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  1. AliG

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Apparently not a US ship or crew.
  2. AliG

    Germanwings Pilot Was Locked Out of Cockpit Before Crash in France

    There are fail-safes procedures, however they can all be overridden from within the cockpit. Such appears to have been the case here unfortunately.
  3. AliG

    Admin question

    Issue figured out and resolved - inattention in documents lookup due sorely to poor search skills of the op.  :facepalm:  Thanks for the help. Mod, you could close this thread.
  4. AliG

    Admin question

    It does. I'll wait for your PM. Thanks,
  5. AliG

    Admin question

    Thanks for the quick answer, but without going into details, it's quite a bit more than 4 dollars, and the same amount appears in box 14, with CPP and EI deducted (but no tax). I'm not sure if getting in contact with Mil Pay directly will help, as I probably will not show up as current, and the...
  6. AliG

    Admin question

    Hi, I retired in 2012 and received all pay and severances prior to 2013; reflected on the 2012 T4. However I received another T4 for 2013 for other income from Mil pay, yet I cannot discern why (40 - other allocations and expenses). However, I am quite certain that I did not receive any...
  7. AliG

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    10 millions? Darn, those really inflated since I was in...    ;D Nice Christmas gift to put into some other saving instrument. - The 10 thousands or so anyway! - and hopefully not get hit at income tax time.  ;)
  8. AliG

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Tripwires? I do not trust what Russians do. They know that whatever forces they put in the theatre can only have minimal effects as they can not be for deterrence, and this is a lot of resources apparently wasted.
  9. AliG

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    I retired at the beginning of September last; it came in the last week of December.
  10. AliG

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Arming the rebels might end up costing much more than forecast, as extremists appear to be in ascendance in the country. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/19/us-syria-rebels-islamists-specialreport-idUSBRE95I0BC20130619
  11. AliG

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    Could be the angle, but the tail boom does not appear to be level. It looks higher on the left side in both photos.
  12. AliG

    Feds hit with $30M judgment for bid rigging (Brookfield)

    Silly me, there I thought that RMS Sgts had a few other duties in addition to moving people. I wonder if someone was to add up all the tasks that our good RMS Sgt was doing and compare that with the single tasked CR-5 if the cost comparison would still apply.
  13. AliG

    North Korea (Superthread)

    http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/03/us-korea-north-idUSBRE93002620130403 Somebody has to blink...
  14. AliG

    Reserve Pension- Merged

    Only a portion of your total pension payment is equivalent to the CPP. Your payments are divided into a pension + a bridge amount. The bridge amount should be equivalent to the expected CPP for the period you paid into the pension plan and this is the amount that will ceased to be paid upon...
  15. AliG

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    I retired in Sept from multiple Service periods (Reg -> class a/c -> Reg) and had no issues having the pension start as forecast. You are told when to expect initial payment which is normally paid out at the end of the following month for any given month, in this case the first month was Sept so...
  16. AliG

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    Climate / weather can be differentiated as such: Climate is taking your untrained dog for a walk on a leash; weather is the dog at the end of the leash. The dog is constrained by the leash as to were he can go; be it forward (warmer) or back (colder). As you move forward the dog can go further...
  17. AliG

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    I hope that you are not using the Daily mail as gospel. Link to the actual study: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/hadobs/hadcrut4/HadCRUT4_accepted.pdf Full graph is on page 53.
  18. AliG

    Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

    So... Full halt and reverse? Or do the sensible thing and learn / adapt from this? Increase research in large power storage to solve the problem. I suspect that there will be good returns to whomever finds solutions to transient large power storage that does not involve carbon at the end of the...
  19. AliG

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    From the release interview last week; unless the rules change again the gratuity is based on the rate of pay you have *at release*. It's just the length of time in the calculation no longer increase as of 1 Apr.
  20. AliG

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    I was told at the release section here that for CFIRP purposes any class A service breaks the time line. For example, if you have reg then a class A period with intermittent class B and C (deployments) and transferred back to reg then your most recent date of enrolment would be the day you last...