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  1. lucasbutts

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    "Re: Canex and Prep Gear" .... has reduced to talk about the WORST television program to ever be on TV!? My heart is sinking into my gut just thinking about it... Giddy cell phone/shoulder bag addicted girls and a whole fleet of "pratts" in their hurting polo shirts... screw "pratt".. bring...
  2. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    Is there anyone catching a flight at 850 am saturday morning from the vancouver airport?
  3. lucasbutts

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    I come from a family of big eaters... i might as well have been born without teeth they just take up more room in there
  4. lucasbutts

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    ".....A pea rolled of the table and killed a friend of mine... Oh I don't want no more of army life.. hey mom I wanna go, back to Ontario, hey mom I wanna go hooo-oome!" aha but thanks for the response, I guess im just gonna have to eat a lot on the set times... looking forward to the fooood!
  5. lucasbutts

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    Since everyones already on the topic, how is the food in the mess? Ive been told very different things. I am not a very large guy, but my appetite is very large and my metabolism is very fast. Am I going to be able to eat whenever I have free time or only at specific times? regardless, I am sure...
  6. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    yeah freakerz, good luck... 6 more days... :salute:
  7. lucasbutts

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    sounds good, thanks alot for the reply
  8. lucasbutts

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    I am leaving for my BMQ in 9 days and have purchased everything except the following : Plastic soap dish plastic toothbrush toothpaste mouth wash dental floss non disposable razor with blades shaving cream or gel, can deodorant shampoo laundry detergent I am hoping that all of these items...
  9. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    congrats to everyone at the ceremony yesterday, im from BC but im going to be catching a flight to Montreal on the 25th, good luck to everyone going earlier
  10. lucasbutts

    Basic Up

    That is terrible news! I think i watched the first season in 2 days just on youtube... im going for my BMQ on july 25th and will hopefully be allmost finished by the time season two comes out! I really wanted to see it, the teasers look hilarious! "your eight minutes late... EIGHT F***ING...
  11. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    Edited for length, Cheers _Reaper_, i'm going in to work towards being a combat engineer.
  12. lucasbutts

    Nikon D 60 DSLR

    if you want to have some fun shooting locomotives i recommend getting a nice fisheye lens but they're a bit pricey for a good model. As for knowing anything about your camera i do not, im getting a canon rebel T.1
  13. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    "fuzzy806", congrats man, mack i know how you feel, ill be there on Thursday morning as well. I remember when i was counting down the days from 50 until my swearing in.... the last couple weeks have just flew right by. Im getting really excited to be in st. jean the 27'th will be the first day...
  14. lucasbutts

    Drivers Liscence!?

    alright thanks alot for the replies. I just found out that i cant book a road test prior to my departure to st.jean because its full... and my liscence is going to expire before im finished my BMQ.... Will not having a civvie licence hurt me at all? (besides not being able to drive civvie cars...
  15. lucasbutts

    Drivers Liscence!?

    ...and yes i realize im a fool and spelled licence wrong on the topic title...  :crybaby:
  16. lucasbutts

    Drivers Liscence!?

    I did a search on drivers licence's and could only find one relevant topic that was also locked and not active in the last 5 years, SO i decided to make my own topic. (sorry) Im just unable to figure out what the deal is with getting your liscence.... I live in british columbia and currently...
  17. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    supra is also a skate shoe company... but on another note any of the july 27'th people willing to pitch in for a crappy weekend car?
  18. lucasbutts

    Military Discounts List

    Deos the military id card have your photo? And do you get it right away?
  19. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    I wasnt even told that i had to fill out security clearance forms..
  20. lucasbutts

    July 2009 BMQ

    ... that is F***ING WEAK man, i thought it was bad having a flu and running everyday. Shingles would not be fun at all. Sorry to hear that, hope it works out for you.