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  1. Rcmpwarrior

    I have a quick question about doing a re-write.

    I'm going to take your advice, math is always a important skill even in my trade (out side of the CF) you can't always use a calculator back to mental math! Thanks for all your help!
  2. Rcmpwarrior

    I have a quick question about doing a re-write.

    To be honest, as of right now i don't think i could, 5 months ago when i sent off the letter i felt more than ready i was studying math everyday, but if i do get the call, i am going to go back to studying every night to prepare myself
  3. Rcmpwarrior

    I have a quick question about doing a re-write.

    My chosen trade was a vehicle technician , i am going to school right now to become a automotive technician, i did like the mobile support trade, but my eye sight isn't good enough for that, but it is good enough for a vehicle tech. I'm looking into laser eye surgery. One last thing it's been...
  4. Rcmpwarrior

    I have a quick question about doing a re-write.

    my apologies, yes it is the CFAT, my recruiter told me i had to write a letter stating what i did to pre-pare for the next test
  5. Rcmpwarrior

    I have a quick question about doing a re-write.

    Just wondering how long it took others to get a call back for a re-write. Me and my recruiter wrote a letter (i forget the department it was 3-4 months ago) i did get several tutoring sessions, he told me in a month if i didn't hear anything call him, so i did and he doesnt know why it's taking...
  6. Rcmpwarrior

    Cooks ( merged )

    My apologies, didn't read the dateĀ  ::)
  7. Rcmpwarrior

    Relocation in the Regular Forces

    Say you take a trade, can you get posted to a garrison? (after you complete your full training on a base of course)
  8. Rcmpwarrior

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Thank you! i was wondering if that was the correct spelling or not !ill put that in my mental index
  9. Rcmpwarrior

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I as well am in the process of re-writing the test, i didn't fail the test per say i didn't make the mark of the trade i wanted to get into. But i bought the ASVAB for Dummies, i found that helped a lot, go to your public library and find some aptitude test books.
  10. Rcmpwarrior

    Student thinking of joining

    Trust me take this man's advice, i took basically bird courses all through out high school ( basic math, health classes, etc) and it F**ked me royally. I'm trying to become a Vehicle Tech inĀ  the forces, but my math isn't strong, i was like many people "When am i ever going to need this type of...
  11. Rcmpwarrior

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I've been here before quite abit (sorry for repeating myself) but i took the tests at military.com and my math score varies from 60% to 80 % (depending on which test i took) i was never the best at math and never took math in my last two years of high school (i got it out of the way right away)...
  12. Rcmpwarrior

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I already wrote the test once a few months ago and i forget the questions (bummer) but i remember there was fractions, adding and subtracting anything else other than you said?
  13. Rcmpwarrior

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Ive been reading the aptitude test thread on the website and i can't seem to find anything on what type of math, i know theres fractions, decimals, long division, is there anything else?
  14. Rcmpwarrior

    How high on the apitiude test do you have to get to become a vehicle tech?

    Thanks again grammar wasn't my best subject
  15. Rcmpwarrior

    How high on the apitiude test do you have to get to become a vehicle tech?

    This brings me to my other deli ma, i have v4 vision so i couldn't get into the infantry ;( but i believe that veh tech has a minimum of v4
  16. Rcmpwarrior

    How high on the apitiude test do you have to get to become a vehicle tech?

    Do you know a site where i can find the minimum standards for the trades?
  17. Rcmpwarrior

    How high on the apitiude test do you have to get to become a vehicle tech?

    Thanks! i re-applied for the reserves as a cook for the time being so i have to go back down to the office at the end of the month anyways to see where my application is and to see when i can write my aptitude test for the reg force.
  18. Rcmpwarrior

    How high on the apitiude test do you have to get to become a vehicle tech?

    They only told me what i qualified for they didn't show me anything,