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  1. CanadianBacon92

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting centre: CFRC Hamilton Regular/ Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade choice 1: Infantry Trade choice 2: Combat Engineer Tade Choice 3: Mat tech Applied: End of June 2013 File sent to CFRC: August 1st 2013 First contact: waiting Physical: Waiting CFAT: waiting Medical: waiting...
  2. CanadianBacon92

    Quick question about recruiting.

    Yeah I myself had applied previously 3 years ago but never followed through with it, as much as I wish I did I was a stupid 18 year old who didn't know what he wanted lol. So, I'm probably not too far off in assuming that mine got disabled for that then.
  3. CanadianBacon92

    Quick question about recruiting.

    I figured as much, thanks anyways though! I'm more curious as to how the applications are prioritized, I'm assuming more so by job choices.
  4. CanadianBacon92

    Quick question about recruiting.

    So, I applied near the end of June, had all my forms faxed in about a week later, was in the process of waiting and went to check my online account for the application only to find out that it was disabled. Called north bay right away and got to speak to a recruiter there, he said not to pay...