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  1. E

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    Well i'm here at Otter now and yes it's official Otter is NOT taking any more people. We were told this morning. All future UT's will go to civy u. Reason behind it is the cost with posting and such. also the added "extra" features that RMC brings us. (guess i applied one year to early)...
  2. E

    Can IL&M from Pers be claimed as taxes?

    Tacco, that makes total sense to me. I think i will put in a memo. Might get back a couple of bucks but hey in 5 years when i get posted again, maybe i won't have this problem. tks for the tip on this. Nick
  3. E

    Can IL&M from Pers be claimed as taxes?

    Tks for replies. as far as asking IRP that is what they said, can't claim nothing. Now for the tax part on there website it says that you will have to claim everything of your move. Guess i will be calling them on Monday for clarify that. The only other option was what Tacco said. But maybe...
  4. E

    Can IL&M from Pers be claimed as taxes?

    Hello all, well i am in a totally different boat here and really need some advice. I sold my house here in Gagetown. Packers are in on the 25 July and leave on the 28th. During that time i leave for Kingston with travel dates up to the 2nd of Aug. I don't take my PMQ till the 8th of Aug. Now...
  5. E

    UTPNCM Offers 2011

    Im sorry for sounding like a wuss on my first post. I reread it and yes it sounded like a 2 year old. I have accepted my offer and will "suck" it up, after all we are in the army. Reason why i sounded like that was i will need all the help in the world just for the study part and would not...
  6. E

    UTPNCM Offers 2011

    Wow. Good forums here. I asked a simple question and had the grammar police, suck it up police and the be lucky what you have police all in one shot. I never said i would not go to RMC. All i asked was is there a way to try and get it changed and whom i would ask to. Would going to the PSO be...
  7. E

    UTPNCM Offers 2011

    well im happy and frustated at the same time. i just got accepted in Sigs o but at RMC. i never applied to go to it. told the PSO i DID NOT want to go. i am currently in a B of information system at UNB. i was offered RMC with a choice of 5 degree.  math, physics, chemistry, space science or...
  8. E

    UTPNCM Offers 2011

    nothing here in Gage. still waiting. now here is a story for you. My Bro is an nurse officer stationned in Winnipeg who is good friends with the PSO there. The PSO sat on the board to UT. he told him that offers would only be starting at the end of April all the way till june. very late this...