can hit the weights in 2 weeks just to be safe. No sign of weakness, did push-ups earlier and felt good. The only bad part about this whole ordeal is that it looks worse than it...
  3. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    Yeah I had stopped thinking about it since 4 years ago.. just until recently I started looking on forums for medical and meps that made me all stressed and concerned I felt fine today after some physio yesterday which in all honesty missed the acupuncture and had some done near my neck as well...
  4. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    Quick update, feeling 100 today... I need to stop stressing about this as it hasn't bothered in me since 2011 Guess it's the fact that I've had surgery on it that I'm worried about being rejected
  5. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    So I just got back from the therapist, says its minor and after conducting some experiments of pressure and raising he said I shouldn't worry about anything major as it's the worrying that's going to be my downfall We did some acupuncture and shoulder excersing. It was good and I feel relieved...
  6. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    I'll give them a call once I meet with my therapist and she tells me what it might be, I've done some online reasearch and it may be my bursa that's inflammed.. Hopefully rehab will help, unfortunately it had to be on the same shoulder that I had my labrum repair on... I don't ever plan on doing...
  7. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    I'm willing to do whatever it takes, be it rehab or surgery.. This is what I want and if I have to spend an x amount of time fixing it I will.. I'm gonna speak with my family doc and hopefully he gives me an MRI to fully get my diagnosis
  8. Sk94

    The post i thought i would never make

    Edit - check reply 5 Last week I made a post regarding my shoulder and how I had surgery (labrum repair on my left shoulder) Now just a few days afterwards I began training for basic.. Mind you I've haven't been as active in the gym since starting my current job. So I went out for a jog at...
  9. Sk94

    Anyone had any concerns with surgeries 5+ years

    Thanks brother, I'm gonna talk with my dad and see if he still has any of those appointment papers laying around with the surgeons name or if he knows the name, just in case.
  10. Sk94

    Anyone had any concerns with surgeries 5+ years

    I was in grade 11 when I popped my left shoulder playing football.. throughout the year it came out 3-4 times doing physical activities I spoke with a doctor at the credit valley hospital and decided to get surgery, it was going to be a bankurt repair. Since then I went through rehab and...
  11. Sk94

    Was late for my medical today

    Quick update, called and they said they'll call me
  12. Sk94

    Was late for my medical today

    I'm not familiar with the area, I let siri do my directions for me once she died out I thought I could wing it until I realised I was seeing things I didn't before and took the exit for a gas station. I was just really bummed and disappointed in myself, was looking forward to it all week. So...
  13. Sk94

    Was late for my medical today

    Just nervous, I know the states have something called article 15.. Not sure if Canada has something close to that but just feel bad, I would've made it 15 mins early if it wasn't for my phone dying out and missing that exit
  14. Sk94

    Was late for my medical today

    I had a medical scheduled for 2:00pm today. Now for every situation I've been scheduled for anything military related I've gotten there 30 mins prior. However today I was driving and missed my exit due to my GPS dying out. Took an exit, bought the cable from a gas station and proceeded my way...
  15. Sk94

    Any vehicle techs here?

    How long have you been doing it for? And what kind travel oppuritnity have you had and what kind of mechs have you worked on?
  16. Sk94

    Change Occupation Choices ( merged )

    Can I move up my ED tech and Infantry to first and second and add vehicle tech as my third. After my CFAT test I sat down and spoke with my career counselor and I mentioned possibly removing ED Tech and adding Vehicle Tech in there instead and he said he could as I qualified for that as well but...
  17. Sk94

    Any EGS Techs here?

    Took the aptitude test last week and qualified for all three of my trades, EGS Tech being my first. Good look brother!
  18. Sk94

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    I wish I had an answer to that question. The most I'm willing to do is protect our soil and people
  19. Sk94

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism This type of sect is a branch of Sunni, taking the original sect and pushing it to the extreme, either you believe in what our way is or die. Taking out the funding should be the main concern if it already isn't , ------ edit- and to the brother above I...