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  1. Future_Medic

    Should have been sworn in two days ago but....

    Hi From what I remember, if you don't get accepted into a school they sponsor, they do have the school out in BC, I would personally call the center and ask what to do or what happens now. Tanya
  2. Future_Medic

    The End of The Line

    I have Hypo thyroid, and take daily medication I take .1 of my medication but am still not at the correct level of TSH, I'm not sure how much you know about the condition or how your levels of T3 or T4 are but mine are in the normal, and I spoke to a WO at the recruiting office and unless you...
  3. Future_Medic

    My 500 MP?

    Great thank you very much:)
  4. Future_Medic

    My 500 MP?

    I just looked online and it said I got the points in the account history, is there a way for me to message Mike or Tech Support for help? Thanks
  5. Future_Medic

    My 500 MP?

    I just leveled up enough to get my PER I didn't have it before
  6. Future_Medic

    My 500 MP?

    I have linked them because when I post here I get MPs and it will show on my game also what is PER? Sorry if its a dumb question but I'm kinda new to the game
  7. Future_Medic

    My 500 MP?

    Hello I just started playing and I though I was going to get 500 mp but they have not appeared, is there lag time of anything like that? Thanks
  8. Future_Medic

    The End of The Line

    The end of my line has come, and not in a good way. Over the past year I have had Lasik for my eyes to pass the vision requirements because of my astigmatism, I have upgraded my high school biology, and achieved a 78% in my grade 12 course, and while all this is great, my thyroid issue still -...
  9. Future_Medic

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    no this time it was 6 people and a baby they jump in the water and didnt lower the ramp
  10. Future_Medic

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    wow i don't know if anyone post these ones yet but i sadly watched both back-to-back last light house of the dead open water2 - i can't even believe they made a second they were so horrible that i thought i was gonna go crazy lol
  11. Future_Medic

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    My biggest obstacle is a sad one, my parents. I have to upgrade my high school to advance bio, and have been working on it got about a year,  and since i took general in high school my marks of 70 - 80 made me happy. Ive had lasik and work out and have gone on a fairly strict diet, and every...
  12. Future_Medic

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    open water is another one I sadly seen both back to back in one night - i dont think i watched a movie again for 6 months
  13. Future_Medic

    "Worst Movie Of All Time"

    Sky Captain and the Crappy world of Tomorrow
  14. Future_Medic

    BEEP test Soundfile downloads superthread

    I just tried the last link posted and it didnt work for me :( but i found a chart: Level Shuttles Speed (km/h) Shuttle Time (seconds) Total level time (s) Distance (m) Cumulative Distance (m) Cumulative Time (min and seconds) 1 7 8.5 9.00 63.00 140 140 1:03 2 8 9.0 8.00 64.00...
  15. Future_Medic

    what open?

    whats a Sig trade? sorry if that's a stupid question
  16. Future_Medic

    what open?

    Hi Ive been reading some posts any one post said there was nothing really open, however the official forces site still lists both occupations I'm interested in medic and nurse, if i was to call would they be able to tell me if they are still open or do they give that out? Ive been working for a...
  17. Future_Medic

    advice needed please

    wow 60 lbs is great  :D at least i know they work , once my sun burns finish healing on my legs im gonna start, is px90 mostly for men of can females do it too?
  18. Future_Medic

    advice needed please

    Hi I am about to start my workout to prepare for BMQ, and i was wondering if anyone had used the insanity that's shown on TV? it looks like its mostly sit up and push up and stuff we would do there , and i was wondering if it would be something to do or is it a waste of time - in relation to...
  19. Future_Medic

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Hi one thing that's not mentioned on the site is that - at least in Ontario - you need bio 12 and the only 12 bio is a university course, the others can be collage bound ones. i ran in to this problem last Oct and have been working on upgrading for the past several months using a correspondence...