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  1. W

    Switching from DEO merit list to NCM application?

    Hey Allgunzblazing, This is how I feel; 1. I'm not sure what is worse, waiting a year+ as a civilian in a unrelated trade, or working for a year+ as a NCM. I feel like the NCM position would allow me to earn respect by showing them who I am. Ultimately, I do want to be the best possible...
  2. W

    Switching from DEO merit list to NCM application?

    Hey guys, I am wondering if it is possible to switch from a DEO application that is currently merit listed, to a NCM application for the same trades? Would this involve some sort of paperwork to switch, or perhaps it would require redoing the entire process? Any insight would be appreciated. ...
  3. W

    Reserves application: Getting the run around

    It is my deepest desire to have a life long career in the military. As such, I am willing to do anything to make that happen, even if it means taking a longer route to reach my final goals, whether that means reserves or a non-commissioned position. So this is how I feel; 1) Full Time military...
  4. W

    Reserves application: Getting the run around

    Thanks Petard, The reserve unit I am going to try applying to first is The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, as they are the only reserve unit in Canada who have the potential to train for parachuting. My back up choices are; 48th Highlanders of Canada, and the Ontario Regiment in Oshawa. I am...
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    Reserves application: Getting the run around

    Thanks you everyone for your help! Especially you Allgunzblazing, talk about going above and beyond. It is truly appreciated!
  6. W

    Reserves application: Getting the run around

    Hey guys! I am currently merit listed as a Infantry Officer for the regular forces, however, as the Canadian Forces are not hiring a lot of Infantry Officers this year (according to my file manager) I thought it would be within my best interest to continue to grow, and to gain military...
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    BMQ - April 2012

    Don't hold your breath on Infantry, my file manager just told me today that they are not hiring that many Infantry Officers this year ;(
  8. W

    keeping contact with your recruiter

    This is what my recruiter just told me regarding Infantry Officers; "Your file is on the Merit List and will be active until July 2012.  I recommend for you to update the interview and medical in Jun/July time frame and then your file will remain on the list.  They did not hire many at the end...
  9. W

    Artillery Officer Merged Thread

    I'd say it's safe to say one of his professions of choice was Artillery :P
  10. W

    keeping contact with your recruiter

    Waiting to get in probably wasn't part of your original plan (I know it wasn't part of mine), but don't waste this time. I suggest working on your weaknesses.  :2c: To give you an idea, one of my biggest weaknesses is muscle endurance. So i have been swimming 3-5 times a week, doing cross fit...
  11. W

    Artillery Officer Merged Thread

    This site is really big on using the search function to avoid useless threads like this. I'll show you just one of the threads on this site that you can use to begin your research: Army.ca Forums » Army.ca » The Combat Arms » Armour » Topic:  Life as an Armoured Officer...
  12. W

    keeping contact with your recruiter

    I am on the merit list. I do not keep in contact with my recruiter, I feel like I would be wasting his time to ask questions that I can figure out my self. Furthermore, I am not the type of person to play games, such as asking questions just so that my recruiter thinks of me. :2c:
  13. W

    Wrist Watch Recommendations - Merged Thread

    Thanks guys, I'll go with the cheap Timex then.
  14. W

    Wrist Watch Recommendations - Merged Thread

    Hey guys! I am applying to the infantry trade, and am trying to improve my weaknesses. One of them is my sense of direction; so I was wondering if anyone here would recommend me finding a watch with a built in compass. As far as I can tell, the main Pro would be having a compass available for...
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    Pros and Cons

  16. W

    Pros and Cons

    Good luck responding to criticism at BMOQ.
  17. W

    Pros and Cons

    I am not a member of the Canadian Forces, yet as an outsider my top Pro would be working along side people that actually care about each other, and in many ways view each other as family.
  18. W


    Thanks for pointing out my spelling mistake  :facepalm:
  19. W

    Army.ca forum post video?

    and this is how they handle complaints
  20. W


    Fries29 do you have any experience in jumping? One of my biggest attractions of the military is that I will become a stronger person both physically and mentally.. one of the ways I see myself doing this is through facing my fears, one of which is heights.. while it is not a petrifying fear, I...